Beg, Steal or Borrow – Recreation & Reflection
by Lieutenant JG Opaka Jo'el & Klingon Ambassador Toran of the House of Moqrhat

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Title   Recreation & Reflection
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Lieutenant JG Opaka Jo'el & Klingon Ambassador Toran of the House of Moqrhat
Posted   Sun Mar 15, 2009 @ 9:53pm
Location   Holodeck 4
Timeline   SD 8 ; 09:00

Jo'el took a katana in each hand and used them to stretch his chest as he leaned back hard. He yanked his head back a couple times to throw the hair off of his face and gazed up at the simulated Klingon sun.

"Autumn on Kang's summit," Jo'el thought aloud. "Not my first pick for scenery, but I've seen much worse."

Thoughts of smoldering craters and mass graves in Rekantha Province popped into his mind. He took several deep breaths as the memories faded into the background.

Jo'el crossed and recrossed his arms, careful with the blades in his hands out of habit more than danger. The holographic blades would do minor damage in the worst of situations.

Da'nal had been pleasenlty surprised to get the invitation for a sparring match. He was glad that he wouldn't have to spar against a program...a real oppenent is so much better. He hadn't bothered to look up who he would be fighting, he wanted the unexpected. - more realistic that way. However by the sounds of the name he guest he was Bajoran. A fact that gave him an certain level of respect as a combatant. Da`nal hoped he would live up to his expectations.As the doors to the holodeck parted he was greated by aa familiar site. ~Hmmm, Kang's Summit...trying to get on my good side.~ The corner of his mouth curled as he watched his opponent warm up. "Good Morning."

"Good morning, Son of Ral'nath. I'm glad you could make it."

Jo'el fought to hide his warm, welcoming smile. While he was pleased to have a sparring partner, he knew any typical humanoid pleasantries would put the stategic ops chief on edge. Sparring with a Klingon was one thing, provoking him was sheer stupidity.

"I took the liberty of calling up a diverse arsenal for our exercises, take whatever you wish from the rack." Jo'el pointed with his remaining katana to the hodgepodge of swords and cuttlery at the edge of the clearing.

Grinning inwardly. "You can relax Opaka, I won't take your head off." Letting his grin show an edge of humor. "At least not yet." Glancing at the young man's choice of weapon. Had he known his family line he might have chosen differently. However Da`nal held his opinions in check, he wouldn't be using a katana if his didn't know how to use it. Walking over to the rack he eyed the collection of weapons.

Da`nal went through a few of them, expertly testing each until he selected a bat'leth...How Klingon of him. Turning slightly, "so why the invitation?"

"Several reasons, to be honest." Jo'el slashed at the air with a three step combo, eyes focused on an imaginary opponent. Pleased with his form, he looked back at his guest.

"For one thing, as good a workout as a Ferengi can design, there's very little to be learned in combat without a living, breathing, thinking partner. I thought this morning might be the first step in a long-term exchange of company and comraderie."

Da'nal's head bobbed up and down slowly as he nodded in agreement. It would seem they were of the same mind when it came to training, and began to stretch and warm his muscles.

Jo'el flipped his hair out of his eyes and squinted against the sunlight. "In the short term, I was hoping you could offer some strategic wisdom about working around Romulans..."

At the mention of Romulans, Da'Nal stopped his warm up, standing straight, with an edge to his voice. "Romulans? As a whole, Romulans are honorless cowards. The key to dealing with them is simple. Watch your back." Lifting the bat'leth and taking it through a basic form. "While they may be any ally for a time being-" Then increasing the difficulty of his movements. "They will plot your down fall." Finishing with a complex set of movements, he spoke from personal experience. "And when they feel they no longer need you; they will stab you in the heart." An aire of more even temperedness returned to his voice as he stood, lowering his weapon. "Of course there is the rare exception, but you will usually only see that on a very limited basis. Why do you ask?"

Jo'el threw a full speed bicyle kick in the air while controlling his blade. "My first posting as VIP bodyguard is for the Romulan Ambassador, Isha t'Khellian."

Impressed with the young man's martial skill. With a wry grin, "Well I don't know whether to congratulate you or hope for your honorable death. Just watch yourself, my House has suffered more than once from Romulan treachery."

"Thanks for the advice, Commander. I'll grow eyes in the back of my head, as they say at the Academy." Jo'el picked up a Vulcan lirpa and began swinging it backwards. He heard his shoulder tendons crack and crunch approvingly and then switched to the other arm.

"So, what is it like being a single Klingon father?"

Grinning and surprised at the change in subject. The thinking of his children was surprisingly effective at countering the anger he had felt at the race he blamed for his brothers death. "Well I do have help, so its not that I'm raising them all alone. However fatherhood is a....unique challenge."

Jo'el nodded, taking several long strides backward. He tossed his sword toward the sun and completed a rapid set of flips before catching the katana just before it made contact with Da'Nal's outstretched bat'leth.

"I never really knew my parents. It would seem the Prophets have at least granted your children half the courtesy. I trust you all cherish your time together."

Crouching slightly as he began to circle Opaka he nodded. "More than I thought I ever would. Klingons tout there prowess in battle, but with out someone to share it pass it on to, those words are hollow and fade in the wind."

"I know exactly how you feel, Commander," Jo'el replied. He crouched into an attack position when the comm interupted.

=^=The time is now 09:45 hours=^=

"Damn," Jo'el sighed, lowering his katana. "I'm on duty in fifteen minutes. Another time, perhaps?"

"Anytime...." He too had to get busy.

Jo'el smiled, feeling his first glimmer of a friendship taking place since setting foot on DS5. "Feel free to enjoy the program as long as you like," Jo'el asserted, heading to the exit and making his way to his quarters.

Da`nal watched him leave and returned his Bat'leth to the rack and ended the progam.


Ensign Opaka Jo'el
Master-At-Arms/VIP Bodyguard

Lt Cmdr Da`nal
Chief of Strategic Operations