Interlude – Late Night Supper
by Commander Chelsea Dunham & Commander Richard Dunham

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Title   Late Night Supper
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Commander Chelsea Dunham & Commander Richard Dunham
Posted   Sun Aug 29, 2010 @ 1:08pm
Location   Box of Delights/Red Lion
Timeline   SD28

Chelsea and Rick finally managed to find each other again in the mĂȘlĂ© of the Romulan party at the Box of Delights.

"Here you are!" she declared as she found him at the bar. Slipping up onto a stool beside him she sighed. "I don't think we should have come. Rianni looks lovely and it all seems to be going really well, but to be honest I feel out of place in civilian clothes, even a ball gown and your black-tie still don't seem formal enough. Everyone else is in Dress Uniform and covered in medals and so on."

"I think you look great without cloth...I mean a dress uniform" Dunham smiled. He got the feeling that some of the Romulan ale he had been drinking had gone straight to his head. "Besides, they won't mind" he waved in the general direction of the Romulans.

"Nooooo, I disagree." she countered without hostility, just discussing it further. "You're part of the flight department where she used to be CAG and now you're her successor so you have a place here as her friend and colleague. I hardly know her apart from that it was my job to save her life. I feel like a fish out of water here tonight."

Dunham slipped one arm around Chelsea's waist, and swivelled on his bar chair to face her. "Don't worry it will be fine, besides it's a party. Though now that you mention it, is it wrong that I feel a little un-easy with all these Romulans around?"

"Oooh, on that note, do you know which one is Isha's mother?" Chelsea digressed from her discomfort.

"Hmmm," said Dunham in thought. "You know I'm not entirely sure, though I did have a drink with Rianni's Grandfather. Good bloke."

"Yes, I really liked him too." Chelsea replied with a smile. "But I've heard so much about Isha's mother, I wanted at least to *see* her..... although to be honest, I doubt if I would last 10 seconds if I met her. I imagine she'll be formidable!" she admitted frankly.

"I imagine so to," said Dunham with a smile and taking another sip of the blue liquid in his glass. "So what do we be honest, this isn't really my kind of cup of tea."

"Nor mine" she screwed up her nose prettily and moved closer to him, nuzzling his neck discretely as her face passed surreptitiously by on the pretence of putting her glass onto the bar next to him.

"Wanna slip away and find something ...... more exciting..... to do?" she whispered.

"Oh yeah." Said Dunham, suddenly feeling very warm, and loosening his collar a little to cool down, he smiled. "After you" he said politely getting up from his chair and helping her up with one hand.

"oooh, you're such a gentleman!" she sighed appreciatively, slipping off the stool into his arms, just that bit too close, sliding down his thigh with her hip in the shiny dress.

They left the party gracefully, nodding politely to anyone who noticed and said goodbye but there were few.

Once outside, Chelsea began to giggle. She picked up the hem of her dress and began to run down the promenade, challenging Rick to catch her. It wasn't much of a challenge in that dress, so she had to hitch it much higher above her knees but he was finding the Romulan Ale was affecting his ability to run in a straight line after her so as he was weaving about laughing, she was hobbling ahead of him, struggling with the dress, still giggling like a girl.

"Do you think you might be *drunk* Lieutenant Dunham?" she accused jokingly, knowing full well, she was probably more so than he was and this was very hypocritical of her.

She put her index finger up to her lips. "ssssssshhhhh" she insisted even though he wasn't making as much noise as she was. "How will we escape our Romulan pursuers if you clomp about like that?"

Dunham looked about him, making sure know one was listening, then leaned closer towards her. He whispered in a over exaggerated conspiratorial tone. "I can do stealthy ninja." Dunham then proceeded to take off his boots, then tip-toed towards his destination.

"I can do a stealth tree!" Chelsea countered and stood on one leg with both arms out. She wobbled and on her evening shoes with the slight heels, she teetered and began to lurch sideways.

Dunham slipped in under her waist as she lurched sideways. He then held her around her waist, and lifted Chelsea onto his shoulders in a fireman's lift. Dunham then proceeded to carry them both home. Though he had left his boots on the promenade. "This is my Stealthy commando"

Chelsea began to struggle, laughing and beating her fists on his back, but more gently than it must have looked like. "Put me down you brute!" she pretended to protest.

