Judgement – Sitting duck?
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Commander Richard Dunham & Lieutenant Vincent Tan

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Title   Sitting duck?
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Commander Richard Dunham & Lieutenant Vincent Tan
Posted   Fri Sep 16, 2011 @ 10:11pm
Location   Operations
Timeline   SD39 09:55

Bill Harries had waited for nearly a minute for a response from Tahir and was growing anxious.
It had been near twenty minutes since he had overheard a report regarding a ship that was sitting quietly some distance from DS5. He had tried to scan it and hail it all to no avail. He was however, able to discern that it was a Federation vessel though there had to be a missing registry number and from the visible scan, the ship did indeed, look archaic.

Tasha was reading the report. An unknown Starfleet vessel was sitting five hundred thousand kilometres from the station. It had made no attempt to approach or hail and was unresponsive to hails from operations. her fingers tapped at her console as she thought about what course of action to take.
Finally, she tapped at her console, calling for the Assistant security chief, the Assistant flight officer and Tan seeking their advice, or rather second her thoughts.

The newly promoted Lieutenant JG Erickson received the message with a slight nervousness, though he had been enjoying the challenge of his new role and the excitement it brought, thus far he ad only dealt with those he worked with on a regular basis while the boss was away. So it was with a little trepidation that he headed up to the command deck, a place he visited rarely and had not been to for some significant time he poked his head around the corner of the captains officer to make sure it was the right place, he then straightened himself out and entered fully. "Ma'am" He said politely in greetings.

Tasha looked up and then beckoned the officer inward.
"Sorry, I don't think we have been introduced?" She said in standing.

"Lieutenant JG Erickson, Ma'am" said the young officer smartly. It was the first time he had been in the captains presence, such a thing was not un-heard of, the station was huge and sported 8440 officers alone. In fact now that he though of it the only officer at command level he had had more than three words with were the CAG and that Marine Colonel on a pirate hunting mission.

Tasha was about to respond but made do with a handshake as Tan limped into her office.

Vincent hobbled into the now familiar office of his commanding officer. Leaning heavily on his crutch, he presented a quick salute to Captain Tahir. It had only been a few days since his Achilles tendon repair and the pain illicited a small wince. "Captain, what new trouble have you found for us?" Turning to the new face he smiled in greeting and offered his free hand. "Lieutenant. I don't believe we've met..."

Investigator Kato entered, for the first time, the office of the Commanding Officer of the station. She was currently ordered to oversee the Tactical station on OPS since Lieutenant Duquesne was still incapacitated; however, this was her first time stepping foot into the CO's office.

She stepped to the side as the Communication officer arrived as well.

"I apologize Captain, Lieutenant Duquesne is still in sickbay. Lieutenant Trellis has stationed me at OPS for the time being." She stated.

Tasha shook her head, mildly surprised at the number of people who had responded to her call.
"No need for apologies, salutes or excuses. None needed." She offered as she sidestepped back around her desk. "Our communications officers have brought this to my attention." She tapped at her console, bringing to life a discreet view screen.

On it appeared what appeared to be an antiquated Constitution Class starship.

"This appears to be the USS Horatio. Listed as missing over a hundred years ago. They have been hailed, but no response. The ships beacon is functioning and there are obvious signs of life. We need to get a ship out there to give us more detail and life readings before we decide on a course of action." She said as she took her seat looking at the assembly for responses.

Erikson had his mouth open and a small look of awe on his face as he watched the holographic display. He mouthed the words 'wow' silently as he looked at this part of living history now just outside the station. He briefly wandered why temporal investigations didn't have permanent office on this station, what with all the weird temporal time effects that had been going on in the last few months. "I'm sure any of the starfleet captains docked with their starships would be more than willing to go...." though he would love to go and see it for himself. "Or maybe we could send one of our runabouts, or one of the Wallace Light Escorts?"

The captain listened to the excited ramblings and it brought a small grin to her face as she shook her head once from side to side.
"No one has yet shown an interest and had it not been for Harries and Lieutenant Aeylon, then that ship could sit there for days." Tasha tapped at her console, looking up to Kato and then Erikson.

"A runabout will suffice. The Seine is in ready, but under no circumstances are you to head in with weapons or shields. Scans only." Tahir ordered. "Lieutenant Tan, research all the information you can in regard to the Horatio and Constitution class starships and what precautions we should be prepared for. Even if the ship is indeed that old, she may pack a punch and we don't yet know who is at the helm." She advised.

Withdrawing his outstretched hand, and ignoring the young lieutenant's snub, Vincent nodded to his captain to acknowledge the order. "Aye aye, captain. I'll pay particular note to the circumstances surrounding the Horatio's disappearance and the tactical systems of the Constitution class. From memory, the early models were notorious from having problems with their impulse propulsion and prone to having them overloaded. The Tactical department might be able to give you a better insight, captain."

Tahir nodded. "Mr Erikson?" She enquired, the look of astonished bewilderment evident on his face.

"Yes captain" replied Erikson politely, he was attempting to keep a straight face and not match the look of astonishment on her face, he wondered why she had the look on her face, he had clearly missed something, it had gone miles over his head.

"You could take Kato with you. Close range tactical knowledge is often a boon." She remarked as she took a step forwards eager herself to find out more about this ship out of time.

"Aye captain" said Erikson. He to was keen to get out there and explore this starship. This was the sort of thing he had joined up starfleet to do.

Tasha nodded her consent as she stood, glancing around the staff and paused to see if anybody wished to add anything.

"Dismissed." Tahir said casually as she watched them file outwards and then settled back into her seat, the viewer remained on, displaying the old ship that sat and waited.


Captain Tasha Tahir

Lieutenant JG Erikson
Wing Commander
NPC'd by: Rick

Lieutenant Vincent Tan

Investigator Kato
NPC by Dorian