Deception: The lesser part of Valour – The Importance of Family Part 1
by Lieutenant Ryan Milarno

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Title   The Importance of Family Part 1
Mission   Deception: The lesser part of Valour
Author(s)   Lieutenant Ryan Milarno
Posted   Tue Dec 16, 2008 @ 9:00pm
Location   Corridors of DS5
Timeline   After 'Altercation'

The words Raedheol said as he slumped to the floor did not translate. It could have been a minute or an hour before his eyes opened, but when they did he pushed to his feet using the container for support.

“You’re dead. Milarno,” It was the first and only thing that entered Raedheol’s mind before the sheering pain circled his skull and his legs gave way. Unwilling, he dropped to his knees.

"You'll pay for today and I can't wait until that day arrives..." Ryan said as he stood over him and kicked him hard in the stomach.

After the impact Rh’vaurek retched, his arms circling to protect his own gut. His head was not right as he pushed himself up, “I’ll …” he said pulling himself to his knees before the pain in his skull drove him down again.

"I'll be seeing ya..." Ryan said threateningly before wiping the blood from his face with the sleeve of his uniform. When he left the room he stood in the darkness leaning against the bulkhead. He took a breath and continued back the way he came. He grabbed his commbadge and put it back on and took the quieter route back to his quarters so not to arouse suspicions.


Ryan walked slowly back to his quarters, remaining in the dark as he walked and keeping his head down. He spluttered blood a few times. He meant the threat he made to Raedheol and he was still way above angry, anyone who got on the wrong side of him again would get the same treatment as he had given Raedheol moments previous.

Ryan was staring at the floor as he walked and folded his arms hiding his bloody hands.


Rachel Milarno hadn’t been onboard the station a few hours, she just transferred in as one of the stations counsellors, she was the rank of Lt. JG and was aware her brother was her superior officer. How long until that respect lasted?

She had requested the location of her little brother and was notified he was making his way up to the promenade; she frowned as she wondered why he would have ventured down to the lower levels. She shrugged it off and went to meet him; it would be a nice surprise for him.

Ryan was five years younger than her, Rachel always looked out for him, and he always looked up to her. Through the years their roles had reversed several times. Would it now? Once again?


Ryan was nearing the promenade, but made a mental note to avoid actually getting to his quarters by passing through it.

He heard footsteps walking towards him and he kept his head down.

The person passed him but stopped she spoke. “Ryan? Is that you?” Rachel asked, walking towards him.

Ryan stopped realising who it was. She was now stood in front of him and Ryan just quickly hugged her, and like a child, he didn’t wanna let go.

“R-Ryan, what’s happened y-y-your hands, face...” she pushed him off her and held her hands on his cheeks looking at him. “Who did this to you?” she asked softly.

Ryan shrugged. “It doesn’t matter...” he said.

Rachel let go of his face. “It does-!” she was cut off.

“No it doesn’t Rach...look it’s great to see you, nice nose...we need to talk about that pretty soon...look help me get me to my quarters un-noticed...” he asked.

Rachel nodded. “Of course, of course...Jesus Ryan why do things like this ALWAYS happen you? It’s never any one else is it, just my little brother! Ah jeez look at the state you’re in” her expression was a worried and concerned one and grabbed him into another hug and squeezed him tightly. “Come on let’s get you to your quarters...” she let him go and put her arm around him.

Moments later, one of their commbadges chirped. =^= Docking Bay to Lieutenant Milarno...=^= came the voice of a man.

=^= Which one? =^= Ryan and Rachel asked in unison then chuckled.

=^= Oh um sorry lieutenants...Miss Milarno...=^= he said.

Rachel was still chuckling, but still looked concerned as she rubbed Ryan’s shaved head with her hand
=^= Go ahead =^= she said.

=^= We have your belongs here for you, if you would like to come and retrieve them it would be appreciated...=^=

She sighed and looked at Ryan. “Go on...I’ll be fine...” he said.

=^= I’m on my way, Milarno Out =^= She replied and closed the channel. “I’m sorry Ryan, I’ll check in on you later...” she said regretfully.

Ryan nodded and she walked away. He stood looking around. =^= Computer this is lieutenant Milarno, beam me directly to my quarters...=^= he requested and within a second, he was engulfed in the blue shimmering light of the transporter.

When Ryan materialised in his quarters, he was relieved to see that Chelsea wasn’t there for now anyway; it would give him time to treat himself before she got there...



Lieutenant Ryan Milarno


Lt. JG Rachel Milarno
NPced By Ryan Milarno