Cascade – When words become nightmares
by Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace

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Title   When words become nightmares
Mission   Cascade
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace
Posted   Sat Jun 01, 2013 @ 4:54am
Location   Quarters - Lieutenant Rhiana T'sehan
Timeline   SD 71 0445 hrs

The clang of the priority comm channel alert broke the silence of the night. Rhiana Rolled over, and saw the Star Fleet intelligence emblem, the screen outlined in red indicating a text priority message, Rhiana didn't attempt to even cover herself as she rolled out of bed, she wasn't in the mood to deal with any of the social fax-pas that she dealt with among humans for the longest time.

As she sat down at her private desk, she keyed in the security code and looked at the message single line of text: "Winter is Coming".

"Computer code phrase Winter is coming."

="Code phrase indicates the return of diplomatic personnel are being returned by a zeta unit."=

Rhiana sat back, she hated the idea that those cowboys from zeta division were coming to the station, she hated it more that some poor diplomat was going to be in a foul mood because they took way too many risks to get them to safety. But the fact that this mission didn't have designation meant she had to go talk to the captain, or the XO, but since there was no specific arrival time she didn't rush to even have a shower, she was getting tired of the unending crap of being left out of things that impacted the station, the bombings had been a purely security matter and yet she had indications it was more of a political matter than just some random events. But she was tired, she was debating a vacation, Martina and Rose could hold the fort, Craig was going to be back in a few days, so what was the panic.

Rhiana grabbed a pair of tights and a tank top and got semi-dressed, she slid into a pair of shoes and walked out of her quarters. She wasn't looking out of place, at this hour, going for a work out or possibly coming back from one. She exited the lift two sections over from intelligence when she was notified of another message, this one had a rare priority one standing for her.

She made a short jog too the intelligence office, she slipped into the back locker room to change into a uniform, she was in the middle of dressing when when she got notified of another message. she pulled her shirt on and walked out of the locker room to her office, she tossed the uniform coat on to the couch and sat at her desk, it was another message:

="Dawnstar has landed at Torbin base under repairs, winter is being escorted by ghost, new ETA to follow."=

"Who the hell is Winter?" Rhiana exclaimed.

="Winter is a priority diplomatic contacted being escorted to Deep Space Five by special agent identified code name Ghost."=

She thumped her surgically repaired hand on the desk, "Who the hell is Agent Ghost!!"

="That information is restricted to the station commander."=

Rhiana threw a ceramic mug into the wall then screamed. John poked his head in the door "Locked out on another zeta mission?"

"Yeah, who the hell are these guys?"

"Don't know much, but from what I've been able to piece together Zeta is a special needs unit, diplomatic matters, and some search and rescue stuff, I think that Lieutenant Wallace was part of it, and Chief Ayers is too."

"Makes sense, but the Chief is on Ivor so what is the chance its someone new?" Rhiana said

"Very good in my book." John said.

"We need to talk to the Captain." Rhiana said as she stood up."

John looked at Rhiana "You know I got my transfer orders today?"

"Yeah, I'm not happy that I'm loosing you, but that's life I guess." Rhiana started to walk, "Hopefully Mr Ghost is careful in his actions."


Lt Rhiana T'sahen

Ens John Maxwell

DS5 intelligence