Deception: The lesser part of Valour – Bitter Sweet News
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Rakka & Colonel James Darson

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Title   Bitter Sweet News
Mission   Deception: The lesser part of Valour
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Rakka & Colonel James Darson
Posted   Thu Oct 16, 2008 @ 11:00pm
Location   Ops
Timeline   SD3 13:00
Darson strode into Ops quietly, doing his best to not call attention to himself. Although a few of the crew members on duty do give him an odd glance when they noticed him, most remained oblivious to his presence. One quick glance around identified the Captain in the center of Ops, looking around at the crew with a pensive expression on her face.

He set course directly towards her, his armored boots making less noise than the slight swishing of his cloak. Soon enough he was directly behind her, and she still had not noticed him. He cleared his throat quietly, a low grunt to alert Captain Tahir to his presence.

There was something that disturbed her and she didn't know what it was or could not put her finger on it, but it nagged at her as she watched the crew busy about their stations. She glanced at the clock and the day was still dragging, but she was looking forward to the celebration a little later.

She had of course, purely out of diplomacy, invited Lonfrey, but he had declined, he wanted to spend time with his daughter before making the final decision on her future. It was then the sound of a clearing throat brought her gaze to the Major who had somehow appeared on OPs like a silent assassin.

"Major. I'm sorry, I had forgotten about our meeting." She apologized, whilst feeling her face redden with a blush.

He slightly cocked his head to the side as she blushed and apologized, and made a non-committal grunt of acknowledgment as he took a quick look around the room before turning back to her, "Captain...I have some extremely...troubling...information. I need ten minutes of your time...privately and uninterrupted of course."

She nodded, looking around Ops and then up to her office. "Of course, my office?" She gestured upwards, already moving towards the stairs that lead to the upper level.

Darson nodded silently, and fell into step behind her as she headed up to the suite of Command Offices above Ops.

The doors opened as she approached and the Major followed closely behind. "Please, take a seat. Can I get you anything?" She asked, stationing herself near the replicator.

Darson would have preferred more than anything to enter the office before the Captain. Although it was highly unlikely that an assassin could have penetrated so far into the Station's security, it wasn't inconceivable. However, that would alarm her, and probably cause an already volatile situation to slip out of his control.

Instead, he followed quickly behind the Captain, and she headed towards the replicator, gave the room a brief once over. He started with the corners, to verify that there was indeed nobody hiding inside the room. He quickly looked over at the Captain as she asked what if he wanted anything, and replied with another non-committal grunt as he stalked towards the desk at the other end of the room.

Under the guise of staring at some of the pictures on the back wall, he gazed at the chair and under the desk and quickly manipulated his suit's sensors with a few practiced motions to quietly scan for any transmissions or emissions that might suggest a device of any kind. There was nothing.

All this had taken less then ten seconds. He smoothly turned back to the Captain and said, "I'm fine Captain. Now then, please, sit down...I have much to discuss with you, and very little time."

Tahir was a little perplexed by the Majors actions, the grunt, a quick scan of the room and she felt a little on edge upon his actions. She chose not to partake in anything herself from the replicator her attentions now bearing onto the Major, his tone gave an inclination that something was not well in the utopia of DS5.

She wiped her hands in her trousers, walking to the table and pulling back her chair that sat neatly parked under the desk and sidled into the seat, not taking her eyes from the man who sat ahead of her, his eyes not staying focussed on any one thing for longer than they had to and he made her nervous.

"What has got you so worked up, if I can ask?" Tasha said, her voice quivered over her lips and she knew that she sounded frightened and grimaced, clenching her teeth and admonishing herself for sounding like a frightened lamb. "Do we need security here?" She added quickly, interlacing her fingers together and smelling the faint scent of her own fear.

After clearing the whole room, Darson allowed his icy gaze to settle on the Captain. One glance told him all that he needed to know, that she was nervous and scared, and had absolutely no idea what was going on.

He shook his head, and thinking of the Spec Ops squad already keeping watch said, " will not be necessary Captain. However I do believe there is cause for concern."

