Cascade – Do you know where home is?
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel

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Title   Do you know where home is?
Mission   Cascade
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel
Posted   Tue Nov 06, 2012 @ 1:16am
Location   Sick bay
Timeline   [Back Post] SD 69: Immediately after "Old Friends"

Ryan grinned as he picked up the cushion from the floor and walked to the doorway, quickly spotted Chelsea and flung it towards her, causing everyone’s attention to be turned on him, he smiled and gave a wave. "Hi everyone, just a very immature doctor reporting in" he chuckled.

Chelsea ducked and then straightened back up as if nothing had happened. She kept walking but her smirk still played about the edges of her lips. She flicked her comm badge, still facing away from Ryan and connected to him. =^= Dunham to Milarno - One word, Admin =^= before she turned into the sideward to start her rounds.

Ryan tapped his commbadge with a smile still firmly on his face as he walked round the desk to sit down. =^= Yes boss, Milarno out =^= he tapped his commbadge once more to close the channel and picked up the nearest padd.


Legate Hydel Turvan entered the medical facility in a calm and deliberate manner. He was fortunate to not have spent a large amount of time within human hospitals. Whenever he did have to spend time in one, he never felt comfortable. Perhaps it was the fact that it was too bright, or not warm enough. Or maybe even the fact that the physicians here focused more so on making the patients "Feel at home" as opposed to solving the problem and moving on to the next patient. There was much to say for Cardassian discipline, even in the field of medicine.

He was not here for a social call. In fact he was here on business. Which is why he was annoyed by the fact that he had to wait for the two doctors to finish playing their little game before he could get on with his business. He watched as the couch cushion flew by him and landed against the wall.

"Should I come back at another time?" He said in a rather annoyed tone as his glare was directed towards Dr. Milarno.

"Oh" Ryan straightened up at the presence of the Cardassian before him, he groaned ever so quietly as he walked over and picked up the cushion, trust himself to be caught being silly. He shook his head at the Cardassian. "No of course not how can I help you?" he asked as he walked back to the office.

"Actually, I'm here to help you, Dr. Milarno." Hydel said as he entered the room and took a seat without invitation. "I am Legate Hydel Turvan, formerly of the 5th Order of Cardassian Central Command." He said proudly. "However, I am here on diplomatic business for the Detapa Council." He said, as he changed his tone. "You are at least familiar with whom that entity is, are you not?" He asked in a purposefully rhetoric tone.

Ryan nodded as he lowered himself down into the seat behind the desk. "Course I do, civil governing body of the Cardassian Union, controls central command and the Obsidian Order" he answered.

"Good, I'm not exactly sure what is the extent of your knowledge of Cardassian culture, what with you being raised by foreigners and all." Hydel responded.

Ryan raised an eyebrow and pouted. "You've certainly been reading my file" he smirked.

Hydel studied the emotion that quickly danced across the Doctor's face. "Yes, I am fully aware of who or rather. . .what you are, Dr. Milarno." He said. "You are the son of Gul Preloc, he was assigned to Bajor during the Cardassian Diplomatic Mission on the planet." He said. "It was no secret that while he was an talented man, he did have certain. . .vices that tended to cloud his otherwise impressive accomplishments." Hydel said with a respectful tone.

Ryan snorted in disbelief and let out a laugh. "Is that what your government is calling it now, a diplomatic mission? Unbelievable" he stopped himself and tapped his fingers on the desk. "He certainly did have his 'vices' as you put it. I know all about him and to be honest I don't think I'd be here right now if I wasn't raised off world, I'm grateful my mother had the sense to leave, to find a way back to my family" he stopped and let out a breath, he could feel himself becoming agitated. " said you were here to help me?" Ryan didn't see how or why a Cardassian legate would want to help him.

Hydel released an exasperated sigh. Undoubtedly he had bought into the propaganda of Cardassia being all-evil and intent on galactic domination. "Say what you will about Bajor, but it is stronger now than it ever was in the past 400 years. Military, commerce, exploration, all have been multiplied due to the cooperation and guidance of Cardassia." Hydel said firmly.

"As for your mother, I cannot speak to the tales she's woven in regards to Gul Preloc. What I can say is that you are the recipient of a genetic boon." He said as he withdrew a padd and placed it on the table before the Doctor.

"The Detapa Council has made reclamation a priority. Despite your time in the relative obscurity, you are a son of Cardassia, and therefore she wishes to welcome you back home, regardless of what mistakes your adoptive parents may have made in keeping you away." Hydel stated. "The Council had seen fit to extended provisional citizenship to all those who wish to claim it. Thus, it would entitle you to certain benefits of a Cardassian citizen." he explained.