"I was going to stop off in a casino and gamble all our life-savings away.... i don't want to go home yet... the night is young!" she kept protesting as the blood rushed to her head.

He put her down, and smiled a content and happy look on his face. "I knew you were just marrying me for my money." He said jokingly.

"And you have a problem with that?" she asked, her best innocent look on her face.

"Come on, let's go and be baaaaaaaad!" she encouraged him. "I'd normally suggest the Box of Delights but as we've just left that boring party there, we'll have to find another bar or restaurant.... I'm sure a man of your chequered past must have an idea where we can have a meal late at night?"

"Me?" said Dunham, returning the innocent look and pointing to his own chest. "No chequered past here, I'm a good boy." He fluttered his eyelashes. "But if I were going to go and be bad, I'd go to the red lion." Dunham pointed further down the walk way.

"Really??" Chelsea raised an eyebrow in pretence of disbelief and went back to racing him there. As they entered the Red Lion, the bar-tender welcomed them warmly.

"Good evening, good people, my name is Tom. Welcome to my humble bar." he said.

"Hi Tom, I'm Chelsea" she replied. "and this is Rick".

She shot a mischievous look at Rick and asked him sweetly... "Shall we sit here?" she indicated a table nearby. "Or do you want to find a quieter table?" Her eyes sparkled at him and wandered to his feet briefly, causing the corner of her mouth to rise slightly into a smirk as she was reminding him with the glance that he hadn't got any shoes on.

"I think we should find one of the shady low lit booths" Dunham smiled and put an arm around her waist.

"mmmmmm" She replied, snuggling against him in agreement. "What shall we have to drink?"
She turned to the bar-tender again before Rick replied on the drink options. "Is it too late to get something to eat?" she enquired.

"Not at all" smiled Tom and handed them a menu from on the bar. "Pick your booth and I'll be right over for your order, you can order your drinks from there too and I'll put them all on the tab." He said helpfully.

Rick and Chelsea found a quiet table in the corner and slid into the high backed seats opposite one another. Immediately they were sitting down, Chelsea slid her hand across and took Rick's in hers. This made it difficult for him to read the menu left-handed but she smiled so sweetly at him and just sat there looking adoringly into his eyes that she seemed to get away with it.

"You order for us both" she grinned. "Let's see if you have good taste in pub food?"

Dunham perused the menu he was handed by the bar tender and looked at it thoughtfully, though he was struggling to concentrate on it due to Chelsea's loving look, and bodily closeness. Dunham saw something familiar on the menu and ordered it. It was a simple food; Pizza. But it had been the first meal they had shared together so Dunham thought it appropriate.

Chelsea waited for the food to arrive and surprise her. She decided on wine for the drink and picked out a nice bottle from the wine list. This was brought and opened while they were waiting for food which wasn't such a good idea in retrospect as they'd already had a fair bit of alcohol as anaesthetic to pass time at the Romulan ordeal earlier.

Dunham took a appreciative sip of the wine and nodded with approval at its excellent taste. He smiled warmly at his wife to be and thought he was the luckiest man in the world. He was also a bit drunk and the luckiest man in the world,who put one hand on her thigh.

Chelsea didn't move his hand away, she just smiled at him and glowed with happiness. Shortly afterwards the pizza arrived.

"Rick, you remembered! You're SOOOOOO sweet." she was impressed that he'd chosen the very meal they'd had on their first date. She thought it was romantic, not realising he'd plumped for safe. All that mattered were the Brownie points he'd won. The rest of his night was now assured to go well, judging by the look of adoration in her eyes.

Dunham smiled back and tucked into his pizza. He thought back to the first time they had shared pizza together, and the road that had brought them here. It had had its up's and down's, but it had all been worth it, and their was no one else in through all of space an time that he would want to spend the rest of his life with. He loved her more than anything else in the universe. "We've come along way together since we shared pizza for the first time haven't we."

