Beg, Steal or Borrow – Herrrre's the Klingons - Part 2
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Klingon Ambassador Toran of the House of Moqrhat & Lieutenant T'Pal & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant JG Opaka Jo'el & Commander Karen Villiers

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Title   Herrrre's the Klingons - Part 2
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Klingon Ambassador Toran of the House of Moqrhat & Lieutenant T'Pal & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant JG Opaka Jo'el & Commander Karen Villiers
Posted   Sun Aug 02, 2009 @ 11:26am
Location   Moving towards the Observation Deck
Timeline   SD9 16:15
Meanwhile Ayren turned her attention to the party of Klingons and indicated for them to follow her. "This way, please," she invited them and lead them towards a turbo lift.

Gabriel spoke in a lowered tone. "Jo'el, go with the Klingons and the Diplomat." He said, as he began to walk in a different direction. He had more important matters to attend to rather than babysitting Klingons all day.

Jo'el merely nodded as he continued his march to the observation deck. The Bajoran was still turning over the results of his training exercise with Fox and Moxis. A long afternoon to say the least.

Na'shara eyed Toran and then the slight Betazoid hybrid. Her flawless Klingon suggested she had spent time in the Empire, perhaps on Qo'noS itself. Most non-Klingons struggle with the staccato pronunciation, but this one pronounced the words effortlessly.

As Toran walked next to the small diplomatic officer, he signalled for Marok to come forward. "I understand you are acquainted with members of the House of Varal. That you stood with a servant of that house against several Romulan assassins."

That caught Ayren by surprise and she turned her head to face him. "I only did what anyone would have done... it was Akhil who fought bravely," she said smiling. She didn't say that with any false humility, but didn't want to draw attention to herself.

Na'Shara smiled to herself. So this is the one she needed to fight with. she wondered why, but said nothing.

As they entered the lift Toran continued their conversation. "That's not the story I heard, and not 'everyone' would stand against trained assassins. You should at least be proud of your deeds, even if it is not in your nature to boast of them. I know Da`nal and Ahkil are proud of you and his parents thankful."

"Did you see them?" she asked a little too quickly, when her mouth responded before her brain had time to control it

"I spent some time with them all on Starbase 47, and even more on the journey here."

"On the journey here?" she asked surprised. "I don't understand...." Ayren was confused, Akhil and the children were supposed to return to the Empire and Da'nal was heading to Romulan space. At the thought of him, her throat tightened. "Are Akhil and the children here?' she ventured.

A genuine smile formed on his face at her reaction. They are. As are Commander Da`nal's parents, who are most eager to meet you."

Ayren blinked and her face lit up. Regaining some composure she answered, inclining her head. "I will be honoured to meet them," she said, not hiding her excitement seeing the children and Akhil.

Davies and Villiers caught up with the delegation but stayed a pace behind. Davies saw Gabriel divert and pondered for a second if he should follow, but decided to stay with the group, at least until they reached the Observation deck.

Upon entering the Observation Lounge, Toran summoned Marok to his side, whispering. "Return to the ship and invite our guests to join us."

Looking to Ayren and then to Toran, "Yes my Lord..." The man bowed his head and after laying his burden down he headed out towards the docking area.

As he watched his aide leave he caught a glimpse of Davies and his First Officer entering the lounge. Toran then turned, looking down at the small woman. "Miss Kelan there is a matter that I must discuss with the Commander."

"I understand," she said and looked over towards them.

Toran called to Loktor, who being ever the warrior, was already at the buffet; 'Eat when there is food, rest when you can, for you never know when the battle horn may blow'. "Commander Loktor join me."

Loktor put down the food and stepped to the Ambassador's side. "My Lord?"

"Come." Toran and Loktor with Ayren close behind moved over to Davies.

"Commander, I thank you for this reception. It was not necessary, but we are honored none the less. However there is a matter that needs to be addressed sooner rather than later."

Davies held a glass in his hand, studying what appeared to be Bloodwine. It was not to his taste at all, but as this was an occasion, he felt it fitting to at least hold the glass.

Addressing Toran, he turned slightly and raised the glass.
"Of course, I am sure you will want to check out your accommodation and the new embassy?" Davies assumed as the look on Torans face remained unchanged.

"Of course. I'm sure 'some' renovations will be needed. Also, aboard the HeD'not I have a full garrison of warriors that I will need quarted on the station. These troops while under Loktor's command are at your disposal. I propose using them to augment both your security and Marine forces, but their deployment I will leave to your staff and Commander Loktor."

