Things Past – Morning After
by Gunnery Sergeant Luke Wyatt & Commander Chelsea Dunham

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Title   Morning After
Mission   Things Past
Author(s)   Gunnery Sergeant Luke Wyatt & Commander Chelsea Dunham
Posted   Tue May 28, 2013 @ 7:38pm
Location   Marine Administrator's Quarters
Timeline   after "Oil and Water"
Luke struggled to keep on his feet as the ship shook and shuddered. The Dizzying low dim lighting, the pulsing red light and wailing made it clear that they we're under attack and by the sounds of things loosing the battle with the dominion scout's. The USS Entrepidites and its sister ship The USS Divergent had been patrolling the outer edge away form the dominion main battle lines when Jem'hadr ships ambushed them in the asteroid field. The suddenness of attack had seriously crippled the Divergent leaving it drifting and loosing life support whilst the Entrepidites tried helplessly to fight of the attack. He couldn't remember at what point they had boarded the ship but what he did know was that he was running from something.

Turning the corner Luke's foot tugged him down to the floor as another shudder ripped through the ship causing the light to flicker. Looking down to see what had caught him he saw that he had somehow managed to lodge it into some fallen debris. The pain that followed upon his discovery shot oh his leg and rattled around in his insides until he let out a menacing scream.

Luke slowly came to and it took him a few seconds to realize that he had been dreaming again, it took slightly longer for him to remember where he was. Looking around without making much movement as to not wake Cery's who was still asleep he couldn't remember at what time he finally drifted to sleep. Smiling to himself with the thoughts of the previous night he slowly grimaced at the thought of his dream before it slowly drifted away, he knew that he would have another nightmare so after Cerys fell asleep he laid listening to her sleep murmurs and the feel of her chest inflate and deflate on his.

She had spent most of the night with her arm thrown over his still body, and her chin nestled on his chest until something she was dreaming about caused her to roll over to the other side of the bed. Not wanting to wake her he had to fight the urge to just lay still facing the pillow. Instead he rolled over to his side and put an arm round her body, embracing her softly.

Cerys smiled in her sleep and nestled back against him but did not wake for a moment or two. When she did stir she stretched and, finding someone in the way she rolled over to see what was happening and if this was her dream extending itself but by turning she buried herself deeper into his arms. She opened her eyes quickly when she realised this was not her dream but actually a real person and as she got her bearings she began to remember last night. Nestling closer still, Cerys breathed in deeply and rewarded herself with Luke's scent which made her shiver with pleasure and bury her face against his chest happily.

Until a thought crashed in to spoil her bliss. ~Wait..... we did WHAT? Is he mad with me? He'll be made with me when he wakes up.~ she peered up to see if she could see his face without moving any more in case he might still be sleeping.

Luke laid still for a moment seeing if she was waking up or if she was having another restless dream, when he could see her bright bubbly eyes and frizzy morning hair he let out a sigh and smiled. "Good morning sleepy head!" He teased kissing her on the top of her head breathing in her scent... Violets.

"Hi" Cerys replied somewhat uncertainly. "Luke... I.... can i say before you get mad, I know we're colleagues and you didn't want this but........." she tilted her head back further and gazed anxiously into his deep, intoxicating eyes, almost melting so much she could hardly speak. "But..... that was the most amazing and beautiful night of my whole life so please tell me you don't regret it?"

Luke smiled nervously tilting his bodyweight to his side and leaning up on his elbow, "Cerys, I - Do - not regret anything, even if its the wrong thing to do and this isn't even that... Just twisted is all!" he joked caressing her arm with his free hand softly.

"Twisted?" she frowned, not sure what he meant by that but her heart was relieved to hear that he didn't regret their wonderful night together which she would treasure forever, she was sure.

He followed the curvy lines of her frown before making them disperse by kissing her forehead, then her cheek and finally her lips. "Twisted... but good" he added sighing through the corner of his mouth as they embraced for a short while. "Its a shame that I have to work" He said in a sad low voice as he settled back down on his bad nestling his head into the pillows.

"I know. If it were up to me we'd stay here all day!" she replied sleepily as he brain tried to work out how something could be twisted and good at the same time but she gave up and nestled against him instead.

"Would you like some breakfast?" she asked suddenly, finally waking up a bit.

Before he had a chance to reply his stomach growled furiously as if it had a mind of its own and answering the question before he had a chance to engage his mouth, "I Guess that mean yes" he joked sliding out from under the covers and standing up in his socks, shorts and marine corp shirt. "What we cooking?" He asked seriously, he knew he could cook... but what about her?

~SOCKS? Still on after what we just did????~ her mind reeled and she tried to remember the details. "How did I miss getting those off you?" she pointed to the socks and smirked. ".... and these?" she dived and pulled at the waist of his shorts, laughing as he ducked out of the way and out of range.

"Oh... Well I like to sleep in something comfortable and since I have a daughter living with me..." he trailed of but smiled at her pursuit to tease him, "after you fell asleep I managed to get dressed though the socks never came off, I get cold feet" the laugh that left his lips must have been infectious because she was laughing too.

