Incommunicado – Deflect
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Alderman Dorian Gabriel

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Title   Deflect
Mission   Incommunicado
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Alderman Dorian Gabriel
Posted   Mon Feb 13, 2012 @ 10:14pm
Location   Promenade
Timeline   SD51 12:15
For the last 2 days, Tasha had kept up her small regime and today, she finally plucked up the courage, or at least in her head she did.
Again, she unsealed the doors to Secondary ops and took her seat at the display console, though this time, she held a small cup of Mocha ion her hand as she sipped and maintained her fifteen minute vigil.

Sure enough, at 12:02, he entered the Promenade and again, into the same shop. Tasha held her breath and began to count silently. She took a slow steady breath as as the minutes reached three and Dorian came out, headed to the cafe, took a drink and sat on the bench on the promenade.

Tasha upended her cup, tapped at the monitor and rose from her chair all at the same time. She disposed of her cup, exited secondary operations and sealed the door. She took the counted twenty seven steps to the transporter pad and uttered "Promenade level two" and appeared on the pad on the second level of the Promenade. She had less than a minute to get to the other side of that level and accidentally bump into her target.

She sidestepped a engineer and a number of people, edging herself around three Nausicaans to reach the platform bridge across to the other side. She could see Dorian and her sights were set as she quickened her pace, her hands drifting across the handrail as she darted across.
She knew there was no way that she could bump into Dorian accidentally, her timing was off and so, took the opportunity to call his name.

"Commander Gabriel!" She shouted as she neared the end of the bridge.

Dorian glanced into the direction of her voice and their eyes met.

She was the last person he wanted to see, for several reasons. First of which, he was currently working on a job and he did not need to be distracted, nor did he need the added attention of being seen chatting with the station commander.

More to the matter, he had nothing to say to the woman.

"I'm not sure if you got the memo, but I'm no longer under you command Tasha" he replied.

Tasha looked downward in shame as he spat her name.
"I know, and I am more sorry than you can imagine, honestly. I only ask for five minutes, Dorian, five minutes." She looked left and right as Dorian stared at her and she felt his eyes were full of hatred and she could only hope that it was not directed at her.
She looked up into his face, the stubble, the lines around his eyes and the grey tint beneath them. Here stood a man who to her, was practically exhausted and were it not for the fire in those eyes, she would have expected to catch him as he fell. She saw his jaw line tighten as he bit down on his teeth and she could see he was tense and she felt more than a little nervous herself.

"Dorian, please, two minutes. I am not here to beg for mercy, my apology will do little for you at the moment, that was out of my hands." He turned away, either in disgust or did he have somewhere else he had to be. Of course he did, he had to watch his back and his front and she was doing nothing to help the situation.

She had a dozen things running through her mind to throw back at him, but she shook her head, deciding not to even start down the path of deflecting fault, blame and reason.

"OK, I get it," She said with a shrug, "it's my fault, everything is my fault." Her hands pushed into her pockets as her eyes fell again to the floor, the best thing to do, avoid his glare. ~This was a mistake ~ She thought, ~I left it too long ~ as her hand tightened around the miniature communicator that she had created especially from the specialist shop that was just a few meters from where they both now stood.

He continued to look around the immediate for signs of his target. For the time being, the coast was clear.

"You have two minutes, speak." Dorian said quickly in a low tone. "Make it fast." he added.

Tasha didn't follow Dorians eye as she inched closer, taking her hand from her pocket as she nodded her head with a definitive slowness.

"I know an apology isn't going to mean much, but I will apologize anyhow. I',m sorry." She stated resisting the urge to reach out to him. "I know you were doing what you thought was right for the safety of the station and its crew and with you now on the outside, you don't have much protection." She said as she lay the communicator on the table to her left but kept it covered with her hand.

"I was too late to for everything. Too late to get the help you needed heck I was even late for your hearing and I am glad that they didn't find you guilty for the loss of your fiancée." Her head dipped as thoughts of her own dead husband, Roman, flashed into her mind. She sighed, uncovering the small device.

"It's not much, but the frequency is tied directly into the comms and if you need help, I promise I won't be late again." She took a half step backwards. "If you don't want it or can't use it..." She didn't finish the sentence.

Dorian picked up the device and examined it carefully. "What good is this suppose to do me?" He asked. "Is this so that incompetent waste of a uniform Si'Lar can come rushing my rescue?" He asked. "Or maybe this is so Darson can come galloping down the promenade during my time of need." Dorian continued.

"You weren't any help with that Romulan and her Cardassian lackey made a mockery of the Federation, why try to be so now?" He said with finality as he walked away from the uniformed office and walked casually into the crowd in order to blend and reduce the chances of him being noticed by his original target.

~ Truth Hurts! But he is hurting ~ She reasoned as she watched Dorian stride away and it hurt her too as so often sting of truth did. She did didn't try to catch up or chase down Dorian, it was not her place but she took a small amount of solace in the fact that Dorian had taken the communicator.

She eased herself around to the seat that stood unoccupied at the table and as if by magic, a man appeared with a cup of tea.

"Hot and sweet!" He smiled as Tasha looked up. He was early fifties, grey to white hair, in juxtaposition to his orange and yellow coveralls. "Breaking up eh? Never nice, but don't worry, love will find a way." He winked and left Tasha with the comfort of the hot beverage.

Tasha smiled, not for his kindness, but for mistaken the fact that she and the former security chief were in a relationship, but nevertheless, she called "Thank you" as he walked away, not looking for payment of any kind.
She lifted the cup and smelt the aroma before taking a sip of the extra sweet tea which was not tasteful, but extremely welcoming.

She found herself looking at the myriad of faces that strode by, not at them but what they and who they were and she realised that the last time she had sat on the promenade, had been far too long ago and similarly to Dorian, had been neglected.


Captain Tasha Tahir

Dorian Gabriel