Judgement – Secret Changes
by Lieutenant JG Lance Murdoch & Lieutenant Jana Kasikova

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Title   Secret Changes
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Lieutenant JG Lance Murdoch & Lieutenant Jana Kasikova
Posted   Thu Nov 18, 2010 @ 5:05pm
Location   Sickbay
Timeline   Current

It was after hours, the medical staff had been surprised when Lance volunteered for the graveyard shift, but hadn't put up much resistance preferring to leave him alone. He bagan prepping for his surgery.

Lacey sneaked into sickbay and was ready to fake an upset stomach if Lance hadn't been there. She saw him and smiled softly. She was still cautious around him but he was the first man that had ever offered her shelter, friendship...help. "Lance..." She said tentatively.

The surgeon looked up and smiled "Come in," he invited, "I'm just about ready". He showed her a nearby monitor, "while I finish prepping why don't you take a look and tell me if you are happy with those changes. If not we can make some adjustments."

"He wont recognise me with these changes right?" She asked and shivered.

"Definatly not. But since this is the face you will have for the rest of your life, I'ts only fair you have some say in how it looks." Lance replied with a smile.

"I think she looks rather pretty Lance." She smiled back. "Thank you for doing this Lance...I would still be on the run had you not offered to help me. I know the risk I am putting you in."

"It's only a crime if we get caught!" He joked. "OK if you are happy then, hop up onto the bed and let's begin."

Lacey took a deep breath and laid down on the bed."I'm ready...I dont want to run anymore."

Lance reached over and pressed a hypo to her neck. Quickly the anesthetic took effect, Lance walked over to an ajoining table and picked up a communicator. "She's all yours!" He spoke into the device. Sickbay doors slid open and 2 large heavyset men entered. "Don't forget my reward." Lance said to them.

One handed over several bars of gold pressed latinum. "Pleasure doing business with you." The man said. Lance laughed. He watched the two men pick Lacey up. "That sedative will wear off in a couple of hours," he handed over a binder containing several more hypo's "Just keep dosing her till you get her back, then she's your boss's problem."

Lacey's mind was awake, even though her body lay limp in her captor's arms. Her mind screamed and she was completely terrified. She should of known better than to trust Lance. Lacey would make her escape again...this time without anyone's help...if she survived the beatings that were coming her way.

Lance counted the money as he watched them go.


A post by:

Dr Lance Murdoch
Head of Surgery
Deep Space 5

Lacey NPC'd by Nan