Incommunicado – Reporting for Duty
by Lieutenant JG Lyhse Sullivans & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman

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Title   Reporting for Duty
Mission   Incommunicado
Author(s)   Lieutenant JG Lyhse Sullivans & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman
Posted   Fri Apr 27, 2012 @ 6:30pm
Location   Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman

=^= Lieutenant JG Sullivans to Lieutenant Commander Freeman =^=

Freeman working on some final tuning of the reactors was a little annoyed about the call hit his badge harder than normal and ended up hurting his chest instead. =^= Yes Lieutenant? =^=

=^= Sir; would like to set an appointment to report to the Department Head of Engineering=^=

'Just what I was looking forward to.' Bruce thought to himself. He finished up what he was doing before continuing. =^=Meet me in my office in five minutes. =^= He replied and made the trip himself. He then sat at his desk and waited for Sullivans.

She hoped he wasn't affronted by the interruption; she detected in the tone of his voice he was aggravated, the humming in the background meant he was working on something. She thought to herself 'Great, let's see how many people we can PO this time.'

The door to the Chief Engineering Officer's office automatically open at her approach. She stopped three paces in front of his desk, extending her right hand as if to offer it for a handshake. “Lyhse Renee Sullivans, Lieutenant JG.” She said. Thinking to herself 'twenty two is very young to be a Lieutenant Commander?'

Bruce shook the hand. "What can I do for you Lieutenant?"

She looks taken aback; “Is it not protocol to report to your Department Head?”

"Depends, I'm usually not the one who seeks out everyone who transfers into my department. They usually find me one way or another. Usually with something to say about how unqualified I am given my age and how they'd run Engineering." Bruce replied. "And then they get the wonderful privilege of working with my waste management officer." He added with a smirk.

"Curious; Lieutenant Commander, the Ancient Greek word Tyrannos was used by the Greeks in the sense of ‘arbitrary ruler’, whose power had been gained unconstitutionally, as opposed to a legitimate monarch, even the Fleet Admiral of Starfleet listens to recommendations from their staff."

"Yes, but he also doesn't put up with insubordination." Bruce replied. "I do to an extent."

Still smiling sweetly: " Manufacturing Facility Senior Productions Officer, task is to act as a liaison and coordination between Engineering Department, materials handling/Department, Fabrication Departments, And Docked Ships. Dealing with repairs, FRAM (fleet rearmament and Modernization), SLEP (ship life extension program.) and resupplying.”

"Of course Lieutenant. You don't get to be where I sit not knowing the basics. I hope you've read up on the status of the Nimitz."

"Status of the Nimitz Lieutenant Commander?"

"Yes the big mess sitting in my hanger. Have you done your homework on her?" Bruce asked. He didn't want to have to explain since he was still ticked about that problem.

"The last station was Nikoral Shipyards, in the Tellar System, the same station that designed both the Sovereigns and the Prometheus Class Star Ships." Lyhse replied " how long has the Nimitz been docked ?"

"That's not what I was meaning, I'm wondering if you made note she's heavily damaged, been ordered back to earth, and we only have two days before the Kreeo arrives to tow her back. And as you stated your the one that's going to catch hell if she's not some what stable, at least for towing." Bruce looked at her. If she hadn't known that then she probably didn't know the Nimitz was already tow worthy except for a few things that would be finished within the hour.

Her expression is skeptical "Lieutenant Commander; Earth is a little over fifty Parsecs away, surely Star Fleet would send a DSRV to effect what ever repairs Deep Space Five is unable to do on her." as she's typing something on her PADD what ever it was causes her left eyebrow to arch in reaction to what she read.

"Not a literal tow, she has warp capability but from what I've heard a big wig is wanting her for their command." Bruce replied. "Now do you have any questions for me before I need to get back to my shift?" Bruce asked.

She replied "No Sir; have a good day sir." headed towards the exit.


Deep Space Five Manufacturing Production Officer Lieutenant JG Lyhse Sullivans

Bruce Freeman