Cascade – It starts with a ... (Civilian thread) - Part II
by Commander Karen Villiers & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Chief Executive Officer Melvyn Raddon (NPC) & Arrival Stovon Reece & (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek & UFP Ambassador Valtek & Chief Executive Officer Wayne Bradshaw & Alderman Dorian Gabriel

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Title   It starts with a ... (Civilian thread) - Part II
Mission   Cascade
Author(s)   Commander Karen Villiers & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Chief Executive Officer Melvyn Raddon (NPC) & Arrival Stovon Reece & (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek & UFP Ambassador Valtek & Chief Executive Officer Wayne Bradshaw & Alderman Dorian Gabriel
Posted   Tue Oct 23, 2012 @ 7:11pm
Location   The Box Of Delights
Timeline   SD70 14:00
Melvyn Raddon became more comfortable as he sat back and enjoyed the view. The establishment was quite popular this afternoon. It seemed as if this was the entertainment destination for the promenade. However, from what he had learned from others, not all that glittered was golden within the four walls of this tavern.


A brunette with dimpled forehead of a Risian sashayed over in a skirt short enough to raise the pulse, and everything else if your tastes ran that way. "Hi, I'm Vedra, can I take your orders sir?"

"Yes my dear, Acamarian Brandy, please." He said to the woman before him.

As the woman left he continued to review the area. Evidently the bar had been closed by station security due to disorderly conduct. Additionally, a dead body was found. All of that doesn't even begin to touch on the fact that an actual employee had been murdered within the previous 6 months.

"Coming right right up," she held out her padd, "Upfront, or would you like to start a tab?"

"Thank you, my dear." He said as he placed his payment on the padd. He felt that there was certainly room for him onboard.

Wayne's eyes landed Melvyn Raddon just for a second but it was long enough for an image to start to form. Like himself here was a businessman someone who could possibly be a partner or a compete against him. Having finished his meal already Wayne rose from his seat and walked over to where Raddon was sitting. "Mind if I join you sir." Said Wayne politely just loud enough for the other man to hear over the noise that was going on around them.

Melvyn looked upward from his seat towards the aging Marine. "Last time I checked, this was still a free station." He said with a smirk as he gestured towards the other seat. "How can I help you?" He said to his friend and often competitor.

"To be honest Melvyn I thought that maybe this time I could help you out. I know you're considering branching out to this station and if what I hear is correct your interest and mine will not likely clash so maybe we can help each other out." Said Wayne calmly as he sat down

Melyvn took a sip from his glass as he listened. "What particularly did you have in mind?" He asked.

"What I had heard was that you were considering opening a lounge restruant similar to this one. I do not have all of the details because to be honest it is not an area I have an interest in beyond some small investments. I do know that it takes time to get established anyplace and build a customer base. What I am offering is to help you to get that customer base and possibly help out with the red tape that you might face. in return all I would ask for is that you put a small exclusive room someplace in the establishment were people could hold private meetings away from the office." said Wayne calmly he was not asking for much and thought that he was being more then helpfull

Melvyn tilted his head slightly as if in deep thought. "You are willing to provide resources and considerable assistance all in exchange . . .for a conference room?" He asked incredulously. "Forgive me, but I fail to appreciate the value in such an offer. Especially considering that you already have an office onboard this station, if not your ship." he replied.

"You would of course be correct however there are times as I am sure that you are aware there are times when people want a more laid back relaxed place to meet. Not only that but it would provide you with another way to make money by renting out the room." Said Wayne calmly then as an afterthought he added "I am sure you are thinking that I am offering alot for little return and maybe I am I want you to have every chance to make this venture a success and who knows maybe sometime down the road I will need some help from you."

Melvyn took once last drink from his glass and placed it down on the table before him. "I'll be in touch with you on that deal." he said as he slowly stood and began o make his way though the crowd towards the exit. He still could not wrap his head around the reason that would prompt Wayne Bradshaw to approach him with such an innocuous proposal.

A conference room?

What could possibly be the benefit in that for his corporation? It was an enigma worth resolving.


Stovon smiled up at the Vulcan, "Do for me? You want to know what you can do for me? Well, I have a few suggestions, but I'm afraid you wouldn't like any of them."