Ryan picked up the padd and skimmed the details. "What certain benefits?" he asked as he placed it back down on the desk. "And is this for me or are there others like me that they want to reclaim?"

"It is for all of Cardassia's children that have been led astray through no fault of their own." Hydel replied. "It is an opportunity for you to help rebuild your home and discover your roots. That in itself should be reason enough." He explained.

"There's a slight problem there Legate" he spoke in a sharp tone. "I don't consider Cardassia my home, yes I've visited, nice planet, people, of the majority are friendly but Bajor, Earth, this station and the Federation are the places, the institution that I consider home" he told him and sighed, shook his head as he lowered it. "I have an obligation to Starfleet, I'm not leaving again to help rebuild a world in which I have no bond to whatsoever"

The Legate's annoyance was beginning to creep across his face as his jaw tightened and his eyes narrowed within their respective sockets. He did not appreciate how difficult this human was making the situation nor did he appreciate the tone in which he spoke his rank and title.

"This. . .is a chance for you to see what you have been deprived of your entire existence. It is a chance for you to help your fallen brethren rebuild their society. As opposed to spending your time and talent playing with pillow cushions and sipping. . .what is that concoction your humans enjoy. . . .'Root Beer' was it?" he said intently.

Ryan seemed to enjoy seeing the annoyance in the Cardassian, he scrunched his face and shook his head. "Nah, can't stand the stuff" he told him bluntly. "Coffee however, which this is" he picked the mug up and took a sip. "Love it" he smiled.

Ryan sighed and collected his thoughts. "In my opinion" he began again now more seriously. "I haven't been deprived of anything in my life Legate, when my genetics surfaced it was a shock, a complete shock to the point I left this base to find myself, I'm slowly getting there I admit it's taking it's time but one day I will, but there is something missing" he rested back into the chair and rubbed his face in slight frustration over his thoughts. "And if that thing that's missing is Cardassia well...I-...I'll think about it, but I just don't see how it would work if I agree because I'm not abandoning my priorities here which do actually stretch much farther than cushion throwing, I'm a doctor, doesn't mean I have to play the stereotype of being a boring one"

~ He'll think about it. . .? ~ Hydel thought to himself as he slowly reached across the desk and retrieved the Padd.

"You'll think about it!?!" Hydel said as he shot out of his chair and slammed his hands on the cool surface of the desk between the two individuals. "Do you know that resources have been sacrificed so that this opportunity could be given to a half-breed like you!?!" he roared.

"The only reason I'm here is at the behest of the Detapa Council. If it were up to me, I wouldn't waste a moment's worth of energy or effort in seeking out you miscegenated freaks. You would serve no purpose but to be a drain on Cardassia's resources." He said as he leaned closer and pointed an accusatory finger into the man's face.

"Stay here. . ." he said slowly.

"You've been surrounded and cultured by these fragile beings your entire existence. . ." he said in a lower tone. "So stay here. . .this is where you deserve to be." He said as he threw down the padd and turn to walk out of the room, ignoring the eyes of those within the facility.

Ryan was stunned into silence but he felt the anger within him and he got up and followed the Cardassian out. "I wasn't asked to be born Legate, and my mother sure as hell didn't asked to be raped by that pathetic piece of scum you hold up on a damn pedestal, and you talk about the Cardassian's being the ones to help the Bajorans you're missing one huge factor and we're standing in it!" he snapped. "Starfleet and the Federation!" he was way beyond angry now, he didn't care who heard. "I hope you all rot in hell, sort your world out yourself! I might have the ridges but I will never be a son of Cardassia!" he raged, his chest rose up and down quickly. "Don't you dare step back in this sickbay unless you're injured"

Hydel stared down at the doctor for several moments. His eyes locked on his, chest heaving, fists clenched. "I can assure you, Dr. Milarno. If you make the mistake of crossing my path in the future, I won't be the one injured." He said with full intent behind each word as he turned and finally walked out of Sick Bay entirely.

Ryan stood with his eyes fixed on the now closing doors. "We'll see" he muttered before clenching his jaw, the anger evidently still remained. He looked at the nurses and junior doctors who were standing around in shock at what they had just witnessed. "Get back to work" he snapped, despite not meaning too, He turned quickly and stormed back into the office.


Legate Hydel Turvan
Cardassian Empire


Lieutenant Ryan Milarno
Assistant Chief Medical Officer