Things Past – This is the one?
by Lieutenant JG Lyhse Sullivans & Chief Executive Officer Wayne Bradshaw

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Title   This is the one?
Mission   Things Past
Author(s)   Lieutenant JG Lyhse Sullivans & Chief Executive Officer Wayne Bradshaw
Posted   Tue Mar 19, 2013 @ 10:56am

Wayne stood outside of the engineering section main entrance His thoughts drifting over things he had found out over the last several days. The fact that someone at his construction yards was leaking plans to his competitors was what brought him to this place. He was not sure what would happen but he had to find a way to safegaurd his ship designs and from what he had heard the officer he was lookig for was one of the best in the fleet. He would discuss some things with her and hopefully get her help, even if it ment he had to have some of his designs looked over by the fleet.

Well that would not be to bad at least he could trust the fleet and who knew maybe if this person was as good as he had heard a compromise would be worth his time and effort.

He walked into engineering and after clearing things through with the onduty officer he was pointed in the direction of the person he was looking for. he headed down about 6 levels and arrived at the industrial replicators to find who he hoped was his target though he could not tell as whoever it was had their back to him and were half buried in the industrial replicators.

Lyhse was hard at work inspecting the odd behavior of the Industrial Replicators.

"Lt. Sullivans?" asked Wayne he did not want to startle her but he knew he had to let her know he was here.

Hearing what she believed to be her name she looked up and replied:

"Lyhse Sullivans at your service."

The man in front of her held himself much as Captain Tasha Tahir; some one 'In Command', some one who was use to wrestling from the 'Jaws of Defeat' success, some one who knew well that each victory had a cost, some one who expected his orders would be carried out without either argument or delay.

She believed she observed that his left arm was a prosthetic replacement, possible favoring one leg over another due to a serious injury.

Lyhse didn't recognize the 'speaker'; however, for some one to make their way down here meant she should listen to what he might have needed help or to council one of her areas of knowledge.

Wayne had the feeling that he was being sized up by the officer infront of him. "You know for someone who has no telepathic or empathic abilities you have a way of sizing a person up with just a glance if you were not so young I would say you saw alot of combat but that can not be right. At anyrate i was wandering if you would be willing to do a little consulting work. I have several starship, starfighter, and shuttlecraft designs on the table and well to be honest I am not sure which ones should be sent to the builders. I heard that you were very insightfull and thought that maybe I could entice you to give some input on them." Said wayne calmly

Glowing red with embarrassment; Lyhse had forgotten her 'skill' some times made other's uneasy, however hearing she was being consulted on a subject 'near and dear' her rosy glow was quickly replaced by an enthused glow. She hated to admit she had limited combat experience.

Lyhse calmly replied "Perhaps you would like me to sign a NDA (Non disclosure Agreement)"

Looking at her PADD she noted she was past due a 'break' she sent an 'message' to her office as well as the CEO that she was taking her break.

Lyhse looked at him before speaking "Sir; I would be glad to discuss this further, I have informed both my Station as well as the CEO I am taking my 'break' now so could I buy you lunch?"

"As far as the NDA is concerned that will not come into play until such time as we actually get down to the part where you see the designs so for now don't worry about it. Though the thought of lunch sounds like a plan to me." said Wayne calmly

Lyhse smiles slightly as she's heading towards the turbo-lift she inquires.

"Any place in mind or perhaps the cafeteria?"

"I swore a long time ago that after 43 years of eating in starfleet cafeteria's and marine barricks I would never set foot in one again. I know a pub it is slightly upscale but the food is very good and they know how to keep quiet about what is discussed in their walls." Said Wayne calmly as he headed toward the lift and what would hopfullybe a good working relationship

Lyhse smiles and nodded affirmatively as she waits for him to enter and state where the turbo-lift was to go.

Lyhse looks some what perplexed as she timidly inquires; "Sir; what is that you are called by?"

"That just depends on who exactly is talking to me. My co workers and employees call me either Mr. bradshaw or boss, my kids call me dad, my friends call me Wayne and my enemies well what they call me can not exactly be said in polite company." said Wayne lightly " Though I think you can call me Wayne." He added

An Ironic smile creeps on her lips; "Wayne it is, and I am Lyhse.", she respectfully responded.

"Computer deck 141." Said Wayne softly

"So just so I have a little idea about what you know as I am sure that the rumors are either greatly over exaderated or greatly under exacerated. I mean there is no way you would have been able to single handedly restore a shuttle and an even more unlikely one is that you managed to save a starship from a warp core breach with just a spanner and a half functional tricorder." Said Wayne calmly

Lyhse observes the elder for some time, before she replied:

"Wayne; I am unsure as to these rumors of which you refer, however be assured, I shall do my best."

