Time is Fleeting – Plain Speaking - Part 2 (?)
by Commander Chelsea Dunham & Commander Richard Dunham & Commander Isha t'Vaurek

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Title   Plain Speaking - Part 2 (?)
Mission   Time is Fleeting
Author(s)   Commander Chelsea Dunham & Commander Richard Dunham & Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Tue Sep 15, 2009 @ 7:32pm
Location   The Romulan Embassy
Timeline   BACKPOST - SD11 14.30

"You're right of course, if Ryan didn't love me, then I stood no chance of ever being happy with him but I've already grown to depend on Rick - he's been so good to me through everything. How shall I ever repay him? He's been such a fantastic friend. How could I have neglected him by being so busy moping about over someone I'd already lost some considerable time ago?" she had to agree.


"I was thinking though, I don't understand something. It's okay, it's not about me this time..." she gave a sheepish half smile, acknowledging that she had realised now how self-absorbed she had become lately.

"Could you please explain to me why someone couldn't just go to the Neutral Zone and bring Isha back before she gets to Romulus? Because, if *they* - whoever they are - aren't going to give her a fair trial, then why should she deliver herself into their hands?"

The doctor's logic was very Starfleet and not at all suitable for Romulan political figures like 'Acting Ambassadors' to follow officially, but she hoped that, even if he disagreed, at least he might explain it to her. She'd come to hold his explanations and overviews of situations in great regard of late.

Rh’vaurek exhaled heavily. “She demanded the tribunal, she has to be there. What we don’t know is who will sit on the tribunal or what the outcome will be – if they find for her there is no problem, if they find against her … some people might find it very convenient to their own ambitions to make a public example of someone who has enjoyed every privilege our society can offer – a signal to the old guard that they are no longer secure.”

"Are 'the old guard' no longer secure then? And if not, the question is again, why is she putting her head into the lion's mouth, as it were? I know she wants to clear her family name because of her son's treachery but what good would be done by her loss, if that is what he and Nniol are able to achieve between them?" she asked, continuing to repair him as she stated her opinion seemingly rhetorically.

Frustrated by his lack of response, Chelsea frowned. "I think someone should try to rescue her. *I* would like to try and if I could get a plane and go myself, would you come with me?" she asked outright, deciding that mincing around the subject wasn't working.

“Were you dropped on your head as a child? No I bloody well won’t.”

"Whyever not?" she seemed shocked.

“Have you listened to anything that I’ve said? They want me out of the way and won’t allow my interference with their plans should it turn out that I disagree with them and when I say ‘they’ I am not referring to Isha’s son and brother in law. My orders were very explicit and I quite like being alive.”

"Oh, don't give me all that official rubbish, I *know* you're nobody's yes-man." she replied with a scoff.

“You don’t understand us, Chelsea. Its all very simple …”

"No, it's not. This is Isha we're talking about, not some generic whoever! And anyway, if you're so horribly afraid of what *the dreaded THEY* would think, do or whatever - what do you imagine they'd make of the fact that their 'acting representative' just pounded seven-bells-of-crap out of a Starfleet Officer, who was on duty at the time? Especially when it might even be discovered, if *they* dug around, that you and he had scrapped before?" she smirked at him, half playing, half coercing him.

They’d ask me why I let the little twerp live the first time, Rh’vaurek thought, clearly the doctor had been spending far too much time with Isha – it was just like one of her wheedling and deliberately clumsy attempts at blackmail – she had an ulterior motive, one that he saw quite clearly, she was showing him a loophole - no one would really believe the story, unless they chose to ignore the implausibility. He would play along, for now.

“Were you planning to have a chat with my superiors, Doctor Adams?” Rh’vaurek asked darkly.

"Who me? Whatever gave you the idea *I* would be their source of information? What *v'Rhinam* would do such a thing to her *ira'v'Dianvm*? That'd be despicable!" she feigned a shocked look.

"Wait? Do you think that's *so* despicably devious, it might even be worthy of an 'erie'Khrein' ? Should I apply for an apprenticeship?" She ducked instinctively, in case he was temped to box her ears as his initial thunderous look suggested he might well do.

