Cascade – Less speed, more thought
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)

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Title   Less speed, more thought
Mission   Cascade
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Wed Dec 19, 2012 @ 10:17pm
Location   En route to CO Quarters.
Timeline   SD70 16:30
As she exited the Romulan Embassy, she had walked away without looking back on purpose, despite so wanting to turn around and check to see if Koval was watching her even though she felt he was.

Had she made a mistake?

She had planned to be all gung ho and push the stand ambassador for an admittance of guilt but as she had sat down on that metallic chair in his outer office, she had been reminded that the Romulans were far too subtle to put themselves in harms way and Tasha had to offer forward a bargaining chip. Had the chip been big enough? After all, it was her head that would sit proudly on the Romulans silver platter it it were. If not, then at least Koval would still be placated by knowing he had a trophy to admire, if only from a distance.

She knew he would offer her some titbit of information at a later date, but only when it would give him the satisfaction and security of doing so. Until then, she was now his Knight, the pawn being too easy an offering and Koval would want to keep a little something in reserve.

As she walked with care across the now smoke free Promenade, Tasha took a few moments to assimilate the situation on the platform.
Debris was being cleared. Blood being washed from the front of the Embassy and it was only then that Tasha wondered where Getal was. Was he inside? Was he even aboard the station?
She did not know and strange as it was, she did no really care, as long as there had been no fatalities.

She continued across the broad walkway, looking left and right seeing some things in a new light, as if now was the first time she had ever stepped foot on the Promenade, despite having been there countless times. The golden coloured handrails were now mottled with scratches, grazes and a thin layer of brownie gray ash. The Pink hued marble stair treads that took users both up and down the various levels of the civilian haven with their plexi glass sides affording the users unhindered views across the decks strewn with shops, cafes, bars and eateries. Until now, Tasha had never studied the Promenade and it seemed to her, that she should have noticed these details before such a tragic catastrophe.
She continued up the first flight of stairs leading her back to the lift she had descended in earlier and as she climbed, she looked directly upward and half expected to see stars, instead she saw the ceiling with its painted mural of a Terran summers sky. An azure blue with daubed clouds set against the beams of golden yellow light arcs than ran the full width of the promenade. Small 'V's that Tasha assumed were birds in flight and all this she had never seen before.

Riding the turbo lift would give Tasha the time she needed to think. As the doors closed She suddenly remembered her phaser and her hand went to her side and she cursed herself for wanting to depart the Embassy in such a hurry and in that haste, had left behind a weapon. Now she was not only in harms way, she had given the Romulan Ambassador all he needed, a loaded Federation weapon.

The lift door slipped apart and Tasha found herself waiting for the door to reach its full width affording the opportunity to look past the corners as she stepped forward. She had placed herself in harms way and in doing so, she now had to watch what was both ahead and behind her.
What would she do? What could she do?

The door to her quarters slid open as she stood in front of them, chastising her stupidity, both for going to the Embassy and more foolishly, leaving her phaser there.
The next move, what what that be?
Would Koval be forthcoming enough to return it? She doubted that he would. She would have to go back. If not her, then she could always send Rakka. No love lost between a Nausicaan and a Romulan. She would have a field day, ripping that smug guards arms off to retrieve Tashas mistake.

The captain shook her head as she drew her tunic top over her head and discarded non ceremoniously on the floor beside the closet door.
She could not ask Rakka to fix her problem., it would only make matters worse than they were.

Dropping her uniform trousers to the floor, Tasha sidestepped from them and walked into the bathroom discarding the remainder of her clothes and taking a much needed shower, not only to wash away the dirt that had entered her very pores, but to take her mind off her mistake, or more to the point, how to remedy it.


Captain Tasha Tahir