Judgement – Mi Casa es Su Casa
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Derek Yaist

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Title   Mi Casa es Su Casa
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Derek Yaist
Posted   Tue Feb 01, 2011 @ 12:22am
Location   DS5 Ops
Timeline   SD36 09:40
Robert was busying himself as usual, checking station ports, docking points and the general toing and froing of non station personnel when his comm blipped.

"Captain, the Relentless is hailing." He advised without turning around on his chair.

Tahir was at the security console, digesting the mornings events as she eased her head around to glance at the board that displayed what craft was where and why.
"Refit, R&R or restock?" She enquired casually.

"Both to restock and a little R&R Ma'am" Mr Rushtone replied as his hand moved to respond to the Commander of the ship.

Tasha turned back to the security console and tapped the screen. "Allocate dock 44. Advise security and flight that the relentless is docking. Offer the Commander and his first officer VIP quarters if required as well as passes to the A list." She turned back to the communications officer, "and let Yolanthe know she may have extra guests this afternoon. Arrange the usual crew quarters for ships crew upon request." She ordered as she again returned to face the console on which she was working from.

"Yes ma'am." Robert responded as he opened the channel to the relentless.
=^= "Relentless. Clearance for docking approved. Alter course to bearing two seven four, mark sixty three. Quarters have been provided if required for command staff and crew. Do you require anything further?" The chief enquired.

=^= Course set. Actually, yes. We will be needing an engineering crew to verify that our ship's systems are installed correctly before we set out. Also, if needed, notify security that we will be taking new crew aboard. =^= replied Yaist as he motioned to the enlisted helmsman.

Robert nodded as he signalled both Engineering and Security.
=^= "Aye Sir. Teams will be despatched upon your arrival. Welcome to DS5." Rushtone replied.

Tasha moved from her console and stood aside Robert and lay one hand on the edge of his desk.
=^= "Commander. If I get the chance, I will greet you personally." She added.

=^= I would enjoy that, Captain =^= Yaist replied with a slight grin on his face. He was looking forward to meeting an experienced captain. He hoped that she would be able to give him some advice before he set out

Tasha gave herself a smile that Robert did not fail to pick up on, nor did he fail to notice she had pushed her hair back behind her ear.

"Escort ma'am?" He enquired rhetorically.

Tasha waved her hand in a dismissive motion. "No need, security are on their way now and I don't envisage any problem with a Federation ship..." She turned to face him with a slight arc of her brow, "unless your scans found something that you want to share with us." She replied as she stepped down from the rostrum of Operations.

"None ma'am, it was just a question of safety." He advised in return but he knew the Captain would not need an escort.
She tapped her Comm. =^= "Commander, I will be there in fifteen minutes. Tahir out." =^= She said closing the comm and marched out of Ops.


Captain Tasha Tahir

Lt. Cmdr. Derek Yaist
CO, USS Relentless