Interlude – It is all fun and games until. . .
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Lieutenant JG Lance Murdoch

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Title   It is all fun and games until. . .
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Lieutenant JG Lance Murdoch
Posted   Sat Oct 02, 2010 @ 9:02pm
Location   Sickbay
Timeline   SD 32

"ENOUGH!" Jana screamed, "Lance get the hell out of here!" She turned her attention back at Ben, "Ben?" She asked.

"I think he's out cold," Lance said, before landing a full force kick into the downed man's ribs. "Yup definitely out cold." The Chief Surgeon announced.

"Ben?!" Jana exclaimed kneeling down near him and shaking him. ~please be alright...~ She begged.

"He'll be fine," Said Lance, "I think I've actually made some improvements to his face already" The surgeon joked, washing his hands off in one of the basins, he popped a couple of cotton wads up his nose to staunch the bleeding.

"Ben...wake up!" She shook again and she heard him moan. Jana breathed a small sigh of relief when she heard him coming to. "Get out of here Lance. You will not be touching him again!"


Lieutenant Trellis made his way as quickly as possible to the Main Sickbay. Normally whenever he receives a call regarding a physical altercation, he would just assign a junior security officer to take a report. However, when he discovered that its an altercation between various senior staff members he knew that as Acting Chief of Security he would have to handle the matter himself.

As the doors parted he entered the room and looked around, hoping not to find any dead bodies. "Dr. Adams?" he called out.

"She's not here" commented Lance from his reclined position on one of the bio beds. His hands were clasped casually behind his head as he watched the efforts to revive Ben. "Would you like a hand carrying this..." he nodded his head at Ben's inert form. "To a holding cell?" He asked.

Trellis was perplexed at the cavalier manner of the physician. "What happened here?" he said as the doors closed behind him and he entered the room. The smell of various sterilization solutions caught his attention.

"Is he alright right?" Trellis said as he took a position between Lance and the other individual

"He's fine, he just started something he couldn't finish" Lance smirked, checking his reflection in a surgical mirror for any traces of blood. "Since you're already here, I'd like to lay an assault charge against him." Lance finished.

Jana heard Lance's last comment and stepped forward. "Sir...Lt. Murdoch threw the first punch, Lt. Kensington was simply defending himself."

"He left me no choice, he adopted a threatening demeanor, I had to take steps to curb his aggression." The surgeon shrugged. "Luckily I'm very good at defending myself." He gazed as Jana, "You may want to take this woman in as well, I believe she incited the Lieutenant here to violence. I'm pretty sure the security footage will show her whispering in his ear just before the altercation."

Jana screamed in frustration. "You were walking away, turned and punched him in the face!" She turned the Chief of Security, "This man was sticking his ass in my face and Lt. Kensington asked him to apologize. If anyone was threatening, it was Lt. Murdoch threatening my personal space while Lt. Kensington was repairing my arm."

Lance nodded in the direction of the screaming woman, "Maybe you should confine her sooner rather than later, she looks un-balanced enough to cause harm to herself or others... "

"STOP! Please calm down, everybody!" Trellis stated as he tried to gain control of the situation. He still was not sure who had initiated the conflict, and at this point everybody was pointing the finger at somebody else.

"Right now I want to get a statement from every person. Beginning with the gentleman right there." Trellis said pointing to Ben. "Is he able to talk?" He asked the nearest medical officer other than Lance.

"Well despite his ape like appearance, and all evidence to the contrary, I believe he can string a few words together under normal circumstances." Lance chirped in.

Trellis turned around and looked towards the Surgeon. "You, I want you to sit down right there and do not speak unless I am asking you a question. I do not wish for this situation to escalate." He said as he used a more stern tone than he wished to use on another senior staff member.

Lance leaned back with a self-satisfied smirk, "Go ahead ask away, you wont get much out of monkey boy here, I believe I broke his jaw."

Jana moved back towards where Ben was laying. She was beginning to wish that she had never been on the promenade, none of this would have happened had it not been for her.

CPO Ed McBain marched down the aisle of Main Sickbay, furious to find out there had been a fight on *his* watch. He emerged from the ICU to be told by a frantic nurse that the ACMO had been knocked unconscious and he was striding down to 'sort this out' when he found the security officer already in attendance.

"Ah good." he muttered. On getting within sight of the people involved and the other medics crowded round getting agitated - Ben was a popular member of the Medical team and this wasn't looking pretty - Ed knelt down and opened his med kit.

