Things Past – Incognito - Part 3
by Commander Richard Dunham & Commander Chelsea Dunham

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Title   Incognito - Part 3
Mission   Things Past
Author(s)   Commander Richard Dunham & Commander Chelsea Dunham
Posted   Thu Aug 04, 2011 @ 11:42pm
Location   Somewhere on the Edge of Federation Space
Timeline   2374

"You ok?" asked Rick as he powered up the ship and took out of the murky depths of the cold gas giant. He laid in a course for the rendezvous at maximum warp to make up for lost time.

Chelsea didn't answer, she was not only over-wrought from the terrifying experience but also over-awed with the pilot, having realised slowly that she now owed him her life. She pulled the thermal cover he had given her tighter around her shoulders, watching him as he worked his magic with the controls of the stout-hearted craft that he had instantaneously modified with just the skill and expertise of his young but obviously brilliant mind and also the dexterity and natural intuitivity of his fleet fingers.

"I know I'm not allowed to ask details about the 'real' you, but as I now owe you my firstborn child, in theory, what colour eyes would it have if it were yours?" she asked cryptically.

"Grey" said Rick with a soft kind smile. But he had a sparkle in his eye as he said jokingly "Is that a proposition?"

Chelsea/Cari blushed. "Do I look like the sort of woman who propositions men who fly like lunatics?" she retorted, defending herself with a fake huff.

Rick who did not know anything nor how to talk with women said baffled. "Is that trick question?"

"Possibly...." she hedged, blushing deeper. Fortunately her disguise hid most of it.

"Fortunately, you don't *know* what i look like so you couldn't really answer that but then again, I suppose it depends if you're interested in Orion women..... which probably means you wouldn't be interested in me.... the real me that is...." she was tying so many knots in this in her attempts to untangle it, she was making it far worse.

"Anyway..... no." she concluded, nodding her head in firm contradicion.

"Urrrrrmmm ok?" said Rick unsure what he had just agreed to, he wondered if this woman liked him, or the man he now looked like, these under cover missions were very complicated. He looked at the ships sensor read outs. "We are coming up on our position."

~Phew!~ she thought, glad she didn't have to do any more explaining for now.

"Where are the medical kits?" she asked, a terrible thought suddenly dawning on her. "Oh....... OH NO?"

Rick's eyes widened as his own train of thought caught up with hers "Oh hell......they where in the Cargo bay."

"How am I going to do my job now?" she was horrified.

~Time for some reverse psychology~ Thought Rick to himself "You're right, you can't, you're obviously useless. Its not like your a good doctor that can't practice without any of the equipment, and I know for a fact you wouldn't find the emergency medical kit under your chair very useful, because you wouldn't know how to use it anyway. I'll just turn the ship around and will let starfleet know you couldn't hack it." ~Oh my god I sound just like my mother~

"What?" Chelsea was played like a finely tuned harp. She sang the exact melody he composed for her. She folded her arms indignantly. "I'll have you know, Wiseguy, I'm going to deliver this baby and you're going to eat your words all the way back!" she declared forgetting she wasn't supposed to be giving out information like that yet.

"Just get your sorry little craft in closer and don't run away before we're ready to go home." she was being unkind about his valiant little ship that had done them such service already, above and beyond the call of duty for any craft of its kind. She knew it would annoy him and somewhere inside, despite herself, she felt bad. She *knew* he was right and that he'd probably just added another saved another life, perhaps two, to his tally so far on this mission.

She looked at him surrepticiously, wondering what sort of face those grey eyes he had admitted to, fitted into. She shook herself back to the job at hand. She would never know. It was decreed that way. ~May as well forget any thoughts like that right now. After this you will never see him again. Best not to start getting too impressed or attached.~

"Yes Ma'am" said the pilot trying to hide the smile on his face. He then lean't forward and tapped the flight console of the ship affectionately"there there baby she didn't mean it."

The freighter; which had seen better days judging by the amount of dents and chinks in its hull platting dropped out of warp at the designated coordinates. These coordinates where in the middle of empty space, and that's what they encountered when they got there, emptiness, absolute nothing. Rick looked over the ships sensors double checking they where in the right place and that nothing was out there. He was about to say they where in the right place, when the space in front of them shimmered and a small Romulan shuttle craft appeared in front of them. "Guess we are in the right place" he commented.

"Jeez" she looked pale. "Romulans have very complicated medical profiles. I hope she's not a Romulan herself". Little did she know then but when she was transported across she soon found out.

