Unity – Racing against time
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Colonel James Darson

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Title   Racing against time
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Colonel James Darson
Posted   Thu Jul 15, 2010 @ 2:29am
Location   Main Armory
Timeline   SD 16 - 15:30hrs

=^= "Ryouske! We're proceeding with the last portions of the plan. Get the designated charges from the Armory and meet up with the team that controls Engineering. Begin planting the charges through the Bay. We need a contained explosion for when we use the device to reactivate the anomaly and use it with the gateway." He ordered. =^=

"Keep me updated."


=^= "Elliot! The hostages are out of control!" =^= Darmon shouted into his communicator.

Elliot slammed his fist onto the console in front of him. They were too close for things to fall apart right now. Whatever the hell was going on down there needed to be ended swiftly and without any delay.

=^= "Krah, respond! Krah, this is Elliot, respond! What's going on down there!?" =^= His voice rang through the communicator. He trusted Krah's ability to resolve the issue. If she was out of commission then that meant that the entire area was lost.

It took several minutes for the familiar voice responded to his original plea. "Everything's under control, Elliot," she said, "one of the hostages was kicking off. We had to shoot him," she lied trying to sound convincing.

Elliot knew something was wrong. She never spoke to him so caually, especially during such a crisis. There was no way she would have ever allowed the hostages to get out of control to the point that a lower-level solider like Darmon would feel the need to communicate with him directly.

=^="Ryouske! Hurry with the equipment and meet Tan'Rek at Engineering to plant the explosives."=^= Elliot ordered.

Ryouske hurried to shove the rest of the explosives in his bag with his team. He knew that this was a secure area, but he wanted to get on the move as quickly as possible before a Marine SWAT team came bursting in through the walls or something. He finished with loading the supplies and stood up, wiping a bead of sweat from his brow.

=^= “Ryouske to Elliot…explosives are loaded and heading your way. What’s going on? I thought we would have a more leisurely time of this.” =^=

Elliot paused before he decided to respond. =^= "Krah's team is gone." =^= he replied remorsefully.

Ryouske cursed in his native tongue and sat down heavily on a box of ammo. He didn’t really know how to feel about this. He and Krah had disagreed on several issues, but he had respected her. He contacted Elliot again,
=^= “Alright, what do you want to do Commander?” =^=

Elliot didn't hesitate in his response. =/= "Get to Main Engineering and meet up with Tan'Rek's team. We are coming to the final leg of our plan. He has already obtained the bio-mimetic gel and has begun placing them within the plasma vents. You'll need to get him the appropriate explosives while OPS takes care of firing the graviton emitter." == Elliot ordered.

[ Adjoining Corridor ]

Chief Warrant Officer U'van and his team and arrived and began continuous observation of the entire deck surrounding the Armory. They had not moved into the area yet due to the high probability of the terrorists having laid a trap. Additioanlly, sensors within the area were not transmitting any information, more than likely due to their being taken offline.

=/= "U'Van to Lieutenant Trellis, we have the entire deck secured. However, we have not covered the corridors leading directly to the Armory. Awaiting further assistance." =/=

[ Main Security ]

Lieutenant Si'Lar Trellis continued to monitor the situation with what little intelligence was avaialble. Comms were down or simply not responding to any type of request and there was no communication with OPS at all, except for the transmission received earlier. He was doing his best to handle the crisis.

=/= "Trellis here, do not engage the terrorists. If they have not made any movements from outside the Armory, then continue to maintain surveillance until an infiltration team arrives. Do not allow anybody to enter that area." =/= The Lieutenant stated as he waited to receive word from the other departments currently under seige.

[Main Armory]

=/= “Roger that sir,” =/= Ryouske responded quickly and turned to his troops and began to issue orders to evacuate the fortified room. They began moving, racing against the clock and had just gotten all their gear and the explosives out when the main armory door was blasted off its rails, courtesy of a barrage of SFMC breaching charges.

The Marine Platoons swarmed in, laser sights crisscrossing the room, missing the closing Jeffries tube hatch.

[Main Armory]

As the room was deftly swept by the Marines, U'van and his team entered the room and quickly surveyed the scene.

=/= "U'Van here. The room is secured, but we have not located any of the terrorists. They managed to escape before our team could properly secure the room." == he reported.

=^= "What do you mean *your* team?" =^= Trellis responded.

=/= "The Marine detachment breached the door before we could move in. We are currently searching all adjoining areas for the terrorists now." == U'van replied.

[ Main Ops ]

Elliot was losing control of the situation. He couldn't control both the fleet officers and still carry out his plan. He was not about concede to or admit defeat. They were not going to stop him.

Elliot grabbed Harris and rammed his knee into his solarplex as he raced to the console before him and tried to deactivate the guardian platforms before they obtained their target.

Davies now charged at Elliott from behind and caught him with a tackle around his waist, throwing both of them forwards as his flailing hand went for the lockout pad on the console

Elliot rolled onto his back and kicked upward, knocking the man off of him has he grabbed his communicator.

=/= "Ryouske! Activate the charges! Activate them now!!!!!!" == he shouted as he scrambled to grab his weapon and began to climb to his feet and head towards the lift.

[En route to Main Engineering]

=/= “I’m on my way Elliot!” =/= Ryouske shouted into the transmitter before running even faster down the corridor. His group was almost at Main Engineering when a squad of Marines rounded the corner back from where they had come, and opened fire.

The hail of phaser bolts cut down two of his men instantly. They fell with cries of pain, spilling their equipment all over the floor. Ryouske turned to fire a couple of shots at the squad, sending them running for cover, then dashed into Main Engineering.

“Seal the hatches!”

Moments later large heavy shutters, ordinarily used to seal off Main Engineering in the event of a mechanical disaster, slammed shut, effectively locking them in.

Ryouske triggered his comm. Unit, =/= “Elliot! I’m in Main Engineering. Planting the charges now!” =/=


Elliot Hartsifeld
Soldiers of the Beginning
NPC'd by Thom

Lieutenant Si'Lar Trellis
Assistant Chief of Security
NPC'd by Thom

Chief Warrant Officer U'Van
Assistant Security Officer
NPC'd by Thom

Soliders of the Beginning
NPC'd by Dan

OOC: Are we going to post this? Or were you waiting for me to do it? If we're all good go ahead and post it. I'm done.