Valtek arched a risible eyebrow. Stovon Reece, his mind supplied for him as he ran through the station's Vulcan civilians. Apparently a hybrid, with little Vulcan decorum. Well, he couldn't fault the man for that. He unblinkingly stared down at the artist, his hands folded behind him. "You have been staring at me for approximately thirteen point seven minutes. I can only assume you are not planning on assassinating me, or perhaps passing off your drawing to some unscrupulous Federation spy." The faint glint of his eyes clearly pegged the deadpan statement as a joke.

"Has it been that long? Well, I can assure I have no interest in assassination. Too messy for my tastes." Stovon leaned back in his chair. "As for selling the drawing, do you think I could get good money for it?"

The ambassador peered down inscrutably, as if genuinely appraising the drawing and critiquing it. "It is accurate, however, I suspect I am not nearly a popular model." It was said with the assured air of someone who knew just how unpopular they were, and barely cared. "Such as yourself, I may venture. The other patrons have been staring at you since you entered the establishment."


As her drink arrived Pip smiled at the barman and dug her hand into the bowl again. Once her mouth was empty she raised the glass of amber liquid and drained it in one go, the fiery liquid barely coming into contact with her lips. "Another when you ha' the time please," she asked as she slipped off her barstool. Just to mark that the spot was taken she left a knitted woollen scarf over the seat. It trailed colourfully down to the floor.

Until the recent demonstration outside the Rommy Embassy Pip hadn't known that there was such thing as a pro-human organisation. Now that she did she was keen to contact it, and for the first time since that protest she had seen one of its activists.

She made her way towards the table he had taken, "You got a minute?" Pip asked.

Rene Babeu sat at the table silently as he continued to watch the denizens of the station continue to gather within the establishment. It sickened him to see so many aliens benefiting from the benevolence of the Federation without ever contributing to its success.

Where were they during the Dominion War. When countless Federation citizens were losing their lives everyday just to defend their homes. Where were they when Starfleet put up a valiant last-stand effort to protect Earth from the Borg. How many of their families lost members in the defense of Earth, the very BIRTHPLACE of the Federation? Now. . .here he sat, unable to even get a simple DRINK in a Federation installation.

He looked to his left and saw the young girl approach him. "Yes?" He said to Pip.

"Is it true that you're for people? Human people I mean," she said, hesitation over what she meant apparent in her voice. "My family ... whole colony were killed by, by Cardassians. I don't have much time for aliens like. Well, some are ok, but, but I'd rather have our colony back an' none of them around. I mean if there's anything I can do ..." Pip rambled, not sure any more what she wanted, other than to help.

Rene leaned in close to the young girl. "Do you really wish to avenge your family?" He asked her intently.

"More than my life," Pip said with fiery determination, "If I find him, and know its him then I'll die tryin' if I have to. Starfleet came a day too late, an' I'll never trust them to do the job."

". . .then live," he said to her. "Live your life in complete and utter defiance to those that wish to see Humans become second-class citizens in our own homes." he said in low, but firm tone.

"Where was your colony and how did you end up here?" Rene asked.

Pip's gaze darkened. She didn't often think of home. "Eden Colony," she said, her tone devoid of the life it had earlier held. "It was near the Cardassian border. They say I was the only one left alive, shielded by me mother's own body. I came here because I've tracked down almost every Cardassian who could've led the raid on my settlement, an' all but one I've found couldn't've done it. All but one."

Rene admired her tenacity. Revenge was often a sufficient motivator in life. "Who is the Cardassian?" he asked.

"Unless I've made a mistake in a library, his name's Getal. He's on this station, but I haven't seen him. I'll know when I do if its him, or if I have to go on looking. I saw the bastard, I was peekin' out from under me Ma. I watched him laugh before he left. I'd know." With that repetition, her fire returned a bit.

"Well kid, it seems like you came to the right place. Considering he's the Ambass---" he was interrupted by the sounds coming from the other side of the bar.

Across the bar stood Karl Petrov. A Federation civilian that was obviously unhappy with the service he had been receiving thus far.



TBC ...