The undercover Federation mother that Chelsea/Cari had been sent to deliver of her baby was both human and romulan genetically. With just a first aid kit, Chelsea thought it couldn't get much worse..........

"Thank you for coming" said the woman. She was standing and had a phaser in her hand but upon seeing Chelsea she put the phaser down and took a seat. Although she was very very pregnant her movement still seemed to be graceful and regal. She held one hand over her belly while she leaned back in the chair trying to shift her weight to her back. "The father is Klingon" she said without any more introductions or conversation.

Chelsea's eyes widened. ~FRACK... why didn't *they* send a fully trained professor of Obstetrics then??~ her mind challenged. At that moment, the Bolian's smirk floated into her mind's eye.
~ Better get on with this or I'll never hear the end of it from the Flyberk.~ she resigned herself and got out her rather pathetic first aid kit.

"I'm Ch..... Cari... " she held out her hand in greeting. "We had some trouble with the Dominion patrols on our way here and my pilot had to jetison the cargo, including the medical supplies. Do you have any first aid supplies, I might need to supplement this, but don't worry if you don't.... this is more than enough here. It was only the back up stuff we lost." she lied to keep the woman calm but she really *did* need there to be more in this craft that she could use.

The regal spy pointed to a storage locker "Medical kit." She then grimaced in pain, both hands going to her stomach. "I think that was another contraction" apparently this woman was already going into labour.

Back on the ship Rick had his feet up on the dashboard when he heard another irritating beeping noise coming from the computer he made a mental that when he got his own ship, it would be a nicer beeping noise, he wondered what was making this noise.

Cari grabbed the slightly larger Medical kit with relief. There was much more in here and this sounded like it was going to be more challenging than she'd first thought.

She got out a scanner and began to give the woman the once over to see what she had going on.

"Nahhhh it can't be" said Rick to himself as he read the data scrolling up on the screen in front of him. He stared out of the window, scrutinizing the blackness of space in front of him. "Bugger" he mumbled. He then pressed his comm badge =^= Urrrm Cari could you ask your new friend if she has any other cloaked ships with her? =^=

=^= She is shaking her head to say no =^= Cari responded. =^= Why do you ask? =^= ~this had better be good, interrupting us at a time like this~ she thought huffily as she eased her patient into a comfortable position and applied the TENS to ease her increasing discomfort.

=^= Because we are not alone =^= To punctuate his point the Romulan shuttle shook as a Klingon bird of prey de-cloaked and began to fire on the small ship. =^= I'm going to put the ship between the Klingons and you. =^= Came Rick's crackly voice over the comm as his ship began to take the brunt of the fire.

=^= Henry? =^= Cari was torn now. She knew she had to help the woman she was her to deliver of her baby but she didn't want it to cost Arn his life.... this was news to Cari actually. It seemed to contradict her idea that she didn't like him.

The mother to be groaned and it appeared that she was becoming distressed. Her breathing began to labour and she looked sallow. Cari monitored the baby. It was not doing well either.

The mother tried to focus. "Do what you have to to save the baby. I am expendible."

"No-one is expendible. I'm going to help you both." Chelsea said with gritty determination. She prepared a sterile wash and sprayed plastigloves onto her hands and lower arms. She then prepared a spinal hypospray with anaesthetic.

Rick was almost thrown from his chair as weapons fire hit his already battered little ship. He had to buy the Doctor more time so he diverted all available power to the ships shields and then using the ships thrusters arched the back of his ship sharply so it knocked into the bird of prey's shields. This gave Rick a massive amount of structural damage but it did get him what he wanted. The Bird of Prey had moved position and now Rick could move his ship so as to bring his weapons on target. They just bounced off and didn't make a dent in Klingon's shields

Rick Cursed he needed to do something big to get these Klingons off their backs.

"This will make your body numb for a while, please be patient and bear with me, literally. Don't push no matter what your instincts tell you." Anna made an ultrasound guided incision, carefully using the scanner with every move to be certain of the precision of her work. After whatever amount of time which seemed like a lifetime, but which was actually not as much as she thought, a baby was extracted, turned, disentangled, de-clogged and wailing, thrashing his arms and legs in protest.

Cari went to lay him in his mother's arms but she declined with tears on her cheeks. "I can't" she choked, putting up her hands to push him back into the doctor's chest.

"I need to get up. Please fix him up and then close me up. Preferably before those Klingons finish off your ride home." she said.

Suddenly from outside the Romulan shuttles window a large explosion could be seen of a ship blowing up.


Cadet Chelsea Adams
Carisel The Orion


Cadet Rick Dunham
Henry the Vulcan