Beg, Steal or Borrow – Breaking the Ice
by Klingon Ambassador Toran of the House of Moqrhat & Commander Isha t'Vaurek

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Title   Breaking the Ice
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Klingon Ambassador Toran of the House of Moqrhat & Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Sat Feb 07, 2009 @ 2:26pm
Timeline   SD8 0800
Why not? Alison thought. Since her last session with the counsellor she’d been feeling much more positive about herself, and Giles had continued to join her for coffee and ask her to dinner and this very morning he’d sent an oversized bouquet of fragrant pink roses dotted with bright white fronds of gypsophilia to operations.

She glanced again at the vase behind her work station, smiling as she breathed deeply and sent the authorisation for the shuttle to dock. Pausing to compose a quick note; Giles, they’re beautiful. Benito’s at 20:00? she stole a quick glance at the chronometer; time for a little replicator talk, and picked up her cold empty mug and went to join the team.

“… its gonna be raktajino from now on, that’s what I heard,” Ensign Sturm said, leaning against the wall by the replicator.

As Alison approached he reached in to the replicator and handed a mug to a colleague, “What are you lot gossiping about this time?” she asked; supervising this bunch was not the easiest task but her ‘boys’ were good at heart, even if they did see her as a bit of a mother hen.

The cadaverous Crewman Drang swapped mugs with Alison, “Maybe you know something, Al, Sturm reckons the new guy is a Klingon. What happened to Commander Smith?”

Alison cradled the warm mug between her palms and smiled, “Ensign Sturm heard right,” she said as they settled in for a little ‘team building’ “Smith asked for reassignment, he left to join a Starship.”

Sturm emitted a hearty laugh, “Some guys just can’t hack the Starbase life,” he said.

Alison tutted at the interruption and continued. “His replacement is a Lieutenant Commander Da’nal, and yes, he’s a Klingon.”

“They’ll be lettin’ Breen in next,” Sturm said.

Alison fixed him with a hard little stare, “Ensign, that sort of divisive comment is not suitable. The commander comes highly recommended and he’s in with the CO now.”

Sturm clapped a meaty hand on Alisons shoulder, “Sorry ma’am,” he said, “’s just me soundin’ off, I don’t mean anythin’ by it; temporary Captains sudden changes … you know how it is. Who’s your admirer?” he asked, with a nod toward her workstation niftly distracting her from the subject.

Alison sipped her tea, “Do you know the little antiquary shop just off level 2 of the main promenade? Well he runs that … he’s been asking me to go on a date for ages.”

“Go for it, Al,” Drang encouraged, “What’ve you got to lose?”

“That’s what the counsellor said. I’ve asked him to dinner tonight.”

“I’m quite partial to racht myself,” Drang smirked, “well, I’m not but in the interests of team spirit I …”
Alison nudged him in the ribs and as the trio tried not to laugh they watched as the new commander emerge from the CO’s office.

Da`nal stepped forward enough for the door to close behind him. Looking around the operations center he spotted three of his staff from the files he had reviewed last night, one of them catching an elbow to the ribs, and began walking towards them.

"Now you've done it," Sturm muttered.

Alison silenced him with a dark look, placing her mug aside and wiping her palms briefly on the back of her uniform, as the klingon approached. He was very tall, she thought, controlling her breathing just as she had been taught when encountering a stressful situation like meeting a new colleague.

"You must be Lt. Bennett, Ens. Sturm and Crewman....Drang, yes?"

"Right, Sir," Alison said, "we make up half of the usual day shift, well there's also Lieutenant Graves but she came down ill, nobody's been arranged to replace her yet," Alison paused, blinked and remembered that she hadn't taken a breath recently.

Grinning with a slight smirk. "You can breathe Lieutenant, I won't bite."

"No, of course not," Alison said, "We haven't had a Klingon on the team before, has anyone shown you round?"

Shaking his head no. "I had a few days to wander the station before reporting in, but was just getting a feel for the station. Nothing official."

Feeling a little more at ease with the situation Alison smiled, "If you have the time, Cammnader I could give you a brief tour while the boys take care of everything and once you're familiar with where everything is you can get down to it?" she suggested.

"Lead on" Da`nal nod to the others as they returned to their duties and the lieutenant began to show him around.


Lieutenant JG Alison Bennett
Hangers on Sturm & Drang
NPCd by Louise


Lieutenant Commander Da'nal