"Cold feet eh?" she giggled, making one last unsuccessful lunge for his elasticated waistline before giving up and going to the kitchenette and looking for some eggs. She gave up on that too and ordered scrambled eggs from the replicator, together with bacon and sausages and some toast.

"Brown or white bread? Spread or Butter? Jam or marmalade?" she asked, quickfire.

"White, Butter, Jam" he fired back just ask quick. The two met each others gaze and Luke burst into a fit of laughter. How was it just three simple words and one look from a woman could send him into a frenzy of laughs and smiles. One night, is apparently how long it took to feel something for someone but he couldn't help wonder if things would have gone differently if she hadn't almost drowned in a simulation.

"Done!" she said with impossible speed, luckily she had anticipated what she thought he would want as far as the bread and butter then she just had to add jam and plonk it in front of him for it to look very impressive. She put the plate of eggs in front of him too and went back for coffee. "You don't drink coffee do you... would you like Tea? Terran Tea?" she asked, standing by the replicator ready to order.

He smiled that she remembered that he didn't drink coffee but was also sad that he didn't drink tea otherwise that would have just been perfect "Terran hot chocolate actually" he teased as he started to nibble at his toast before she had the chance to sit down.

"DOH!" she said, slapping her forehead with her palm and ordering the drink he had chosen last night.
"Isn't that a nightcap type of drink?" she asked, trying to redeem herself. She pretended to duck from the look he shot her, as if it were phaser-powered and likely to scorch through her.

"Traditionally yes but I have an extremely high taste for sugar!" He said retreating the pretend shooting in his mind "Come sit before I eat yours too!" he began to creep his hand towards her food smiling evilly trying not to laugh - too much.

"HAI!" she wailed and abandoned his hot chocolate in the replicator as she lurched back to rescue her breakfast. Sitting down and putting her arms around the plates in an exaggerated protective wall she laughed and began to swat his hands away every time he pretended to be showing an interest.

She sat back up straight and began to eat, temporarily silenced by the chewing process but she watched him carefully in case he tried something to get her plate or its contents surreptitiously. Between mouthfuls she couldn't but laugh at the faces he was pulling and the jokes and tricks he was playing. It was so good to relax and banter without any reservations of embarrassment any more. Cerys finished her food and went back to get Luke a fresh Hot Chocolate and a tea for herself which they took to the sofa to drink more comfortably.

Cery watched Luke as he moved with a totally different kind of longing now. No the old one, which ached with anticipation and nervousness, full of 'want to' but also with 'worried how it would go' thoughts too. Now she just watched him as a mate would. Much more assuredly but with a deeper desire to be as one, based on a 'know it was awesome and want more' attitude that didn't have doubts or fears in it any more. If she had been Catian she would have purred as she sat beside him, her legs entwined with his and her cheek against his chest as they lay back into the deeply cushioned sofa, chatting softly. The drinks remained on the coffee table for now as she just soaked up the 'morning after glow' of his closeness.

Luke sipped his drink with his right while is left had a tight but comfortable grip around her waist "Do you remember the final tactical excessive during basic?" his question was going to be a string of questions and warning, he wasn't one to hide things from his daughter so he decided to tell Cerys their battle plan. Which one was to tie Abby down until she listened.

Innocent of any plot to abduct and assault any teenagers, Cery answered without foreseeing any up and coming gattling-gun of questions which were about to be fired at her. "Yeah, why?" she fell right into it.

"Well see, I can never hide anything from a certain child of mine and well... I propose we tie her up and make her listen and then...." Cerys interrupted him with a laughter that was far more soft and beautiful than he could ever produce "What, this is a very serious operation!" he said putting his hands up in a submissive form.

"I can gather that! Tie her up?? That would be VERY serious! We'd be had up for child abuse and assault and - it might be fun though!" she joked.

Luke laughed quietly trying not to sound to happy, "So you'd meet her?" he pushed the question to a more serious note. "We don't have to yet, its just she's very, very observant" he warned.

"I would love to meet her and she can observe what she likes. I'm not ashamed or embarrassed but I do know how to be tactful as well." Cery promised. "And if she doesn't like me I'll try very hard to make it easier for her to change her mind after she gets to know me better. Is that okay?"

Luke nodded subjectively "Sounds like a plan!" He smiled wondering how Abby would take it but he was almost certain she'd hate the idea, she seemed pretty good at guessing the rough patches of any woman and judged them within the first thirty seconds but he hoped Cerys would be good enough for her because even though he liked Cerys a lot Abby is the one to impress.

"Guess we're in the hands of that judgement then" Cerys smiled and flashed him a wide smile and come-to-bed eyes, dropping the unspoken invitation on him with some fairly expressive hints to make it obvious what she was hoping for next.


A JP Between:

PO Cerys Williams
Marine Administrator
(NPC jools)


Gny Sgt Luke Wyatt
First Sergeant