Deception: The lesser part of Valour – Working the field pt. 2
by Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Lieutenant Jana Kasikova

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Title   Working the field pt. 2
Mission   Deception: The lesser part of Valour
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Lieutenant Jana Kasikova
Posted   Sun Jan 11, 2009 @ 4:35pm
Location   Near last coordinates of Uss Legacy
Timeline   SD6 0925 hrs
Jarred stared into the void of space as the runabout slowed to impulse, the younger lieutenant kept calling him ensign, if she only knew that he'd been promoted back too Lieutenant during the war, he'd even received six commendations for valour, and two order of the federation awards, but that was all classified. She saw the personnel file that had more holes than Swiss cheese. A proximity alarm broke his train of thought and Lt. Kasikova's rant.

Jarred stood and walked too the pile of field cases and opened a black one with the starfleet intelligence logo on it and took out two heavy vests. "put this on Lieutenant, your about too get a real understanding of who I am."

"Wha...?" She started to question, she looked at him and was suddenly frightened, she quickly put the vest on.

"I'm hoping that if we find the Legacy that she's got no new residents, but lately anything is possible, the vest is about the only thing that will keep you from getting too hurt, its got a special Liner in it that dissipates a phaser or disruptor hit up to level 10, but I'd prefer if you don't get shot at, your more paper work than I am."

"Great. " She muttered under her breath. "Just what I need a 'suicide' mission." She was quiet for a moment not being able to process things that were going on around her, thoughts drifted to the USS Chandler.....

Jarred's eyes narrowed for a second, 'the Chandler, I don't remember her during the rescue operations that thought was interrupted by the proximity alarm. "Here we go, the Legacy is in a decaying orbit of the inner planet of this system." jarred changed the course too fly there, "Lieutenant you can relax for the moment, looks like the Legacy is uninhabited, this won't be a repeat of the mess with the Chandler."

She stared at him in shock, "reading my thoughts are you?!" She was angry again, she would be very careful to keep her mind blank from now on.

"Didn't have too read your thoughts too closely, I got demoted saving you and a patient during that fiasco." Jarred looked a read out and mused for a moment. "We're a few minutes away from the Legacy, looks like she's in real bad shape, gonna have to arrange for a tug to come here and tow it too DS5."

"It was you?..." The mysterious face that haunted her dreams. She turned away and looked at the Legacy keeping her mind clear.

Jarred reached for a PADD that was in his vest pocket and opened it, a couple of quick commands and he looked at Zoranna "ever seen a ships command over-ride codes before?" Jarred had accessed the Legacy Command Codes prior too leaving, if the computer was still on line it would shut down all the security features that haven't been altered by unwelcome visitors.

"Sure." She nodded.

"Computer transmit Legacy command codes, Authorization Gamma-three-Alpha-one-wallace unlock." The computer made some electronic noises then spoke "authorization validated, command codes accepted."

"Now what?" She asked.

Jarred looked at his readout, "the shuttle bay doors are on remote access now so we can land the runabout, Legacy should have enough room since she never had all of her auxiliary craft with her for the original mission." As he spoke Jarred manoeuvred the runabout into the proper landing pattern for landing on this class of ship. " I wouldn't get too nervous lieutenant."

"I'm not nervous!" She wanted to start ranting at him again but how could she when he was the one that had saved her life and got demoted in the process...she had kept as many of the crew alive as long as possible and now he had told her it was him. She shook her head clearing her mind.

"We'll have too be careful there's some unusual magnetic readings, not sure if that has something to do with the slipstream drive......"Jarred caught himself too late. 'Two weeks in the brig this time.' He mused.

"Slipstream drive? Isn't that?..." She had never heard of it and well it seemed that Jarred had 'slipped up."

"Since it looks like I'm gonna spend a few days in the brig I might as well fill in a few blanks. The Legacy was a test bed ship for a version of transwarp technology called slipstream, it was amongst the numerous goodies that USS Voyager brought back from its time in the delta quadrant."

Jarred continued, "I've been out of the loop for too long too know much about it but it was important for starfleet that I find the drive system or find who stole it." Jarred's ears suddenly twitched "DOWN!!!" a small flying object buzzed over head He pulled out his pistol and fired three times at the coppery coloured machine.

Zorana dropped to the ground, her had covering her head. She heard the pistol firing and she closed her eyes.

Jarred looked at the pile of wreaked machinery. "haven't seen these in a few years" he kicked the wreckage with the toe of his boot. then he looked over at Zoranna she was clearly in distress.

Zorana had lifted her head and looked and the twisted mess that was at Jarred's feet. She was shaking slightly and she did her best to contol it, "haven't seen what in years?" She asked, hoping that her voice sounded stronger than she felt.

"Cardassian Riot control drone, these are old ones too." jarred said with some joy he picked up the tricorder he dropped and scanned the wreckage, there was a very fine DNA trace on it. he looked at Zoranna again she'd clearly never heard gun fire let alone phaser fire in a while. "we'll head too the bridge, but I think we'll use the transporter on the runabout."

"What the hell are Cardassian riot control drones doing on this ship?" She asked angrily, ~she was not about to be killed for....for this. ~ She thought, forgetting to keep her mind clear around the Ensign.

"Riot drones are robots that are used during riots to assist local authorities to do crowd control, basically there armed with non-lethal weapons, but I didn't wanna take any chances with this one." Jarred started back to the runabout "we can beam our selves too the bridge of the legacy and try too get her under way, hopefully under her own power."

"Why there here is took keep someone occupied while retaking the ship, its the who that I need too confirm." His thoughts were interrupted by the shimmering lights and noises of the transporter engaging, Jarred opened his eyes and looked around the bridge. "Can you goto one of the science stations over on the left side and scan the interior of the ship?"

"I'm gonna check the engineering stations and see if we can use the impulse drive too stablize the orbit."

"The docking hatches are damaged, possibly forced open, and there are three more of those 'things' out there looking for us."

"We'll beam them onto the planet below as soon as I can get a damage report to come up on screen." Jarred's face went pale. he saw the system readout and was taken back by the ships condition. The impulse drive hummed too life, jarred jumped over the bridge rail too the helm position and entered a standard orbit course. "Ok let's beam those little fellas down too the class C planet below."

"Oh Lieutenant, I'm not an ensign. I'm a Lieutenant like you, I've just been busted so many times I don't bother wearing a rank insignia anymore." Jarred said with some amusement and then entered a course to break orbit.

"Oh a rebel...good something else I can add to my report." She smiled at him.

Jarred just smiled and looked at his console, DS5 Was 1.8 hours away at full impulse. then he thought to himself ~ I wonder how the food is in DS5's brig. ~


Lt(jg) (Supposedly) Jarred Wallace
Starfleet Intel operations DS5

Lt(jg) Zoranna Kasikova
Starfleet medical DS5