He looked up at Trellis and as he was scanning Ben, he reported what the scanner was telling him. "Fractured jaw, fractured cheekbone, hematoma in the cells beneath the eye socket. Concussion, hairline fracture of the skull, fracture in ribs 10, 11 and 12 on the left side. Renal oedema.... do I need to go on?" he stopped reading and flicked his set of hover lift cubes out of his kit. Placing them at all four corners of Ben's prostrate form and initiated them. As one, they emanated a forcefield that lifted the prone patient and hovered him a few inches off the ground.

Adjusting the settings, Ed raised them just enough to move towards the bio-bed nearest to him, lowering that to it's floorlevel setting first. He then maneuvered the doctor onto the bed, switched the hover-set to lower him the inch or two it took and then raised the bed, the bio-arch, the patient and the console to start monitoring and administering pain-relief in anticipation of his waking. The bio-bed dealt with the shock that he would inevitably experience, by rebalancing his system and Ed alleviated the concussion by fitting a stabilizing bio-regulator to the base of his skull and setting that up to begin reducing the pressure fraction by fraction.

With all this done, he was then able to return his attention to Trellis and the others who were talking around the bio-bed that Lance was sitting on, directly opposite.

"Dr Adams should be called" Ed said aloud and a medic in the background put his head up. "She has been sent for".

As the devil's name was mentioned, she appeared. A dark expression on her face, her soft semi-Bajoran nose ridges making her frown appear all the more prominent. She approached the group and Ed handed her the med-padd without a word and returned to the bedside where Ben lay, the computerized auto-arch, working away as they spoke, monitoring and regulating his body chemistry. The bones would need a doctor but the system was of paramount importance initially.

"Lieutenant Trellis?" she formed a quizzical recognition of the Security officer's name, partly to acknowledge him, partly as a question about what was going on.

"Chelsea." Jana whispered and went to her friend, if anyone would understand she hoped it would be Chelsea.

Lance groaned inwardly, it looked like the annoying woman was friends with his boss, ~Here comes another night in the brig~ he thought, hoping that this brig was more comfortable than some of the others that he had been a guest in.

"Hello Jana" Chelsea replied neutrally, reading the padd on Ben's condition as she stood there, her face betraying nothing, the 'impenetrable doctor' face in place now.

"I am still investigating the matter, Dr. Adams." Trellis said as he turned back to McBain. "When will he be able to speak?" he asked.

"Not for some time I'm afraid, Lieutenant" Chelsea replied, handing the padd back to Ed with her thumb-scan on it. "While his cerebral fluid is rebalanced he's better off allowed to remain unconscious. We'll wake him when the bio-stabiliser bleeps to show normal pressure has been regained."

"Fine, until then i want to start with the other participant." Trellis said as he turned to the Surgeon. "Sir, if you would please follow me to the other side of the Bay, I'll take your statement." he instructed the man.

"Start from the beginning and tell me what happened and what started the conflict." Trellis said, trying to maintain civility within the area. It was bad enough that a person had suffered so many injuries, but it was even worst that it was due to a battle royal between the senior staff.

Lance followed Trellis over to the indicated spot, and proceeded to give the security man his version of events, portraying himself as a misunderstood Samaritan.

Trellis recorded the man's statement and nodded. "Alright, you can continue with the remainder of your duties, but do not leave the Medical Bay. I'm to speak to the remaining witnesses" Trellis stated.

"I'm not actually on duty, if its all the same to you I'd like to return to my quarters, I have unpacking to do." Lance responded.

"No, you will have to remain her Dr. Murdoch." Trellis stated. The last thing he needed was for the various witnesses to be scattered about the station.

He turned began to walk over to Lieutenant Kasikova and gestured for her to follow him to a section of the bay where they could speak without being heard or interupted.

"Now, can you please explain to me why two Senior officers decided to swing away on each other?" he asked the science officer.

Jana told him the whole story, first about Lance making the comment about her body, she running into the klingons and snapping her wrist again, Lance was baiting Ben. "Ben wanted to react but I told him to leave it." She said honestly. Jana went on to tell him that Lance stood in front of her sticking his ass in her face and continuing to make comments. Ben had enough and told Lance to apololgise, "Lance didn't apologise and for a moment it seemed that he would walk away but a moment after he turned to leave he turned back and punched Ben in the jaw. That is how it all started." She said finally taking a breath.

Trellis nodded as he took her complete statement. "I'll need for you to remain here as well. Do you know if Ben is in any condition to speak about what happened?" He asked the woman as he turned back towards the patient.

"I'm not leaving Ben...I don't know if he is able to talk you will have to ask Dr. Adams. If I hadn't let Dr. Murdoch get to me this wouldn't of happened..." Jana felt completely responsible even though she hadn't thrown any of the punches.

"There's your confession, its all her fault, now can the rest of us please get back to what we were doing, this has wasted enough of my afternoon." Lance said, irritably.

