We All Fall Down – What Comes Around, Goes Around
by Lieutenant Commander Steve Wyman

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Title   What Comes Around, Goes Around
Mission   We All Fall Down
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Steve Wyman
Posted   Wed Oct 29, 2014 @ 1:40am
Location   Sickbay
Timeline   MD 3 1115

When it came right down to it, Steve should have asked for an escort to Sickbay. A trip from Ops, which would normally take only a couple of minutes, was now at about the fifteen minute mark. Each corridor seemed to be spinning like a top. He wanted to sit down, but wasn't certain he'd be able to get back up again.

Ultimately, he made it to the medical bay. Grasping the door jam for support, he felt his legs giving out and knew that he would probably never be able to make this joke again - so he'd have to do it now.

Raising his index finger aloft, Wyman weakly asked, "Medic?" and collapsed to the deck.

A nurse and a pair of orderlies bolted across the bay and picked the chief engineer up; half-carrying him to a bed. As the nurse took down his vitals, he gave Wyman a sidelong glance. "Congratulations, Commander. You're the ranking officer to come down with this... whatever it is."

Staring up at the spinning ceiling, Steve raised a fist in triumph. "Woo... what do I win?"

"In your case, you get to share an isolation room with your daughter. Nearly the entire school complex has come down with it." the nurse deadpanned, not expecting Steve to answer sarcasm with sarcasm.

That statement jolted Wyman's brain back into order, at least momentarily. "My daughter?!?" he cried, sitting bolt upright. The wave of dizziness and nausea caused him to almost fall off the bed. Thankfully the orderlies were there to catch him.

"She was brought in a few minutes ago with the same symptoms as everyone else. We've given her something to make her more comfortable, and that's about all we can do until we can isolate the cause. And once one of the doctors can pry themselves free, they'll do the same for you. Until then, just try not to move around and if you think you're going to be sick..." the man trailed off and reached to the floor, picking up a round bucket from next to the bed. "Aim here."

"Have you ever considered going back to school and becoming a doctor? Your bedside manner is remarkable." Wyman groaned, resting his hands on his churning midsection.

The nurse chuckled and walked away, leaving Steve with his thoughts. Was he really so sick that he didn't notice Gwen had taken ill? Or was he overworked? Or overcome with thoughts of undermining Soran? Most likely a combination of the three. Either way, it left him unnerved, as Gwen's health was far more important to him than his own.

"Great... now I get to feel sick AND sorry for myself at the same time. Nice little combo platter."

Lt. Cmdr. Steve Wyman
Chief Engineering Officer
Deep Space 5