Unity – Important decisions and their possible fallout
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Chief Executive Officer Wayne Bradshaw & Commander Chelsea Dunham

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Title   Important decisions and their possible fallout
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Chief Executive Officer Wayne Bradshaw & Commander Chelsea Dunham
Posted   Sat Mar 06, 2010 @ 11:00pm
Location   Outside & Inside CWO2 Denoublier's Quarters
Timeline   SD17 09:02

Davies was not convinced that a lockdown on the promenade was the best course of action, but he had to trust his Chief security officer. While he had been locked away in the brig, things had gone from worse to worse still.
He was idly walking the corridors back to the transporter pad thinking on possible repercussions and recriminations when he saw a long haired woman supporting herself against a bulkhead. As he approached to render assistance, she turned towards him.

"Are you OK? Do need help?" He asked, extending his stride to reach her.

Mercy was grateful for his help, without really taking in *who* he was. "Thank you" she gasped, her breath difficult to draw because of the effort. "I'm almost there." she indicated the nearest door. Those are my quarters. I'm supposed to be resting." she explained, each short sentence in a separate short breath. "I thought I'd be ok. Could you please help me back there?"

"Of course I can." He said holding out his arm for use as a crutch. "I take it you were involved in the incident on the Promenade last night?" He questioned.

"Yes" she replied simply, shuddering as the memory returned. "It was horrible. They went mad. Sorry, I should have introduced myself. I'm Mercy Denoublier." She looked at him properly for the first time and her eyes widened. "Aren't you.... Commander Davies? Sir, I didn't realise. What happened? What about you, Sir? Are you ok?"

He nodded even though he could not imagine what had taken place altogether, only what had so annoyed him when he read the report earlier. "Dismayed, angry and bitterly disappointed at their reaction to be honest, though from what I hear, if it was not for you and Surzchenko with a little help from our Distinguished ambassadors, it could have been a whole lot worse." He stated the emphasis on distinguished.

Mercy shuddered again. "I don't know. One minute they seemed to be against Bryan and I and the next they were defending us. Without them we would have been badly hurt. Very badly. They stood over me apparently and stopped me being trampled or kicked. I owe them a great deal." she explained gratefully.

Just ahead, Davies spied Wayne Bradshaw and he only had one son with him.

"Mr Bradshaw," Davies acknowledged, still supporting Mercedes on his arm.

"Captain." Said Wayne coolly he was still upset about the situation that had happened on the promenade. "If you have some time sir I would like to talk to you about what happened yesterday." He added flattly.

"It's Commander Mr Bradshaw, but I can spare a few minutes now if you like." He said with a nod to Waynes kin. "Would you like a private meeting or is this a casual conversation?" He asked sceptically as Mercy seemed to be pulling heavily on his arm.

"What I have to say can go either way. However something tells me that this young lady will not last long if we stand out here and talk. Let's get her home and then we can have our own conversation, as it might take some time to cover all the various points." Said Wayne as he took in the situation.

Davies glanced at Mercy. "Mind if we utilise your quarters for a few minutes?" He asked as he began to move her forward slightly, edging closer to her door.

"No, of course not. Please come in." Mercy replied, glad to get inside and drop into a chair.

"Do please help yourself to the replicator for refreshments. I'm sorry not to be a good hostess and do it myself." She apologised.

"Thank you ma'am and it is totally understandable. Please get some rest and we will do our best not to bother you and conclude our business as quickly as possible." Said Wayne as he looked to his eldest son and gave a short nod for him to wait outside. After all what did he really have to fear from the station commander. Nothing as far as he could see and if things turned south well he might be retired but that did not mean he could not fight.

Her quarters were smaller than he either remembered or expected and much smaller than his own but at least she had utilised the space wisely and had a few pictures placed strategically about the room. It was fresh and clean and she had nothing to worry about as Davies scanned the room. His eye did fall upon a goofy looking display of several photos of her, whom he assumed were friends and several of whom he knew to be Bryan Surzchenko. He had not realised they were a couple.