"That is all anyone can ask for I guess." said Wayne politely

With almost a pixie like grin she said nothing more till they reached the Pub.

She looked at him uncertain: "Thought I offered to buy you lunch?"

"Tell you what you can buy me lunch some other time but this one is on me. I doubt that this particular establishment would accept starfleet credit." Said Wayne calmly "After all look around this place might be listed as a pub but I bet you that you could drop a strip of gold pressed latnium on the floor and no one would even bother to pick it up." He added softly

Seated, lunch ordered, without much preamble Lyhse states:"My father oversaw Acceptance Trials, as well as Construction trials of Starfleet, this is one of the reasons I was drawn to Naval Architecture. At 40 Eridani I was the Junior Project Manager primary dutys were to Manage cost, schedule and technical product development, Supervise junior staff on projects or teams, Performs quality assurance reviews of complex analysis, calculations and drawings developed. Weight estimating (both conceptual and detailed), Intact and damage stability assessment, General
arrangements development, Warp and Impulse estimation of ship Speed/Power/Resistance (both analytically and scale testing), Conceptual layout, Space keeping and Habitability prediction, Maneuvering prediction, Deck equipment sizing and layout, Inclining experiments, Experience in other areas, as follows, Computational Warp and Space dynamics, Star Fleet requirements integration, Combatant builder's specification development, Equipment purchase specification development, Sensor cross section analysis, Habitability analysis, and Ship Sciences.

"Hmm what you have told me is impressive to be sure. That being said there is one small test remaining." said Wayne flatly he pulled out a a data pad. "On this PADD is a design for a defunct star ship. The entire design is solid accept for one flaw if you can find the flaw and give me a conclusive solution to it I will see about setting you up as a design consultant. You would work directly for me off the books if you should so desire." Said Wayne he sat the PADD down and leaned back the next move was hers to make.

Lyhse picks up the PADD,

She stated "Ever ship design has a flaw"

"That is true however the flaw I am wandering if you can find would cause the ships critical systems to malfunction. I will narrow the field down for you though. The flaw is in the lifesupport system and weapons system." Said wayne calmly he knew that he had not offered her much help but it would give her an easier time to find it.

The dark eyed woman spoke very little as she scanned the ship's plans. A few minutes latter she quietly handed him back the PADD.

She knew he would notice the her modifications to EPS efficiency as well as the PUDN efficiency. It wouldn't surprise her if others were mystified by her choice of using a smaller array since the type XII array required massive power and could only be placed into ships that could generate such massive power needs. The only odd ball was the Type U Pulse-phaser Cannon unlike the type XII, the u-pulse-phaser cannon required larger space. The more arrays the more each could add to the total output. The next on the list was Life-support subsystem SIF; the greatest improvement she could gain, the other subsystem across the board 'improvements were not as great but could only add a twelve percent increase in the ship's 'Habitability Index'.

Lyhse knew he would note her modifications were 'cost effective' since the trade offs were not 'rebuild' or redesign intensive, The trade offs were using Isolinear banks to increase as well as improve function of the existing systems. The only 'time consuming' change would be to modify the phaser arrays.

Wayne looked over the plans and he was impressed to say the least. "I think you might actually give my son a run for his money in the R and D department. I must say your changes and improvements not only found and corrected the problem I intentionally put in the design but made a marked improvement in several other areas as well. If you want a consulting job with my company it is yours for the asking. We can discuss your payment after some of the paperwork is filed." Said Wayne calmly "Of course that assumes that you will not want to leave starfleet all togather once you see some of the designs you will be consulting on." He added with a light chuckle

It seemed some time before the younger woman responded to him. Seemingly avoiding his query; she hesitates, blushing as Lyhse replied “This might appear to be 'unrealistic' to you Wayne; as long as I am in Starfleet, fell free to consult with me with no fee. Starship construction is a passion of mine, so it would be a pleasure to see 'my knowledge' be used towards that goal.”

Wayne looked at her for a moment and chuckled to himself. "Actually that is the reaction I get from alot of people who start out as consultants before they come and work for me full time. So I will tell you what I will do, while your in starfleet you will not be paid directly however I will put the money you earn into a account in your name and when or if you leave the fleet you will have a nice little nest egg built up for yourself." said Wayne calmly even if she told him not to do that he was going to do it anyway after all it was not morally right to use someones skills and not to compensate them for it in some way.

Lyhse's left eyebrow arched slightly as she heard his offer.

A slight smile played on her lips before she replied; "Guess we have a deal Wayne."


Wayne Bradshaw
CEO Bradshaw Intergalactic Incorporated
Deep Space 5

Manufacturing Production Officer
Lieutenant JG Lyhse Sullivans
Deep Space Five