Unity – Time Wounds all heals
by Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace

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Title   Time Wounds all heals
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace
Posted   Tue Nov 10, 2009 @ 1:32am
Location   Sick bay
Timeline   sd15 2345 (backpost)
Jarred sat up in the hospital bed, in less than three weeks he had been in sick bay or a hospital for the second time, this time he had been the victim of someone who was out to cause an accident, but who? was the question. He was going to check himself out in the early morning, he wanted to be back in the office in the morning, and he also wanted to talk to the captain.

Jarred was still furious about being the victim of an attack meant to disgrace someone else, after he met with the captain he was going to have a little chat with a marine CO and then the Head of security, this was now personal. As he shifted position in bed he decided he'd had enough of sick bay and pulled on a clean uniform that had been left for him, despite the nurses objections he checked himself out of sick bay.

With some effort he limped to his quarters, when he walked in he knew Claire was gone, he didn't care either. It was time to take care of unfinished business with two officers who didn't know their jobs. He moved a painting from the wall and set it down on the floor, he keyed in the combination too the wall safe that was hidden behind it and pulled out his side arm. this wasn't the one registered to him in the security files, this was the one issued to him by intelligence.

He loaded the weapon and re-engaged the safety. The next day promised to be a busy one for him, and it looked like it could be one that even his get out of jail free card won't save him from. As he locked up the weapon he walked over to his desk and opened a message from observation outpost 147, they had a relay of an unconfirmed report of Federation POWs still being held by the cardassian authorities. Jarred sat back in his chair could it be true, he needed to get confirmation of this report, he immediately sent out a request for confirmation, ~Could he be alive?~ referring to his brother who was still missing.

The last item on his agenda was the arrival of the Nautilus, the newest incarnation of the garrison ship, this one had a few extras that the current version didn't have, prototype phasers, a cloaking device, and one other feature that was still classified. Jarred was going to make a case that it needed a permanent crew assigned to it even if it meant double duty for some of those crew. Times were becoming dangerous and it was time that complacency was no longer the norm.

Lt. Jarred Wallace