Things Past – Augmentations
by Lieutenant JG Petro & Commander Chelsea Dunham

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Title   Augmentations
Mission   Things Past
Author(s)   Lieutenant JG Petro & Commander Chelsea Dunham
Posted   Sat Nov 17, 2012 @ 6:25pm
Location   Sickbay
Timeline   Station Day 69 - BACKPOST

Petro sat, her nerves scratching at the surface of her skin, waiting for the Doctor. Chelsea had always been kind to her when it came to physicals, but this one was different. She was different. A considerable amount of changes had occurred since she had last been in for an appointment. She was having a difficult time lately, trying to make sense of the changes her body was going through. Would anyone really know what to expect? The Doctor that had first started her on the female augmentation didn't tell her that she would feel this way. He didn't explain the fluctuations in emotions that she felt or what the strange tingle was that she felt every now and again, down there. She rose, thinking about leaving but trying to convince herself to stay.

At that moment Chelsea arrived. "Hi Petro!" she enthused, rushing over to take her little friend into her arms for a gentle hug. "How are you?" she let go without making it too intrusive an embrace and looked the Jnaii up and down approvingly.

"I believe you've become more beautiful than ever." Chelsea smiled with approval. "The augmentation looks as if it's working well. How does it feel?"

"Well," Petro began, looking around the room. "Could we talk in private?" She asked, knowing that it wouldn't be a problem. Chelsea led her to her office and gestured to a chair. Petro waited until the door was closed. "I'm not sure that I like it."

Chelsea was genuinely surprised. She had thought Petro would love it. It seemed so 'her'. She had been through so much to get recognition of her femininity, even enduring exile for it.

"Why Petro? What's made you feel that way?" Chelsea asked even more gently than usual, the worry and sympathy etched in her expression as she sought for clues in Petro's eyes.

Petro looked down at the floor and shrugged her shoulders. "I'm not sure how to handle it. I mean... the looks and stares don't bother me... or most of the comments, well, some do. It's the emotions and the cramps and the pains at night."

"Pains?" Chelsea wrinkled her softly ridged semi-Bajoran nose. "That can't be right?" she commented, fetching a scanner. "May I take a medical look?" she asked before running the med-corder over Petro.

The J'Nai nodded. "Mostly in my lower back and sometimes my legs will go numb." Petro said, not sure how to describe it. "And I get painful cramps, here." She placed her hand on her lower abdomen. "I've never experienced anything like that before."

Chelsea looked at the med-scanner in case there was some other explanation but it did appear that the little J'naii's new womb was the likely culprit. "Did we talk at all about how your new womb implant might behave?" she asked gently as she finished the scan and put the hypersound up on the screen for Petro to see, such as it was in this format.

Petro shook her head. "Not really. I wasn't sure I wanted one but was told that it would be a necessary component to complete the process." In honesty, Petro wasn't sure what purpose the womb had. In other humanoid beings the womb carried the baby but that was all she understood about it. Since the J'Nai didn't propagate that way why would she need the womb?

"Well... " Chelsea was thoughtful. "I can see where that thinking came from in that I imagine the addition of ovaries was intended to create female hormones naturally on an on-going and regular basis but that's an idealistic idea based on the assumption that all ovaries and wombs function in harmony with their host. That's not even a given within species like humans who are born with them but for a species that wasn't meant to have them to start with, I'd be a little cautious about whether maybe an implant for hormones would be preferable, more reliable and even..... especially with what you have told me..... more comfortable?"

Seeing the look on Petro's face, Chelsea realised she was thinking out loud and perhaps over-complicating this.

"What I'm trying to say is that if it's making itself unwelcome, i can't see why we mightn't think about whether you really need it or if you want to persevere with it? And then, what we might replace it with?" she said. "What do you feel about it?"

Petro sat there for a moment trying to understand what Chelsea was saying. "I don't know," was all she could come up with. The pain wasn't constant and wasn't entirely unbearable but if it didn't serve a purpose then perhaps she didn't need it. "What would happen if it was removed?"

"I can't be 100% sure." Chelsea said honestly. "I don't understand why *that* type of cross-species organ was put in to begin with. I would need to research and find out what the intention was then we could say if you need it or not."

Petro nodded. "I think the Doctor's name is in my file." She looked at Chelsea as though seeking an answer to a question she didn't know she had. "I've also noticed that these," she cupped her breasts, "are still growing. Is that normal?"

Chelsea smiled. "Yes, very normal" she said gently. "Let me look up the doctor and contact him about your womb but the breasts are also very ... mamalian. If you don't enjoy them and your species don't usually develop or need them in their reproductive cycles then again.... we could do without them if you want to...... " She drew in a breath.