Davies helped her to the chair as Waynes son made his way to stand guard outside.

"Are you comfortable? Can I get you anything?" To Mercy he asked politely as Wayne pulled out the only two chairs that were at the desk in her domicile.

"If I could just have a white Terran coffee please, then I'll sit here quietly and you needn't mind me." she asked.

Davies nodded and skipped to the machine. "Mr Bradshaw?" He offered as he ordered a white coffee for Mercedes.

He set the cup down beside Mercy and then bridged the distance to the vacant chair and sat down.
"Wayne," He said with a civility, "what's on your mind?"

"To be honest with you it is the riot that occurred on the station last night. I noticed that there seemed to be absolutely no security presence in the area at the time. I know that station security covers a large area and can be stretched thin, and I would like to offer some help in the situation. Also I would like to log a formal protest against the Chief of security. His actions were uncalled for and bordering on the line of brutish and heavy handed." Said Wayne calmly from his seat he also reached into the breast pocket and pulled out a small holo recorder.

Davies looked at Wayne, keeping his face straight and undisclosing.
"The reason security was a little thin, is because of Commander Gabriel." he said as Wayne fingered the device in his hand.

"As a security procedure I had a camera record everything in the area of the airlock I was assigned. What you will see on here is a copy of the confrontation." Said Wayne as he put the emitter on the table.

Davies watched the playback. He was not sure what Dorians tact was, as he had not spoken with him, but he was sure that there were reasons behind his actions.

Mercy had promised that they needn't mind her but it was hard not to overhear and even harder not to look over at the holo-emitter and it's replay. She stared into her coffee and wondered if she should get up and fetch a padd to read but she still felt faint from her efforts earlier so she put the coffee on an arm of the deep chair and closed her eyes instead.

The playback ended.
Davies eyes came to Waynes. "I am not sure what that was about, suspicion is natural for a good intelligence officer... Commander Gabriels previous position, and I am sure he must have some reason for his actions." The commander tried to make the excuse for Dorian, but he had seen and heard exactly what had been said.

"I can grant a little suspicion is a character trait in good security officers and intel officers. As for his reasons if I may be so bold as to hazard a guess he does not like the idea that there is someone on this station who knows the rules and regs as well or better then he does." Said Wayne flattly "He most likely sees me as a unknown factor and someone who is outside of his control. I dealt with his type when I was active and I found that there were two ways to handle them. give them their head and turn a blind eye or keep them so tightly under control that they can not breath without you knowing it." He added his expression clearly stating what he did not say he clearly thought that the current commander had turned a blind eye.

Mercy caught the implication but wondered if that necessarily meant that Wayne thought the choice to be the wrong one. It sounded as perfectly good as options went, at least to her, but of course she made no sign she had even heard.

David had not missed the implication in Waynes statement and he was a little annoyed.
"There is also the matter of trusting your staff to be doing the right thing at all times and being accountable for them. I trust my staff to do just that." Davies said in standing, signalling that he considered this tête-à-tête concluded. "For now, I have to get back to Ops, but if you wish to make a formal complaint, then you are by all means welcome." Davies said haughtily before turning to Mercedes. "Thank you Miss Denoublier, you have been most accommodating." He said giving her small dip of his head as he left her quarters.

"Thank you for hearing me out commander." Said Wayne calmly efore turning toward their rather unwilling hostess. "I thank you for allowing us to access to your quarters for this meeting and do hope you get to feeling better ma'am." He added giving a deep bow from the waist to the young lady in the room.

Mercy opened her eyes and returned the nod of acknowledgement. "You're most welcome Commander and thank you for your assistance in the hallway earlier. It was much appreciated." she said. "I do hope you'll both excuse my rudeness in not showing you both out."

Commander David Davies

CWO2 Mercedes Denoublier
Administrative Assistant
(NPC by Jools)

Wayne Bradshaw