Karen smiled lightly, "Commander Davies, if you are content to leave the logistics to me, I will liaise between Commander Loktor and the relevant station personnel," they were trying to get a boot firmly in the door and a blind Ferengi could see that the CDO was partial. The request that was coming could be balanced quite easily, but if granted to one it would legally have to be granted to others, regardless of any claims of allegiance with the Federation. She glanced at Davies.

"Of course." David replied actually lifting the glass to his lips, but the repugnant odour that emanated from the glass was more than enough to turn his stomach. He held his breath and took a gulp and swallowed the thick ooze as fast as he was able, reaching for anything edible from the table as he shivered.

"Then why don't we have an initial discussion of your requirements, Commander Loktor," Karen said without a blink.

The Commander looked away from Davies, he was enjoying the Station CO's reaction. "My warriors are accustomed to barracks living so multiple personnel to a room won't be a problem. Their assignment is going to depend on the stations needs. As Lord Toran stated, we are here to augment to your security and Marine forces. Where do you need us?"

Karen plucked a drink from a passing tray and took a long sip before she replied, "The promenade areas are typically under-patrolled and beyond that there is an itinerant sub-strata of population that operate illegal enterprises with impunity in the storage bays - a station this size inevitably attracts those who come and go by illicit means and keeping that to a minimum is an area in which you can help," she said, "As for your men, they will have to make do with their current accommodation until their services are required."

Shaking his head, "That won't be possible, the HeD'not, while a large vessel was not designed to hold that amount of people, in addition to her crew, permanently."

Karen smiled at him, "We're not going to allow two thousand Klingon troops to march onto this station," was her blunt reply, "we have no population quotas, but adding them directly to a facility with a significant Romulan and Cardassian population is not an option - waaay too incendiary - that point is not negotiable," she told him. "Tell me, Commander, are you a gambling man?" she asked.

Toran grinned slightly. "I've been known to from time to time. What do you have in mind?"

Karen finished her drink and looked into the bottom of the cup before adding a shrug, "See, I can accommodate some of your warriors, the group that are assigned active duty at any given time will be quartered on the station and may spend their off duty time here - the rest stay on the HeD'not until it they are rostered for active service; hmmmph, we might even convert one of the disused storage bays if you think our shared quarters would be too plush for them ... anyway, what is negotiable is the maximum number who may be on active service at any one time - let's not haggle about it - name your game, and we'll wager on it, not latinum, but the number of warriors on active duty," Karen cocked her head to one side and folded her arms as she let him consider her terms.

David dropped the near full glass on a tray and exchanged it for some water, which he drank quickly whilst listening to Karen instructing the Klingon Ambassador and he shook his head in awe at how she had settled so quickly and managed to appear feminine in her stance though still in command.

His grin turned into a smile, Toran liked this woman. Her proposal concerning his men was acceptable. The 'off-duty' troops could accompany the HeD'not on patrol or he could even have some of them sent home. He made a show of serious concentration, knowing full well that it was fooling no one. "Very well...I challenge Commander Davies to the B'aht Qul, and shall wager 50%. If I win half of my warriors will be on duty with your security or Marine forces. Agreed?"

"I'm your opponent, sweetcheeks," Karen replied, "though if Davies wants to stand in I'll step aside for a round or two." She was probably going to lose that part - these Klngons had not been chosen for their ascetic appeal, and she had little reason to believe that Davies could do much better, but she was not stupid. "Ten per cent per round, no more, but you need to match my challenge too - I hope you can run, Commander, because you're going to be racing me up Scafell by the steep route - if you've another hill you'd like to include we'll do that too - then we'll work out the final score. Commander Davies?"

David raised his hand in surrender, he had no intention of standing in for something he did not even understand.
"I am sure that you will rise to the occasion admirably." He said with a half grin.

Toran laughed at her remark...~good thing Yzalla wasn't here, she might have a fight on her hands~. "Come Commander You're not afraid of this old man are you?"

"Not afraid as such, just wary." He admitted with a nod and a partial smile.

Laughing even harder he slapped the stations commander on the shoulder, then turned his gaze to Commander Villiers. "I accept your challenge."


Commander David Davies

Commander Karen Villiers

Klingon Ambassador Toran

Diplomat Ayren Kelan

Lieutenant JG Opaka Jo'el
VIP Bodyguard

Lieutenant Commander Dorian Gabriel