She began to wonder if she had pushed her luck too far as he leant in close and looked her right in the eyes, his own black eyes, seemingly cold as flint. She felt herself tremble slightly and had to tuck her lower lip under her teeth as she gazed back at him, trying to maintain her bravado long enough to persuade him to at least consider her idea before dismissing the concept.

"Pleeeeease?" she cajoled, gazing at him with a wide-eyed, open look that promised him she had no hidden agenda. Chelsea considered she might as well finish what she'd started as she was in too deep to back up now. "Rick says I'm a natural pilot and Isha would do it for us."

She hardly dared breathe as his expression didn't alter at all even in response to that last desperate shot. He seemed graven in stone and for a split-second she was almost tempted to reach out and touch him to see if he had turned into a holo-image.

"You *know* you want to!" she pleaded, steeling herself for the reaction that deadlock-breaking silly-comment would inevitably get, one way or the other.

“Doctor Adams,” Rh’vaurek said tightly, “You seem to have forgotten who I am. Sit down.” He moved to the desk and pressed a series of buttons embedded in the smooth surface.

Obediently Chelsea sat down before she had a chance to wonder if it were wise to do so. "Erm.... am I permitted to ask what you're going to do?" she asked a little nervously. He'd been looking at her coldly a moment ago and then with that reproach, suddenly he was pushing buttons. It was all a bit unsettling for someone who had just dared to provoke a Tal'Shiar General.

“I’ve just disabled the equipment that officially monitors this room, I have full control of the unofficial records and will deal with them later … as for the two persons in this embassy who I know are spying on me – if they have planted devices they would be well advised to switch them off now,” he said it on the assumption that they were listening as he activated a dampening field that would interfere with their eavesdropping anyway. “So Chelsea, you’re tired of doctoring and wanting to go into the rescue business?” he said.

"I don't want to give up 'doctoring' - although that sounds like something a Vet might do! But yes, I do want to branch out this once, but only because it's Isha" she retorted, feeling more confident now he seemed to be less resistant to her idea.

Rh'vaurek half smirked as he regarded the doctor, he and Isha were having a markedly bad effect on her, he thought. How serious are you? he thought.

"I'm not sure you're quite cut out to make your way to Romulus and back below the 'radar', so to speak."

"Why?" she asked innocently. "Don't you have faith in my newly acquired piloting skills?" Chelsea knew full well that she was in no way sufficiently competent for this level of flying. Especially if they got into any trouble.

"If I wished to humour you, I think I would suggest that you ask your new friend for assistance."

"Oh, okay, but won't we be asking Rick to get into all sorts of trouble? Is that fair?" she seemed concerned but couldn't see any other way of carrying off this rescue and so was offering no alternative plan.

"I guess, if we put it to him and see what he says, he *does* have the choice to say no... but I'll be very careful to make sure he doesn't feel pressured into it." she resolved and flicked her comm badge.

=^= Adams to Lt. Dunham =^= she put in the call.

=^= Lt. Dunham here =^= He replied with his mouth full of pizza.

=^= Hey Rick, are you busy? Do you have time to talk? =^= Chelsea smiled to herself, remembering the last time she asked him that and all the trouble that had knocked-on like dominoes from that point.

He stared at his food mournfully. =^= Yeah sure. whats up? =^= He was sitting in the Italian food court. He raised his hand to get the attention of a waiter. "I'm going to need to get this to go." He said pointing at the almost whole pizza before him, wiping his face with his uniform sleeve.

"Could you I meet with you? I have an inappropriate plan to put to you" her voice betrayed the large smile on her face at the innuendo.

As soon as Rick had given her the location of the Food Court, Chelsea set out to meet with him and put their idea to him to see if he was willing to get on board with it.



Lt Richard Dunham
Squadron Leader

Lt. Cmdr. Chelsea Adams


erie'Khrain Rh'vaurek Raedheol
Acting Ambassador