Time is Fleeting – {USS BUNKERHILL} ....On the darker side
by Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman & Lieutenant Jana Kasikova

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Title   {USS BUNKERHILL} ....On the darker side
Mission   Time is Fleeting
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman & Lieutenant Jana Kasikova
Posted   Mon Aug 31, 2009 @ 1:25pm
Location   Observation lounge
Timeline   SD14 1125hrs

"Wait wait wait, why would Starfleet send a bunch of non combat ships into a battle where their top destroyer class ships get cut down in the beginning?" Bruce interrupted the future Jarred.

"Because we got caught off guard Bruce." The older Jarred started "Two task groups were over twelve hours away when the first attack happened, and the ships that were on hand were no match, Da Vinci and London were already en route when the patrol area was put on red alert, McCoy was another three hours behind when Obsidian Command gave the order to evacuate."

Jackson shook his head in disbelief, looking across to Jarred, then to Bruce before settling back on the older Jarred. "And what can we do now? You must have found a weakness or you wouldn't be here now? Or is this a mistake? The medic enquired with a meek voice, not sure if it were his place to ask the question.


The younger Jarred some how agreed with his crew "Captain there has to be more, you've already broken the temporal prime directive to be here, so clearly there is more." Jarred asked

"There is, we discovered during one engagement that there ships have a limitation, which is why they strike so fast and so hard, most of there weapons consume huge amounts of power which is why they went after USS Jacksonville first, and the station with the tachion bomb, there not unbeatable just very difficult too keep in a prolonged battle, they use a lot of what can be described as blitzkrieg type tactics." the captain said hoping that this would be somewhat useful.

"Great, we set up some Holo-Ships and when they attack those we have the rest of the fleet warp in and attack them after they have fired?" Bruce asked figuring that would work.

"We tried that, there sensors are sensitive enough to determine if there holographic decoys or the real thing, we have discovered that there shields cannot handle quantum torpedoes they seem to interact in a negative way with their shield generators." The Captain said "We've even experimented with quantum phasers, there too bulky to mount on anything smaller than a galaxy class or a sovereign, time has become the enemy, I'm giving you the design now Bruce so that when the time comes you'll be ready."

"I never had thought of using a phaser that way." Bruce stated looking over the phaser specification.

"You came up with it Bruce, or more accurately you will. I'm just going to kick start the process." The older Jarred said

"I don't want to be a kill-joy here, but won't you coming back and helping us, sir, drastically alter the time-line?" Elliott asked. "I know we're trying to avoid something horrible from happening, but just the idea of changing things sounds dangerous."

Taali nodded without realising she was doing it. ~Yeah, that's a good point~ she thought to herself.

"My staff had this debate with me two hours ago, they saw things my way because we're living it, you're not, I don't know how many times this conversation has taken place I only know that the federation is at war ." Captain Wallace started.

"Okay, Lets just say for one minute you coming back prevents this war what says that it doesn't cause another or worse" Jarred said

The older jarred looked at his younger counterpart "because of what happened on the Asia Jarred."

The room fell dead silent, "What do you mean?"

"Damn it!" The older Jarred decided to lay it on the line "The Romulan attack! Ok, the Romulan government will be over thrown in less than a year, the group behind the attack that happened a few days ago will be the driving force behind a coup." he said exasperated "We are going to be at war with the Romulan Empire in two years, they are going to use weaponry that no one thinks is possible, the first attack is on Deep Space five, they attacked early during the change of watch, they even knew which part of the station to attack and send boarding parties to start the massacre."

Remini leant against the bulkhead and slowly eased himself to a sitting position on the floor.
"I hate Romulans!" He said in a hushed voice as his head fell to his chest. "Never trusted them, never will." He shook his head before bringing it back up to aim his next question at the older Wallace, despite knowing what the answer would be, he had to ask the question.

"What is it that you expect us to do?" The nurse asked, casting a sideways glance at the younger Jarred, the question was mournful.

"That is a good question. Captain, your being here has altered the time so what's not saying this has succeeded?" Jarred knowing this should push a few buttons.

"If it does succeed I'll know when I return to the future, but for now all I can do is tell you what could happen, I hope you can act upon it, there are some things I can't control, the war will happen its unavoidable. My best advice is to be ready, I can't do much else."

Taali's eyes widened again. ~This war will happen~ he had said. She felt sick at the thought. "Excuse me, Sir? If there are two years until the first attack, is it really too late to do anything to stop the war?" she asked. "If we know which ships and what faction are to blame for the coup, can't we do anything at all to stop them or warn their own enemies within the Star Empire?"

"Its already under way, the outpost where the attack was staged from will be attacked by the USS Merlin in a matter of a day or two, after that the Romulan senate will cease all diplomatic ties again, tension levels will boil over within the Romulan senate and lead two senators who are members of this faction to overthrow the current government, in a political power-play." he paused "All I can do is reduce the damage that will be done, the chain of events has already started, its only a matter of time now."

Remini wondered if it started here at DS5, with the Romulan attack, or it that was just a ploy to bring a new era of warfare to the fore between the federation & the Romulans. He looked at the floor, trying to make sense of the patterns in the floor, rather than answer his own question.

Jarred looked at his older counterpart, "Captain, can we have a few minutes?"

The older man nodded and left the room, Jarred then looked at his staff, "this started out as a training mission for a war game, now we have to decide how to handle this." Jarred said with iron that didn't escape anyone in the room.

"Why not let it ride a bit. We can install the phaser upgrades and see what comes from there. If the upgrades work then we know a way that they wouldn't see coming." Freeman suggested.

"The thing we have to worry about is trying not to mess with the timeline too much," John added to the discussion. "We're already doing a lot as it is and further damager could be harmful in the long run. I say we just weight that against every action we take as a precaution."

Claire sat quietly and listened to the men around the briefing table. "How do we know that this hasn't already changed future events? We know what is going to happen anyways..."

End Pt. 3

Nurse Remini Jackson
By Tasha

Lt Jarred Wallace
CIO DS5 / Acting CO USS Bunker hill

Ens John Elliott
ACOO DS5, Acting TO USS Bunker Hill

Ensign Taali South
Acting Helms, USS Bunker Hill

Lt. Bruce Freeman
CEO DS5, Acting CEO USS-Bunker Hill

Lt. (JG) Claire Mackenzie
Acting Chief Counsellor DS5/ Observer USS Bunker-Hill