He drummed his finger silently on the armrest of the chair, trying to find a delicate way to put it. After a few moments of vain attempt, he decided to be as direct as possible (If a little bit vague), "I've received disturbing intelligence from an extremely credible intelligence asset. The information is regarding an upcoming assassination attempt on a high-ranking officer of this station."

Tasha swallowed hard as the sting of his words hit her ears with a deafening chill. "And does your source state the intended target?" She asked, holding his gaze.

Darson stared at her for a moment, then dramatically let the penny drop by pointing an armored finger directly at her and saying calmly, "The target Captain, is you."

She swallowed again. Her mind raced with thoughts of when, how and why. The why she could answer, she was after all the highest ranking officer on the station and in such, she had always wondered if she would eventually be a target for the political position she held. The how and why, well, she could ask the question, but doubted if these major details would be forthcoming.
"And I can only make the assumption that your source has this on a solid basis. I don't suppose you know when and where?" She asked, without a smile.

Darson gave a small shake of his head and said, "No, I don't know Captain...and if I did, I certainly wouldn't tell you."

He held up a gloved hand in a placating gesture, "Don't take offense Captain, but telling you when and where you're supposed to be killed would defeat the whole purpose of me informing you of this...and that's assuming I knew myself."

Tasha nodded her agreement, nobody really wanted to know when they were to die, but a little preparation would be useful. She sighed. "There will be many opportunities," She cocked her head, unsure of whether to hide from her would be assailant or to carry on as usual. Of course the decision was made in seconds, she would not hide, but she would be preparing some form of protection."and I believe it best to appraise security." She said defiantly, tapping her comm.

=^= "Tahir to Rakka." =^= the quiver in her voice plain.

Rakka was presently at the tail end of her meeting with the Marines and had to excuse herself from the stragglers and find a place where she could answer the Captain privately. =^= "Rakka here, go ahead," =^= she replied.

=^= "Commander. Can you talk?" Tahir asked, her eyes now focussed on the large picture window of her office and the lights that danced outside, taking a few calming breaths with the words of the Major afore her ringing around her head. "I have just received some rather disturbing news and I need to talk to you." She informed her chief of security.

Rakka quickly slipped out of the corridor and into the nearest interrogation room to be alone. This sounded important, and she didn't need anyone overhearing. =^= "I'm ready--what is it?" =^=

Tasha paused, glanced at Darson who sat and stared back at her.
=^= "I have just been informed that I am a possible candidate for assassination....." and Tahir related the information to her chief security officer, " security will need to be stepped up for the remainder of the day."=^=

There was a long pause, as Tasha awaited Rakka's response.

Rakka took a moment to formulate her thoughts. This was very bad... she had every intention of protecting the Captain to the fullest extent of her department's abilities, but that would mean taking attention away from the rest of the station, which was of course why it was just the perfect time for these bastards to plan an assassination. And what was Lt. Gabriel wasting his time with while their Marine CO was coming up with this information?!

=^= "Disturbing news indeed," =^= she finally said, her frustration coming through clearly in her voice. =^= "Send me all the information you've got, and I'll make sure my department is prepared. I'll have my best team escorting you every moment until we can put this thing to rest. We'll keep you safe, Captain." =^=

=^= "Thank you Commander, with security and marines, I feel much better. Tahir out. =^=
She looked at Darson, waiting for his response.

Darson remained silent throughout the conversation. He contemplated telling the Captain about the Special Forces squad, but decided against it. If she had visible security, then she wouldn't be looking for the invisible ones, and thus his agents would be able to follow her every move from the shadows. As for the security itself, it wouldn't be too unusual for the Captain of a station to have her own personal shouldn't arouse the suspicions of the assailants.

He nodded slowly, "I wouldn't recommend too large a security detachment Captain...a few trusted personnel at most. We don't know exactly how far security has been breached on this station. In the meantime, I will ensure that this incident remains contained. Now, If you'll excuse me, I have business to attend to."

He stood smoothly, gave a brief salute, spun on his heel and walked to the door. He had no intention of telling the Captain that he intended to give the Assassins the perfect shot at her. After all, no one wants to be told that they're going to be used as bait in a much larger trap...especially if they stood a chance of getting killed in the process.


CO: Tasha Tahir
CSO: Rakka
MCO: James Darson