Judgement – Picking up the pieces
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant JG Robert Feinstein & Lieutenant Vincent Kramer

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Title   Picking up the pieces
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant JG Robert Feinstein & Lieutenant Vincent Kramer
Posted   Mon Jan 03, 2011 @ 4:59am
Location   Main Engineering
Timeline   SD 35 - 14:00hrs
OLD SD - 16

“Alright,” The platoon commander said over the Comm channel, “We’ve got one chance at this Marines. Reports say that there are about a dozen terrorists in there, with about as many hostages as well. Reports also say they’ve prepped explosive devices in Main Engineering. We can’t afford to waste time with precision here…the terrorists might be using hostages as moving shields. Here’s what we’re going to do. We’re going to cut the lights and open the doors. Flashbang ‘em, Stun ‘em. Then we move. Everybody who has a rifle, set wide beams at level 4. Carbines, level 2. Take any and all shots. We need to take them down now. Shields, at the front.” The marines quickly got into position and waited for the final order.

The platoon leader looked at one of the men who was manning the panel in the corridor and raised his hand up, “Now!”


Tan'Rek could no longer hear Hartsfield either. He waited with So'Ren and the others holding his position uneasily. He was in such a state of overstretched readiness that the slightest thing would jolt him into a mistake so he tried to keep his concentration by humming. He was sure Elliot had this in his masterplan.

So'Ren saw the doors to the outer corridor for Engineering beginng to open. "What the hell!?!" He said in a surprised manner.

"OPEN FIRE! TAKE OUT THOSE BASTARDS BEFORE THEY CAN GET INSIDE!" He shouted as he aimed his weapon at the first figure he saw to enter the corridor. He watched as the body immediately dropped to the ground as he aimed his weapon at the second target as he sought cover behind a pole.


Trellis had never served in active combat during any of the recent wars. He was too young to have served during the Dominion War or any of the precepitant actions leading up to the devestating conflict.

Starfleet Security did a fine job in training officers in typical scenarios they might encounter during land-base or even ship-to-ship events. However, they never prepared you the trauma of having to lead an incurrsion into a hostage situation.

Trellis knew that the Maquis terrorists that had taken control of the station were intent on killing anybody who stood in their way. However, he wasn't prepare for the affects of having to decide between the hostages or neutralizing the terrorists completely. It was never his intention to harm a single hostage, but he knew there was no way to take out the terrorists without unfortunate. . .casualties.

He knew that harboring those thoughts were not going to help him do his job anymore effectively. Instead he decided to focus on the rebuilding of the station. He knew that taking such an active role would go along ways towards demonstrating his leadeship ability to the Captain when it was time to assign the new head of station security.

"Can I help you," Feinstein said, still a bit unnerved from what he had gotten himself into on this assignment.

Trellis stopped and smiled at the officer. "Yes, I'm here to see the OPS Chief and whoever is running Engineering at the moment." he said.

"Well Ops Chief would be me, Lt. Feinstein. And you are?" Robert said.

Vince heard the conversation taking place near by. He stepped over to the officers he stated, "I'm Lt. Kramer, Asst Chief of Engineering. Can I help you in some way?"

Robert looked over and saw the ACOE and let him continue.

Trellis smiled, "Yes, I am here to check and see how repairs are going on the station, particularly Main Engineering since the Maquis attack that took place a few weeks ago." he replied to the gathered men.

"I understand there was considerable damage to the Engineering Bay. As the new Chief of Security, i just want to keep an eye on everything. " he said with that same smile.

Lt. Kramer hesitated a moment, not to step on Lt. Feinstein's shoes, then said, "The repairs themselves are on schedule. We did receive some additional personnel from Starfleet temporarily last week. Based on the reports I have seen, most should be completed in another 10 days or so."

Kramer looking back and forth at the two officers, then continued. "You are more than welcome to tour the area."

Trellis looked up as he remembered the Engineer that visited his office upon his arrival. "Lieutenant Kramer, pleasure to see you again." Trellis responded.

"Why don't you give us a brief tour?" he said.

Robert just let the two talk, he had a few things he was trying to attend to since the repairs were needed, but it was in his best interest to learn a little bit more about the station. After all it was his new home, and he needed to be come one with her.

Kramer put his hands on his hips with a strained look of thinking on his face. He looked up at a couple of the large screens that were projecting the current data and picked up a PADD before he began. "OK. Current status is that fusion generators 2 and 3 are shut down. Plant 1 is functioning at 100% and 4 is at70% due to partial cooling line damage.”

