Things Past – An Introduction ... of sorts
by Lieutenant JG Malak Muz

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Title   An Introduction ... of sorts
Mission   Things Past
Author(s)   Lieutenant JG Malak Muz
Posted   Wed Feb 06, 2013 @ 9:04pm
Location   Sol Sector - Spacedock 001
Timeline   Back Post - Series of cut scenes to introduce Character - not linked to any missions
Tag   Introductions, New Beginnings
OFF: This is going to be a series of cut scenes to introduce the character. I will be seperating the scenes with the use of 'OFF: Cut Scene - Past (event)'. The writing will hopefully make it clear as well.

New (Current Time):

The man stared down at Terra as he awaited for the Federation Traffic Control to clear him and provide the outbound course. His eyes drifting over the land masses as the blue ball slowly turned. His thoughts were elsewhere. The star fighter he was in, was being decommissioned. He had a few friends at Starfleet Command in the star fighter corp. He had gotten permission to give her one last flight before she was to be stripped. It didn't seem right packaging her some freighter, not for ship with such a proud heritage.

It was a double bladed sword to be back here again, though. There were memories from the war that were hard to let go. He could faintly hear the calls for help and see the burning city the day the Breen attacked ....

OFF/Old: Cut Scene during the dominion war..


"I got Him.. I got him.." The Engines of the Peregrine class vessel screamed as the star fighter was pushed far past what its creators had intended. The console was lit with red indicators running across the ship as the strain from the speeds was slowly deteriorating the ship. The Breen vessel was right infront of him and he had a lock. It may have been faster, but it’s shields didn’t take much to overcome. He leaned over and hit the execute button as a lock was confirmed and the photon torpedo launched from its bay. It was a direct hit, the ship tumbled to into the water – right below the golden gate bridge.

There wasn’t enough time for Malak to celebrate as he banked the vessel away from the destroyed landmark and set course for the rest of the units. The battle in space was so intense that you could even see the blasts at the low altitudes they were at. The communications were screaming with military and civilians alike yelling for help. He switched to the internal comm. units for his squadron. He spoke in the anxious tone that battle will give,
”Lightning 3.. Tango Down. Returning to hot zone.”

“Lightning 1, Copy. Stay Tight – Lightni…” Pch.. The comm. went silent as Malak watched helplessly from afar as the ship exploded from Breen Fire. It was almost in slow motion. He could remember someone yelling ‘no’ on the Comms. after that. A recording played back revealed it to be himself, though he can’t ever remember being the one that yelled it, just hearing the response to one of his best friends dying.

Off/New: Back to present.

The smooth voice of the Orion Traffic Controller was heard with a somewhat annoyance,”USSF Lightning 3, do you copy?”

Malak shook his head as if to dispel the awful memory from his head. He leaned back and tapped the button.”Ahh.. Yes, Traffic Control. USSF Lightning 3 on my way to the Dyson Repair Yard for decommission and reassignment. The current flight path has three stops for refueling and rest before the ultimate destination.” When the confirmation was given, the (now) Lieutenant Junior Grade set course and engaged the Warp Engines..

The Pilot was worn out, that much was clear. It was a hell of a trip to travel in a star fighter. The three stops didn’t help as much as Malak had hoped. The cockpit opened and he made his way down the ladder with a soft groan. His hands slowly moved up to take off the helmet that had begun to chafe. His eyes befell the Crew Chief that jogged over to him with a Padd.

“Lieutenant Muz?”

“Yea, Crew Chief Sorus?”

“Yes sir, Welcome to the Dyson Repair Yard! We’ve been expecting you. I can’t believe you did the trip in a star fighter, sir.”

“I enjoy my quiet time..”

“Hah. I imagine so. Well it’s good to have you, Sir. The USSF Lightning 3, we’re glad to have her. There are a lot of parts we can use from it.”

The Chief took out a Padd and began tapping at it, getting an inventory of everything that could be used. There was a whistle, “This ship has been through a lot. It was apart of Operation Return? That must have been something!”

Malak nodded his head, “Good Day, Chief.” He saluted – walking away before the man could respond. It may have been rude, but he didn’t want to talk about ‘Operation Return’. The battle to retake DS9 was more than just ‘something’, it was war.

OFF/Old: Cut Scene during the dominion war – battle to get to DS9


“Lightning 3, This is Lightning 5.. Malak.. Fusion reactors are at 30 percent.. I have to fall back..”

“Roger Lightning 5, pull back and dock with the USS Unitarian.”

“I can’t.”

“This isn’t time to be a hero. I need you back in the figh..”

“It’s Destroyed.”

Malak hit the comms off and cursed to himself. How the hell Captain Sisko had talked them into this fight they couldn’t win was beyond him. He hit the communication console, “Acknowledged. Drop down and hit your afterburners. We’ll cover you. Rendezvous with the Drignide. It had to fall back right before the battle.” He sighed at the acknowledgement and continued to move forward.

The battle was going poorly, ships were being destroyed and entire squadron’s wiped out. The fighting was intense. He was losing a lot of friends in this battle. He tried to focus, but one came through.

“They Made it.. They made it! The Defiant is through.. Push Forward.”

His eyes showing surprise, “…” There were so many fights that they were losing. The Federation was always falling back. It was the first time he wondered if they could actually win this..

Off/New: Back to present.

Malak slowly began to put his things away. His eyes going on the relics that he had collected over his life, and the past 10 lives of his symbiont’s life. A soft sigh, ”Here but by the grace of God”. He gently said to himself. He had to meet his Department head soon. It was a life without War. It was something he looked forward to.


Lieutenant Junior Grade Malak Muz
XO: Starfighter Wing / Deep Space 5

Solus (NPC)
Chief Petty Officer / Dyson Repair Yards