Unity – Devious Minds
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Karen Villiers & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian & Lieutenant JG Opaka Jo'el & Lieutenant Vincent Tan

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Title   Devious Minds
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Karen Villiers & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian & Lieutenant JG Opaka Jo'el & Lieutenant Vincent Tan
Posted   Thu Dec 17, 2009 @ 6:59pm
Location   Commanders Office
Timeline   SD16 13:55
Despite her protest, Davies managed to guide Rianni out of the already tension filled room and followed Commander Villiers into her office, practically steering the CAG into the office in front of him and eased the door closed as they entered.

"Please Commander," He addressed Rianni, "right then, we were about to head into a full blown fist fight, but before you head down to the brig, we need to talk to the crew." His hands were still shaking as he watched Karen take a seat behind the desk and he pointed to the chair opposite her for Rianni to sit as he tapped at his commbadge.

"Oh, so you're going to lock me up for standing up for one of my men? Nice." Rianni laughed, "Very human of you."

=^= "Commander Gabriel, please report to the XO's office." =^= Davies didn't wait for an acknowledgment before retapping.

=^= "Lieutenants Jo'el & Tan, report to the XO's office. =^= Davies repeated his command.

Vincent grumbled as he heard the command. Commander Gabriel's intteruption yesterday had resulted in Vincent's paperwork backing up. He was further hampered by having limited expertise in strategic operations and little experience with the procedures. He had spent most of the morning sorting through it all and had only been freed for a late lunch fifteen minutes ago. He looked longingly at the chicken schnitzel before him, but decided against delay. An order was an order, and Davies had sounded annoyed.

"Look, before we do something we might regret, Dunham is our priority here." He turned to the CAG. "Commander, I know you have been out of sorts and not sure what your best course of action has been, but I need you to focus on Dunham, keep him occupied." He requested.

"Don't worry about me and Dunham, I take care of my people." Rianni snarled, this man was quickly losing her respect and trust, "I need some reassurance that someone else is going to do the same."

Davies moved to the replicator and wanted to order a good strong drink, but for now he refrained. "Commander, it appears that we have a rather delicate matter on our hands and I am sorry, but I let my own temper get the better of me in there." He thumbed behind him, indicating the conference room. "The Cardassian Ambassador is baying for Dunhams blood and he has voluntarily placed himself into custody and I need you to talk with him as well. Can you escort Commander Monteros to the brig?" He pleaded.

"Excuse me," Rianni interjected, "But I have a reputation to protect, I won't be seen in public with this turd."

Lieutenant Trellon entered the room and observed the various voices as they each tried to have their point of views recognized and accepted. He rubbed the spots running down the side of his head as he tried to figure out just what exactly he was going to do while Gabriel sat in the brig and the station itself slowly de-evolved into a racial war zone.

"I'm sorry Commander, but Commander Gabriel is still confined to the brig until we finish investigating the incident between him and Lieutenant Vincent Tan from yesterday." Trellis replied in his low, but deep voice.

"And so he should be," Vincent said, rubbing his throat. The experience was still fresh in his mind.

"We have the makings of a diplomatic incident on our hands," Karen said quite seriously, ignoring the rather personal feelings of affront that Tan was exhibiting; she had not witnessed the incident on the promenade but the potential ramifications were clear if the ambassador chose to make it into an issue. "Commander Gabriel is one issue, the Cardassian incident is quite another. You need to keep a reign on your temper," this Karen directed at Monteros, "Referring to your fellow officers with the epithet 'turd' is not acceptable, nor are personal grudges that interfere with the cohesion of this crew."

"Commander Davies, I warned you of some intelligence concerning Commander Gabriel," she slid a padd across the desk so that he could see the details. "Its no longer just a rumor. The Ambassador t'Khellian has faced down the Romulan Senate over the incident with her brother in law and had him charged with perpetrating the attack on Deep Space Five - he has been executed. As soon as her name was cleared t'Khellian went into conference with the Praetor and even before they emerged I received this transmission - your ambassador is a legal eagle, Commander Davies and given the history between her and Gabriel the safest place for him right now is the brig and we should use every administrative loophole to make sure that he stays there ... when the Romulans want someone who is freely wandering round they don't always bother with due process, if they snatch him he's lost, if we force them into a trial, he stands a chance."

"I agree with Commander Villiers," Lieutenant Trellis stated. "Gabriel has had carte blanche to defy protocol and at times, Federation law. His punishment for his transgressions should be determined by a fair trier of fact, not by a secret lynch mob." He said to the Senior officers within' the room.

"For the time being, I have him under heavy guard and away from the other inmates." Trellis added.

*And here I was thinking about dropping the charges,* Vincent thought, suddenly realizing that the situation was a whole lot more complex than he had thought. Something to report back to Starfleet about when he got the chance - IF he could ever get the chance with all the increased security. For now, playing the part of the good junior officer, he kept his mouth shut.

"What are you next orders, Commander?" Lieutenant Trellis asked.

David felt he was out of touch. He had been in a dream like state since the message about his mother and he was starting to become confused.

"Orders..." He said in a low voice, looking at Vincent. "Well, first we have to find out what and why that Cardassian Freighter was so keen to stay quiet and try to slip past the station. If Dunham had not had the presence of mind to take action....." he didn't finish the sentence as his hand came to his temple and rubbed his brow. "Yes, right." He looked at Karen then to Trellis. "Keep Gabriel under guard, for his own benefit. I don't him to become the target of aggression. Lieutenant Tan," Davies started, looking at the bruising on his neck, "I want a full scenario make up of a possible incitement from the Cardassians and what we can do to prevent this escalating. Lieutenant Jo'el, in your secondary role, I want a full assessment of the weapons available on base. Commander Monteros, I want full scale flight examination a full light year from this station. I want to know that all craft are fully functional and ready to protect the base. I fear we shall have more to deal with than just a few angry Cardassians."

"Yes sir," Trellis said as he stood up and began to move towards the door. "Hopefully we won't have ANOTHER riot on the promenade." He said, still wincing over the bruising that he suffered while trying to quell the ruckus from less than an hour before.

"I hope not." Davies responded in a quieter than usual voice as he glanced around the other officers.

Vincent nodded to Davies. "I'll run some simulations and training scenarios. I'll contact Lieutenant Dunham and bring him into the exercises as well."

Trellis nodded and left the office to head towards his next destination.

As they left her office Karen pursed her lips, she would have a word with Dunham herself; Gabriel was a much more complicated issue. As she rose Karen paused, her attention caught by the blinking red light in the display- the message must have come in some time during the impromptu meeting - its content directly contradicted her earlier report ... the Romulan Ambassador Isha t'Khellian had been assassinated while under the protection of a Federation ship.

Karen leaned back in her chair; if it were true that was good news for Gabriel, but one of the missives had to be rumour, the question was, which?


Commander David Davies

Commander Karen Villiers
Executive Officer

Se'Lar Trellis
Acting Chief of Security

Lt. j.g. Vincent Tan
Chief Strategic Operations Officer