Lieutenant Jana Kasikova’s Personal Log - A New Home and A New Position

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Title   A New Home and A New Position
Author   Lieutenant Jana Kasikova
Posted   Tue Nov 04, 2008 @ 1:35am
Well I just arrived, and have been shown my quarters. I must say that they are nicer than my last once...well at least since the explosion that nearly destroyed the Chandler.

Mom wished my luck on my new posting and is happy that I will be somewhere that is less likely to explode. She is just worried that I will become missing like dad. The whole crew and ship is still missing. It has become one of the mysteries of the universe I guess you could say. Well no time to dwell on the pst at the moment! I have work to complete.

My list is as follows:

After I have unpacked my basic gear I will go and check in with the commanding officer.
After that I will go through the medical files and see who is due for their yearly mental health evaluation...I am sure that is to go over like a lead balloon.
Maybe I will go and explore the station when I am off duty and see if there isn't a decent place that has real Czech beer, I would hate to go all the way back to Earth for one, but it would give me a chance to visit mom.

Enough rambling, time to go find the commanding officer...