Beg, Steal or Borrow – Discipline the Hard Way
by Arrival Alexandria Marshall & Alderman Dorian Gabriel

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Title   Discipline the Hard Way
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Arrival Alexandria Marshall & Alderman Dorian Gabriel
Posted   Thu Feb 26, 2009 @ 1:09am
Location   Commander T'Lan's Office
Timeline   SD8: 11:20 hrs After Senior Staff Meeting
Commander T'Lan waited for Lt. Gabriel. She held her anger back within her Logical demeanor.

Gabriel stood and picked up his padd. He would have to meet with Da`nal after he had a chance to speak with Darson concerning the status of their current mission. As he began to leave the room he noticed the Vulcan Executive Officer staring at him intently. He figured that he might as well humor her.

"May I help you?" He asked.

T'Lan turned around. "Mr. Gabriel, did you recall what I instructed of you when I came aboard?"

~This ought to be good~ He thought, "I'm sorry, my memory isn't what it used to be. Help me out a littie." he said.

"Lt. Gabriel, I do not have cause to relieve you of duty, and charge you with insubordination. But that day is soon coming if you do not take steps to remedy the situation. I have decided on a course of Disciplinary action that you will undertake. First, you will refrain from any derogatory or racist comments toward a member of this crew in the future. Second, you will maintain a demeanor of respect in front of the crew. Finally, for this latest outburst, you are now ordered to attend counseling sessions, daily. Failure to do so will result in me relieving you of duty, failure to attend the sessions will result in the same. Are we clear Lieutenant? This incident will also be appended to your permanent record." T'Lan was not in a pleasant mood, even for a Vulcan.

Gabriel smirked at the eruption of emotion. There was something wrong with this Vulcan. There was something to compelled her to react to his comments. He wanted to explore this further.

"What is it Commander?" He asked, "What is it about you that just compells you to behave in such an un-Vulcan-like manner?" He said as he maintained eye-contact with her. "Perhaps it was something in your childhood?" He asked.

"That is none of your concern Lieutenant." She stated.

He noticed a reaction to the childhood comment. "Hmmmm, perhaps, but that doesn't change the original point. Maybe your time spent around us Humans as changed us." He said as he began to walk towards the door. "Or maybe you were changed to begin with." He added.

"I doubt it, dismissed Lieutenant." T'Lan stated in conclusion. "And do not test me."

Gabriel stopped. He turned and faced the woman. "Why is that Commander?" He said as he stepped closer. "What is it that you will do to me if I do in fact 'test' you?" He asked tauntingly. "Will you give in to your more base emotions and thrash me?" He continued. "That would be very un-Vulcanlike, but then again, maybe that's not the first time you've given into your emotions before." He asked as he stepped closer to her. "Perhaps giving into your emotions would be a welcoming retreat to a reaction that you are far more familiar with." He said as he stopped and stared into the pool of hazel that made up her eyes.

T'Lan maintained her cool demeanor. "Mr. Gabriel. Perhaps you do not fully understand the position you are in. Your actions have provoked this form of discipline. You are a skilled intelligence officer, but as a result of this, you have allowed yourself to believe that you are above the law. I will relieve you of duty if you display any form of racism toward any member of this crew. I will relieve you of duty should you contemplate violating the chain of command again. And I most certainly will have you court-martialed should I charge you with insubordination. To phrase the human term, 'you are walking on thin ice'. Now you are dismissed, and I suggest you devote some time to understanding why I am disciplining you."

Gabriel smiled broadly to the Commander as he waited for her to finish. "As you wish Commander," He said as he continued to smile and began to walk towards the exit.

"Oh Commander," he said as he stopped in front of the doors. "Perhaps I should see a Psychologist for some type of Emotional Regression, you wouldn't happen to know any on Vulcan would you?" He asked over his shoulder as the doors slid open.

T'Lan picked up a PADD. "Yes, I believe you do need to see a Psychologist for Emotional Regression. Fortunately you can call upon the services of the Counselor. You are dismissed Lieutenant.


Lieutenant J.G.
Dorian Gabriel
Chief Intelligence Officer