Chelsea looked thoughtful. "Yes we have." she agreed, doing the same reminiscing as Rick. "I'll never forget when you carried me back with a twisted ankle because I was afraid to let Ryan know what i'd done." she smiled. "... and that first kiss... i felt so guilty but it was the best kiss ever.... I love the way you kiss me."

She fell silent for a moment or two, dreamily remembering those early moments of their relationship, smiling into her pizza.

"Lieutenant Dunham" she began in mock formality. "Did I tell you lately that i love you?" she asked, taking his hand and squeezing it gently.

Dunham to thought fondly of those first few days of their relationship. THey had been the most amazing days of his life. Everyday with Chelsea was the most amazing day of his. Life. "You have...." he smiled warmly and looked into her eye's with adoring passion. "I promise to tell you, that I love you every day...Forever." He squeezed her hand.

"Awwwww" she murmoured and reached across to kiss him softly but with genuine feeling. "And I will too.... deal?" she replied with a wide smile.

After exchanging more kisses, they finished their pizza and the whole bottle of wine between them and after a slight, affectionate scuffle over which of them was sober enough to pay the bill, they settled it and left, returning to the wobbling home that they had started earlier.

This time it was Chelsea who took off her shoes and left them on the promenade. "There.... no we're even" she giggled and began to run down the corridors, constantly looking behind to see that Rick was following. Drunkenly running in a long dress and not looking where you're going was later reconsidered to have been unwise but at the time she seemed to find it hilariously funny.

....... until she crashed into an oncoming, unsuspecting, HUGE Bolian and literally bounced backwards onto her rear. Oddly enough she found this hilarious too, at the time.

She struggled to her feet, apologising profusely and patting the front of the Bolian's shirt as if this would mend the imaginary dent it felt as if she had put into the front of him. He stood there like a mountain. "I'm SO sorry.... allow me.... " she smoothed his shirt some more and tried to focus properly on his face as she attempted to make amends.

"It's quite all right Madam" said the Bolian with a polite nod and step back from her hands. From behind Chelsea came muffled laugh from Dunham who had his hand over his mouth to hide his grin.

Chelsea hauled herself straight for a few seconds with a great effort and curtsied in a wobbly manner. "You Sir, are too kind!" she replied with a very gracious smile and a nod of her head as she stood aside to let the Bolian 'knight' pass. Unfortunately lowering her head resulted in a rush of blood and just as he was safely past, she began to lurch sideways again.

"oopsh" she muttered as the wall attacked her and she slid down it, back onto her shapely rear which now possessed two bruises, one each side.

Dunham stood over her for a minute lips pursed together tightly to try and stop the laugh that was raising from his chest. "Ok you" said Dunham "time to get you home." At that Dunham leant down and picked her up off the floor to carry her home. It was not the first time and it wouldn't be the last. But this time he decided to continue with the line of humour that had extended through the night since they left the party. So when he picked her he didn't hold her in his arms. He instead had her in a fireman's lift across his back.

"Haaaaaaay!" she protested again. "I have a feeling of Vey.... ja... D... day... va...chu... Daaay cha.... oh **** it....." she gave in and reached down his back, pulling his tunic up. "Are you hot in all theesh clothes?" she giggled, trying to pull his top off, or make him drop her, or both.

Somehow, against the laws of physics, they arrived at her quarters with her half off his shoulder sideways and him with his shirt half over his head. The ungainly stumbling in once the door opened resulted in a horizontal continuation of the competition to disentangle themselves and to get Rick's top off... or not....depending on which perspective was taken.

Chelsea wasn't sure if he'd tried all that hard to resist once they were inside, alone but it *did* seem to her that it had become much easier once he was horizontal for some undeclared reason. Her eventual triumph didn't seem to have phased him as much as it had in the corridor. She grinned at him, her trophy in her hand.

"I won. Do I get a prize?" she smirked.

"Oh yes" Dunham spoke softly as he put his hand around her waist and undoing the zipper on the back of her dress and kissing her gently on the lips. For a very brief moment Dunham wondered were his boots had got to.


Lt Richard Dunham


Lt Cmdr Chelsea Adams