Kramer looked at the two officers and said, “Let’s head over to plant 3. It is being worked on right now.”

Trellis nodded as he followed the two men further into the Engineering bay.

As they walked down the access corridor to plant 3, Kramer further explained. “Plant 2 is totally evacuated due to radiation leakage.”

"Are there any concerns of further system failures?" Trellis inquired. "From what I saw, there were explosive devices planted throughout the area to prevent any kind of breach by station security forces." he added.

As they continued down the passageway, “A systematic search was completed of all engineering areas.” But with a shrug from Kramer, “There is always a chance.”

“Out of the 12 back-up generators,” Kramer continued, “8 have been brought up to 100% capacity. 1 is totally non-operational. The other 3 were hit pretty bad, but are still functional, but most of the issues are the containment shielding.” “Once we get that back up, we’ll bring each of them back on line after safety protocols have been completed.”

Trellis quirked a brow. "What safety protocols does your Department plan on implemnting?" he asked, concerned about any alterations to current protocols throughout the station.

Kramer wasn’t sure why he had to explain this to the new Chief of Security, but went through the motions of procedure anyway. “Level 6 security protocols have been put into place. Security personnel have been placed at all entry and access points checking and allowing authorized personnel only. That personnel list is monitored and updated from main Engineering.”

"Last I saw the list, it had been updated in the last hour." Robert said, tapping his PaDD, trying to re-route a few of his techs around the base.

As they approached the outer access hatch to Plant 3, two security officers were there with type 3 phasers in hand.

"Is it really necessary to have phasers in hand?" Robert asked, as they approached the entrance. Considering you could see people coming phasers should be slung, or so he thought.

One of the security officers slung his rifle over his shoulder to better look at the officer’s credentials and authenticate them.

Holding back his frustration Kramer began, “Forgive me for being a little too blunt on my first day, But these are your men. The security level was heightened and this is what is required. I don’t tell them how to respond.”

Trellis quirked a brow as he demonstrated his credentials to the security officer. Although it had only been a few days since he had taken over as Security Chief, he still expected more recognition than this. "I suppose this is one of the *newer* security protocals in place in Engineering?" he said dispassionately.

In an attempt to defend the security officer, Kramer added. “And since these guys were here when this action took place, I’d say that they were just a little nervous and possibly just a little over cautious.”

Trellis reserved his comment for the moment.

After verifying their authorization the heavy shielded door slid aside. They stepped through into a bee-hive of activity. The Fusion reactor that stood before them filled the room. They were on the 4th level of the 6 level Fusion Reactor Facility. The round reactor room was only 20 meters across.

As the 3 officers entered the reactor room they had to dodge the busy engineering and repair crewmen. They walked to the railing and looked down. Kramer could see that the other levels seemed to be just as busy.

Kramer stepped over to a control interface at the railing. He pulled up the latest stats on Reactor 3. Kramer began to read, “Reactor containment at 95%. Shielding is holding the balance in check for now. Cooling system has multiple lines still needing to be replaced do to radiation exposure. That’s going to take the longest time.” He looked up at the 2 officers before continuing, “Injectors are being individually calibrated.”

"What is the timeline for calibrations to be completed and resources can be diverted to other areas. From what I understand, there are still sections of the station still damaged from the coordinated explosions at the hands of the terrorists earlier this month." He replied.

Kramer began walking to the left around the railing towards the lift. “It will still be several days, but are still on schedule based on the initial estimates made last week.”

Trellis nodded. "Good, I'm assuming that your department has discussed these plans with OPS and integrated it with their currently established plans?" He asked looking in the direction of the Operations Officer.

"I'm sure Captain Tahir and Commander Davies will have a litany of suggestions in light of the siege upon Main Ops by the terrorists." He added.

At that moment, two Ensigns walked up from different directions, interrupting, “Lieutenant?” “Lieutenant?“

Kramer did a double take looking at each of them, and put up his hands to stop the questions before they began.

Kramer stated, “If you Sirs will excuse me.“ Glancing at the Ensigns, “I have some fires to put out, you might say. Please continue to look around. Ask any of the officers if you have any questions.”

Lt. Kramer waited a moment then added, “I will be back in Main Engineering in about an hour.”

“Alright fellas, let’s go.” Lt. Kramer turned and walked over to the lift with both Ensigns as they began to rattle off their situation to him.