"The thing is Petro, your species don't *do* a female form or version so you're a unique and new person. That means you don't *have* to conform to ANY dogma! You can choose what you want to embrace or try from any other kind or species that would be compatible with your physiology. Basically you can throw away the rule book and design your own new template." Chelsea explained, confused as to why this hadn't been made clear to Petro from the start.

"Oh." Petro said, taking in all the information. "That would have been nice to know from the beginning." She smiled at Chelsea. "Thank you so much. For now, I think I like these though I'm not sure why yet."

"I kinda like mine too" Chelsea smiled gently. "Tell you what, why don't I give you something to put your ovaries into a 'quiet' mode for a few days and maybe a pain killer too, then in the meantime you give all the options some thought and let me know what you *do* or *don't* want to keep? If you have any questions about it all then we can start this conversation again? Does that sound like a plan?"

"Yes." Petro replied, "and thank you." Petro waited for Chelsea to get the necessary instruments and return before asking. "Um, what size is normal?"

"Normal is a moveable feast, Sweetie. Some species have several breasts whilst others only have two; of those, some women have small, pretty ones but others may have very large, rather uncomfortably heavy ones. In general I have found that women say the most comfortable are middle-sized but full in shape. However, more than half of the men asked are attracted to fuller ones." Chelsea explained, wondering if it was appropriate to mention that men found them attractive given Petro's purity and total innocence.

"Are these about middle full?" She asked, not having any idea of what Chelsea was talking about. Small, medium, large? It sounded like something you ordered at a restaurant. "Why would men be attactred to fuller ones? Do they desire to have them as well?"

Chelsea choked. "Erm..." she coughed. "In a sense Petro. But not to have them as part of their own bodies although they do get quite.... fascinated.... with them on their wives or girlfriends bodies. It's something that is part of the physical attraction between men and women, sweetheart."

This wasn't easy, given the depth of purity and innocence that was such a charming yet rather vulnerable part of who Petro was. Chelsea felt almost maternal towards her.

"For what?" Petro asked, still confused about the whole thing. "I have found that they do serve a purpose depending on the outfit that I am wearing. Even using them as a pocket of sorts. Is that what men desire as well? To have their girlfriends or wives carry their things?" She thought about that for a moment. "No, that doesn't make sense. Men have pockets of their own."

"Yes, men have pockets of their own and no, it's not that, but they DO find them very attractive to admire." Chelsea replied, wondering how far to go with this 101 in .... well, Life! "You see Petro, in species where there a male and female individuals there will essentially be some form of coupling in order to mate.

Some of the most base forms will exhibit no emotion in anything, only instinct which drives them to reproduce. Other types of life-form, usually what we label the 'higher' evolutionary forms, may exhibit the ability to think about it or even choose, not only whether to do it - or not to - or indeed which mate they would prefer to do it *with*.

All humanoid species are capable of these choices when choosing a suitable mate and then the 'attractiveness' of the members of the opposite sex can come into play amongst other even more important, careful choices such as compatibility of characteristics and temperaments etc.

Some human men, quite a few in fact, and also some other bipedal males, do find twin female breasts an attribute when assessing the physical attractiveness of females." Chelsea wished she had been sensitive enough to have prepared for this and thought out how to word it. Still, there it was. She waited to see how Petro would deal with the information and what the dear little soul would say next.

Petro listened to the explanation. Parts of it made sense and she knew about the reproductive process of humanoid species but she still didn't understand how breasts came into play in that regard. They were for feeding offspring as far as purpose went. Then a thought crossed her mind. "Would it be safe to conclude that men find breasts to be visually appealing and therefore it can cause a sexual arousal? Kind of like a peacock's feathers?"

"Yes, that's sort of the idea." Chelsea answered, thinking that one out. "Peacock's feathers, Birds of Paradise's plumage, Flamingo's choegraphied dances, the list is endless of the types of displays that attract a mate."

"I think I understand." Petro said. "And thank you for the medicine for the pain." She stood and smiled at Chelsea. "Maybe one night you can help me go shopping or something to better understand how humans go about the mating process. It sounds like interesting learning."

"OH YES! Lets do that!" Chelsea was really taken by the idea of shopping. Whenever you feel up to it, just give me a shout and we'll shop til we drop!!" she grinned and gave Petro a friendly hug.


A JP between;

Lt (jg) Petro
Chief Communications Officer & Quatermaster


Cmdr Chelsea Dunham
CMO & 2nd Officer, DS5