Unity – Keep home secure
by Commander Richard Dunham & Alderman Dorian Gabriel

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Title   Keep home secure
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Commander Richard Dunham & Alderman Dorian Gabriel
Posted   Sun Feb 14, 2010 @ 10:17pm
Location   Security Office
Timeline   SD 17 - 02:30

Dunham walked into the security office, holding a data padd in his hand. He approached the receptionist at the desk, politely and with a smile on his face. “Good Morning, I have some information here I would like to pass on to Lieutenant Commander Gabriel, is it possible to see him please?”

"Send him in!" Gabriel said in a loud voice from his office. He sighed wearily as he rubbed his face and tried to focus. He had long given up the idea of being able to get any sleep over the next few days. Every time he turned around, somebody else was requesting his attention. If it wasn't that, then it was one of the various alien governments that had set up offices on the station that needed his attention. He sighed and slid further back into his chair.

"I can I help you Lieutenant?" Gabriel asked.

“Good morning sir” Said the Lieutenant handing the commander his padd. “Sir I thought I’d better bring this to your attention sir. It's the starfighter wing's new security patrols. Given our current threat level, we have doubled our patrols in Deep Space Five’s air space, and increased the number of ships on sector wide patrol also.” he replied

"Good, I want to make sure that people recognize and respect our current lockdown. No vessels are authorized to leave or dock with the station. Be firm, but reasonable when dealing with anybody who wishes to disregard the current situation. If they continue to be belligerent, then by all means use whatever means are necessary to keep the station secure." He replied.

"Also, be sure to keep an eye on that Cardassian vessel we have docked with the station. I had a little "chat" with them earlier today, but I don't think they understood the severity of our current predicament. They might take this opportunity to exacerbate the situation." He added.

“Yes sir” said Dunham with a smart nod of his head. “Does that have anything to do with those mercs moving in to town sir?”

Gabriel raised an eyebrow in a questioning manner. "Mercs? What Mercs?" He asked.

Dunham shook his head slightly to himself “Sorry Sir, but perhaps Mercs is too strong a word I meant the new Bradshaw Enterprises that seems to be setting up shop here on the station. Their CEO is a Mr Wayne Bradshaw?”

Gabriel laughed for the first time in hours. "I've had a nice conversation wtih Mr. Bradshaw. I assure you that neither he nor any of his employees will be much of a problem to anything that we have planned." Gabriel said with a knowing smile.

“I’m happy to hear that sir,” said Dunham with an incline of his head. Mercenaries on the station did not sit well with him; it did not seem in keeping with the fundamentals of the Federation charter. “Is there anything more I can do for you sir?” Happy to see a lighter side of his superior officer.

"No, that will be all. Continue to keep me informed." He stated as he returned to the file in front of him.

"Sir" said Dunham with a nod, who then came about face and left the room.


Lieutenant Commander
Dorian Gabriel
Chief of Security


Lt Richard Dunham
Squadron Leader