"I threw no punches doctor! You were antagonizing both me and Dr. could of simply walked away and did nothing...but you threw the first punch and once Dr. Kensington was down and unconscious you kicked him in the ribs! Stop this nonsense!"

"I'm pretty sure loverboy there, headbutted my fist with his face, I had to teach him a lesson. For his own good really." Lance responded. "But I tell you what, I'll let you buy me a drink and we can put this whole unpleasant matter behind us." He offered graciously.

"You want me to go for a drink with you after you knocked my friend unconcious? How about you go to hell first and then we will talk."

"You offer an olive branch, and your hand gets slapped away. There is just no pleasing some people." Lance said to himself.

~Some olive branch!~ Jana thought to herself as she turned her attention back to Trellis. "Is it alright if I go see Dr. Kensington now? I want to make sure he is alright."

Trellis He wanted to resolve this amicably, but he was affraid that he'd have to start placing people under arrest just to resolve the matter.

"Dr. Murdoch, you'll have to come with me down to Security. You will be placed in a holding cell for the time being. Once Dr. Kensington comes to he will give me his sdie and then I'll determine if any charges will be brought." Trellis said as he walked towards the man.

"Hold on a second there buddy, you can't hold me without charge, and you can't charge me for trying to help a clumsy woman and defending myself against her jealous lover. This is a Federation Starbase, not a police state, I know my rights, if I'm going anywhere its back to my quarters." Lance planted his feet firmly on the deck and stared at the advancing security man.

Jana moved back towards Chelsea and Ben. "How is he?" She asked worriedly. "Will he be alright?"

"He'll be fine. We have him stabilised." Chelsea reassured Jana and nodded to Ed to take over. Ed who was dealing with Ben's bio-regulation, looked up, nodded back, beckoning Jana over so he could show her what was being done.

This freed Chelsea to turn her full attention to Murdoch and Trellis. She moved closer and faced Murdoch with thunder in her expression. Chelsea rarely lost it. She was known by everyone for her sunny nature and her serenity even under the most intense pressure.

"Lieutenant Murdoch, you are correct." she stated, as toneless and emotion-free as a Vulcan in her delivery. "This IS a Federation facility and you are a Federation Officer. Your statement that you were 'helping' Lt Kasikova is at odds with her own report and the extent of Lt. Kensington's injuries are at odds with your claim that you were simply defending yourself against his jealous attack. Lt. Kasikova claims you struck Ben first and I know Ben of long standing NOT to be of a jealous, impulsive nor violent disposition." She took a small breath but continued without interruption.

"All these discrepancies require further investigation but there is clear evidence that someone has been behaving in a manner unfit to represent themselves as an officer of the Federation. In order to be fair until the truth has been established. Both you and Lt. Kensington will have to be detained for further questions, as Lt. Trellis has correctly stated already and you would be obstructing him in his duty were you to resist his authority on this." Again an indiscernible breath.

"Lt Kensington will be confined to Sickbay as a result of your self-confessed infliction of his injuries - and the brig seems the most appropriate place for you if for nothing else than to ensure the safety of whomsoever you might deign to 'defend yourself' against next! In the light of this and my displeasure at discovering my officers, or any of my staff, brawling and inflicting harm on any sentient being... the oath being '... to do no harm'. I am adding an order to that ample authority of Lt. Trellis. As your head of Department and a Lt. Commander of Starfleet Medical, I order you to accompany Lt. Trellis and desist all attempts to make any more out of this than the disgrace it already brings this department." Up to now the CMO had delivered all of this diatribe in one tone, matter of factly. "You will also, both, attend sessions with the Chief Counsellor to ascertain your potential danger to the public and other staff."

She then left the monotone finally and concluded with the full force of the anger she had been holding back.

"DO I MAKE MYSELF PERFECTLY CLEAR, LIEUTENANT?" she raised the volume of her voice and thundered in a way that made all the staff in all the nearby bays jump and turn to stare at the strange occurrence.

Lance suppressed a yawn.

Chelsea returned to a reasonable volume and tone again as if she had never exploded. Turning on her heel and turning her back on Murdoch in a clear dismissal.

"Thank you Lt. Trellis, for your assistance" she nodded to the Security officer, making it clear that her fury was channelled and had a single focus which was not on Trellis in any way.

"I'll get a medical report of the detailed extent of Kensington's injuries copied off for you as soon as it's completed." she added helpfully.


Lieutenant JG Lance Murdoch
Chief Surgeon and Arsehole
DS 5


Lt. Cmdr. Chelsea Adams
Chief Medical Officer - DS5


Lt. Jana Kasikova


Lt CMdr. Dorian Gabriel
Chief of Security DS 5