Incommunicado – Is there in beauty, no truth?
by Citizen Akamu "Ka'er" Makani & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant JG Petro

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Title   Is there in beauty, no truth?
Mission   Incommunicado
Author(s)   Citizen Akamu "Ka'er" Makani & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant JG Petro
Posted   Sun Apr 29, 2012 @ 4:33am
Location   Akamus Quarters / Ops
Timeline   SD 50, 1015

Akamu was livid, his white scars standing out against his dark face. A Starfleet officer had... attacked Prince. Violated him! A sentient computer! Back home, defiling a computer in such a way was the same a stealing a woman's honor. The punishment was just as severe, and no one claiming to have a shred of honor did it. This Kel'tor man had no honor, that was a fact.

Schooling his face into a perfect soldier's scowl, neither aggressive nor passive, he opened the communications channels.

"I need to speak to the captain," he said to the head that appeared on screen. "It concerns the honor, or rather, the lack of such, of one of her officers."

Petro looked at the man on the screen. "I can make that arrangement. Can I tell her who is calling and which officer this pertains to?"

"I'm Akamu Makani," Ka'er growled. "The Captain met me a few weeks ago. The officer in question is Ensign Kel'tor, a security officer on your station. Now, can I speak with her?" The growl fell away with the last sentence, his tone suddenly becoming polite, his expression all smiles.

Petro smiled, though she wasn't sure why. "It will be just a moment Mr. Makani." Petro said. She kept him online but muted her end of the transmission while she queried the Captain. "Captain, there is an Akamu Makani wishing to speak with you regarding Ensign Kel'tor."

It was one of those rare occasions where Tasha stood at the viewing pane, a cup of weak tea in her hand just staring down onto Ops below and she felt that she was being watched. Her eyeline dropped to see Petro looking up anxiously, not so much to her, but to her office window.
Tasha smiled, wanted to wave, but it would have been inappropriate, so she moved away from the window, out through the outer office and onto the upper platform.

"Petro?" She mouthed in calm manner, so as to not arose suspicions of the other crew.

"A call for you." Petro mouthed back, tilting her head to the console in front of her.

Tasha signalled with a backward nod of her head for the J'Naii to come up and she returned to the outer office and waited.

Petro returned her attention to Akamu and unmuted the connection. "It will be just a moment while I transfer you." She placed him on hold and made her way to the Captain's office.

"Ma'am." Petro said as she entered. "There's a Akamu Makani that wishes to speak with you. He said you've met him before?" The last was more of a question than a statement.

The Captain gave a nod. "Yes, I have met him. Did he tell you what he wanted in regard to Ensign Kel'tor?" She inquired.

"He said it pertained to the honor, or rather, the lack of such, ." Petro gave her best impression of the gruff sounding man.

"OK, lets see what he wants." Tasha said as she pick up the communication connection.
"Akamu, Captain Tahir. How can I help?" She asked unaware of the situation.

Akamu's smile, though tense, was genuine. He'd only met the human captain once, but had found her to be a person he honestly liked. He hoped she wouldn't disappoint him now, and would do the right thing.

"A close friend has been... attacked by one of your officer's, Captain," he said slowly. "Ensign Kel'tor. I have security footage to back up my claim. Both on my ship, and from your hangar bay."

Tasha looked across to Petro and replied.

"Attacked. I'll have security and medical brought in. Is your friend hurt?" Tasha asked in concern.

"It might change something for you, Captain," he continued, "to find out that the individual violated was Prince."

Tasha shook her head. "No, it doesn't change a thing, not in the least. What sort of attack and what did Prince do to defend himself?" She asked and though she could see Akamu was worried, she also feared he may also take matters into his own hands and so conferenced the conversation into the security office.

"Who's Prince?" Petro asked in a faint whisper.

Tasha leant towards Petro, "A sentient android life-form." Tasha explained.

"Kel'tor boarded the Selen'ai under false pretenses," Ka'er explained. "To conduct a 'survey', supposedly for security purposes. Prince may have aggravated the man with some teasing, have been a bit difficult. He's not being especially forthcoming about that part, but gods know he can be childish sometimes. Regardless, Kel'tor crossed a line when he used a high-end computer scrambler to disrupt Prince's neural net. Prince was helpless to prevent Kel'tor from downloading... something. He's still not sure what exactly was taken."

"Scrambled! And is Prince OK? Does he require any attention?" Tasha inquired with an audible concern.

"I'd give it a few days till we know for sure, but so far, there seem to be no long-term effects." Ka'er responded.

"Glad to hear that at least. Now when you say that Prince teased the ensign, can he recall what he said and if Prince can, would he be able to say the ensign downloaded something vital or something trivial?" She asked, trying to discern what was done and not really sure what recourse to take. "And by trivial, I don't mean that to sound trivial." Tasha added as she also pressed her console signalling the security office.

"As I said, Prince isn't being exactly forthcoming about what he said to Kel'tor, but he probably told him, via being difficult, to stop sticking his nose where it didn't belong," Ka'er paused. "As to what was taken, Prince did say that Kel'tor was asking about the tactical systems and the power distribution." He paused, wondering if he should say more. "Captain," he continued, finally, "the Selen'ai may be nearly twenty years old, but the designs are still in use by the Telian military. Harbingers are some of the toughest ships we have. There are people - Dominion agents, perhaps - who would pay a hefty price for information like that." He paused again. "The Federation is probably not in any danger, but my people would be."

"I can't promise that you will get the result that Prince deserves, but I'll make sure that security is made aware of the situation and take necessary steps." Tasha guaranteed.

Trellis sat in his office going over reports when he was suddenly distracted by the incoming comm signal from Ops.

=^= "Trellis," he responded.

Tasha turned away from Akamu and faced Petro as she tapped her comm.
=^= "Lieutenant, I need you to bring Ensign Kel'tor in for questioning regarding an assault on a civilian." Tasha stated, not referring to Prince in any other term. "I need a full and accurate statement of events." She requested.

=^= "Wha. .where did this assault take place? How many people were involved? Are there any casualties?" Trellis asked, trying to ascertain more information regarding a security event.

Tasha realised it was a question she had not even thought to ask and hoped that her best guess was accurate and that Akamu would bring this to her attention sooner rather than later.

=^= "Earlier this morning, onboard a civilian vessel. Single casualty, though not life threatening. The assault has been captured and Akamu Makani has the footage. I am sure you will be interested to view it." Tasha suggested.

Petro watched and listened, making mental notes of all the interactions.

"I can have it sent over to your office on a secure channel right away, Lieutenant," Akamu interjected. "I would also recommend viewing your own security footage from the time of the assault; Docking Bay 3, around 1000. You'll be able to clearly see Kel'tor entering and leaving my ship."

Tasha silenced the link to Akamu, with her hand just out of the viewers pick up and pretended to stifle a yawn.
"Petro, make sure that this conversation is channelled directly to Trellis' terminal. I want to be sure that this is dealt with internally." She blinked a few times and reopened the audio.

"Aye Captain." Petro replied.
"Ooh, forgive me. Not enough sleep." She stated. "I think that is the best course of action. Lieutenant Trellis, I shall leave this in your capable hands, but I need to be kept in the loop." She stated to the acting CSO.


Lieutenant Si'Lar Trellis
Acting Chief of Security until new person arrives

Captain Tasha Tahir

Akamu Makani

Lieutenant JG Petro
Communications Officer