Unity – Forthcomings
by Lieutenant Mathew Totti

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Title   Forthcomings
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Lieutenant Mathew Totti
Posted   Sun Apr 18, 2010 @ 9:21am
Location   Diplomats Lounge
Timeline   SD17 - 1100 hours
Mathew had replicated some, new furniture for the Diplomatic wing as he felt it was, somewhat lacking what he believed it needed and Elizabeth was happy to help.
Mathew sat down after replicating himself a glass of Orange juice.
He had picked up the want not need of OJ when he was at the Academy.

"Oh my. i'm Glad that's over Elizabeth." Mathew sighed.

"Replicating the furniture after choosing it and then transporting it here is the easy part." Elizabeth walked over to the replicator.

"Oh Elizabeth choosing it is the hard bit."
"I disagree Mat. Positioning it is. Computer a glass of Elderflower juice."
The replicator seemed to hum with glee.

"I thought you were trying to stay off the stuff." Mathew teased a grin crept over his face.

"It's a treat." Elizabeth said turning up her nose then taking a sip.

Mathew lounged in the new chair admiring the deep purple colour.
"Perhaps we could paint the room." Mathew suggested looking around then back to Elizabeth.

"Perhaps but maybe later Im going to go and have lunch. Care to join me?"

"No. No thanks Elizabeth i've got some paper work to catch up on."

"Ok then see you later." Elizabeth smiled and put her empty glass in the replicator which hummed again. "Bye."

As the doors shut Mathew took a sip off his Orange juice then set it down.
"Computer begin Personal Log. Use encryption YAlpha.
Diplomatic Operations Officer's Personal log Supplemental.
I have read over just recently, The message from Admiral Tisharan one of my close personal friends, which was hand delivered by the captain of the U.S.S Anubis.
It's not good news and Frankly it scars the hell out of me that the Maquis are bold enough to attempt a take over of DS5.
Moving on I've had a meeting with Gul something a rather earlier today which was a meet and great/ See what he's up to style meeting. He seems alright for a Cardassian diplomat though I can see a few arguments and laughs coming out of him but I think he may be up to something more sinister. As I was leaving the Cardassian consulate I heard him ask the robot I mean receptionist. Haha." Mathew Laughed. Mathew thought to himself. "To increase security and by the urgency in his tone I could see he'd taken me seriously.
After that Elizabeth and I spent an hour redecorating the diplomats lounge which I feel needed a bit more well style all the rooms seem a little, well; dull. Computer End Log."

Mathew stood up and went to the replicator, then put his glass in.
"Computer recycle."

Lieutenant Mathew Totti
Elizabeth Mackenzie