Incommunicado – Alone in the dark
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Chief Executive Officer Melvyn Raddon (NPC)

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Title   Alone in the dark
Mission   Incommunicado
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Chief Executive Officer Melvyn Raddon (NPC)
Posted   Sat Jun 16, 2012 @ 8:27pm
Location   The Matthias/Sector space around DS5
Timeline   SD 58
"Communications, hail that damn station again. I'm getting sick and damn tired of just sitting out here." Captain Dante Hanks said from his command chair. It had been at least 12 hours since anyone onboard the Matthias had received any form of communication from the Starfleet Station. He wasn't a communications expert, but he knew something wasn't going correctly.

"Still no response, Captain Hanks." Came the young conn officer.

"Damnit," Captain Hanks said allowed. "We can't risk flying in blind. Plus, we don't know if the station is destroyed, over-ran, or anything else that could cause such a massive communication blackout." Hanks said to his crew. "I'm open to any suggestions."

"We could try to contact the other vessels that are outside of the communication block, see if they've had any luck." The young conn officer was quick to respond.

"Olivia, get on it. Maybe somebody else will have a damn clue." Captain Hanks ordered.

"While we're doing that, I could have the vessel launch a tactical buoy. It could go further into the blackout area and continuously transmit a signal that a Fleet vessel might pickup. That way we'll have an on-going loop." Roberts said from the tactical station.

"I'm glad to see that I'm not just paying you all to sit around and look pretty." Melvyn said as he stepped onto the bridge.

"Mr. Raddon," Captain Hanks was the first to respond. "So I guess your 'meeting' is over?" He said to the older man. It wasn't as if Captain Hanks kept tabs on his financier, but it didn't take long for the crew to relay back who had been brought onboard, even if they didn't know the reason.

~meh. . .the old man likes'em young~ Hanks thought to himself sardonically.

"Yes, my meeting has concluded and I feel that it has gone successfully." Melyvn replied as he viewed the screen at the fore of the bridge. "So where are we?" He asked.

"Well, sir, until we hear something back from those Fleet'ers, it looks like we're gonna be alone in the dark." Captain Hanks replied.

Melvyn Raddon
Raddon Corps.

Dante Hanks
The Matthias