Judgement – It's your funeral. . .
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Chief Executive Officer Wayne Bradshaw

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Title   It's your funeral. . .
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Chief Executive Officer Wayne Bradshaw
Posted   Sun May 22, 2011 @ 7:16am
Location   Brig of SS Bradshaw
Timeline   SD 36 - 01:00 Backpost to make other posts work
Captain Dante Hanks continued to sit in the brig as he re-thought the events that brought him to his current state of imprisonment. Two days ago he was licking his wounds and trying to figure out how his task force had gotten their teeth kicked-in by Nausicaan Pirates. The next thing he knows he is being stopped by Wayne Bradshaw's flagship and being placed under arrest as the scapegoat for the failed mission.

Bastard. . .

Years of service to Bradshaw Enterprises and even longer flying about in the the Fleet and this is how he's thanked. He's forced to be the fallguy for botched intell and non-existance logistics. But he wasn't going to stand by idly while the old man ruined his good name and career.

Wayne had not really liked what he had, had to do to Dante infact he had hated it but there had been no other course of action he could have taken he had only hoped that so time cooling off would make the differance and allow the other man to be civilized and hopefully see that there were more things on the table then just what had happened to him.

Dante stood as the outer doors to the brig slid open and the old man began to walk down the short corridor towards his cell.

"You come to let me out?" Dante stated moreso than asked.

"Maybe i have and maybe I have not I came down here to hopefully clear things up between us and see if we could not figure out just what the heck happened to you and your task force. But first allow me to show you the orders that you had been sent or at least that you should have recieved rather then the ones that you did recieve." said Wayne calmly as he handed over a PADD

==== Captain Dante Hanks Commanding officer USS Hawks====

Orders as follows

Take command of the newly formed task force 12 for a multi pronged trade mission with stops Kronos, Romulus and Cardasia Prime. Open talks with the Cardasians about establishing regular trade routes and a mutually benificial relationship.

For the purpose of this mission Captain Hanks is to be promoted to the temporary rank of commodore pending the outcome this new rank may be made permanant and the Hawks will be reassigned to a mission more to the commodores liking.


Wayne Bradshaw Sr.
Chairman/CEO Bradshaw Industries Incorporated

"As you can see from that PADD your orders were cut by me personally I looked over the orders you did receive and they were totally the opposite of what you were intended to do your ships should never have been anywhere close to this area of space at least not for a few months." Said Wayne flattly

"Figures, you always did let your stubborness stop you from seeing the oncoming shitstorm." He replied.

"What are you talking about there is no storm comeing my way that I am aware of well with the possible exception of what you might think you could do to me but I hope to nip that in the but before it get's up a full head of steam. You are not in here for your actions in the one sided battle that happened you are in here because I needed you to cool off and it was also the only way I could think of to get you off your ship and away from your crew without raising questions I did not want to answer. well that and the fact that for as many years as you have worked for me you should know that family and honor are two cornerstones of my life you managed to insult both of those and well I just could not let that stand." said Wayne

"Oh? You don't know what I'm talking about?" Dante asked rhetorically as he began to pace within his cell. He walked towards his cot and slowly sat as he enjoyed the slight silence.

"What I'm talking about is what will happen if you don't drop this charade and put me back in command of my ship." he said tersely.

"I can not put you back in command of your old ship Dante I gave that command to another member of your crew however I can give you back about 90 percent of your old crew and give you a comand that I think you will like even better. More money and a bigger ship if you want it. Of course there are things that we need to figure out and we need to get on the same page before that can happen." Said wayne lightly he wanted this man back in the center seat but he wanted to be sure it would not be a mistake to do so.

He had given away his ship!?!

Dante needed that particular ship back sooner rather than later. He was hoping that they had not made it back to Deep Space Five and began to unload the cargo yet. He immediately stood up and walked towards the field.

"Wayne, who the hell had the balls to try to take my ship away from me?" He demanded more than actually asked.

"Dante I gave your ship to your assistant a Rebecca Moorse. Of all the people onboard she seemed to know her stuff or at least she is one heck of an actor. She will have command until the ship get's back to DS5 where I will assign her a small command of her own

"You are kidding me. She's barely Command-rated and you gave her my ship!? Are you crazy! The crew will never follow her!" He responded.

"I think you are mistaken on that Dante; your crew is following her orders at least for the time being and that is all that I need for now. Now what is so interesting on that ship of yours that you want to get her back so badly when I am willing to hand you a newer, bigger and better ship if we can just work togather and figure out what the hell happened to your command back there.

He knew what had happened, and he knew what was on that ship. What was more important was hy he needed his ship back and not just some shiny new toy.

"Damnit Wayne! You can't just put some child in the Captain's chair just to appease those damn shareholders. My crew will never trust her to lead them into a sticky situation." Dante said as he stared the older man in the eye.

"Let me out of here and back on my ship where I belong." He said in a definitive tone.

"Dante give me one good reason why I should put you back in command of that ship. I know that your crew does not trust her I also know that your ship could not fight it's way out of a paper bag at the moment hence why we are escorting the Hawks back to the starbase. Now if you want out of there so bad give me a reason why I should let you go or at least tell me what is on that ship that is so damn special that your willing to turn down a commodores promotion, command of a task force and an excelsior class starship for a little soyzu." Said Wayne calmly he really wanted to let this man go but at the moment he was not giving him any reason to do so.

Dante walked back towards his bunk and sat down on the bed as he raised his eyes from the ground upward towards the eyes of the older man standing on the other side of the forcefield. Dante knew that the individuals that were waiting on his delivery were not the kind to "explain" matters to those who were not involved in the transaction.

. . .and Wanye Bradshaw was certainly outside of this particular transaction.

"I'm through talking old man. You don't know what you are doing." Dante responded in a flat tone. "Let me out of here, and nobody will ever have to know about this episode." he added.

"Alright Dante I will put you back in command of your ship for now and you can finish your little side mission, however since I suspect that this is an illegal cargo and you are useing a company ship to transport it well let's just say that when you make delivery the people you are delivering whatever it is to will not be leaveing the meeting with the cargo. I will either capture them or they will die in a firefight. If they are captured well I know enough about crooks to know that even though you did not sell them out they will think you did and well that will be good enough. Or I give you one more chance you can tell me what the hell your involved with I can and will give you whatever help I can manage and I am sure you know I can do alot." Said Wayne coldly

"Either way I will have my answers and you well you can either have a short or long life depending on what your answer is." said Wayne coolly he reached over and tapped the pad to drop the force field.

"I had hoped that someday you would take a more active part in this company then you have so far I guess I lost that bet big time, maybe starfleet officers lose their sense of honor and duty when they take off the uniform a pity really as there are some fine officers in the fleet." He added almost sadly if Dante did not come around he would have no choice but to turn the man in as a rogue captain and he knew that the entire fleet would always be on the hunt for him then not just his fleet but starfleet as well the man would be ruined and he would ruin the lives of his entire crew as well.

Dante stood and took several steps beyond the boundaries of the field. He knew that if he revealed the information to Wayne, then the entire mission would be terminated and the cargo confiscated for inspection. However, if he did not tell Wayne, then he would track his ship all the way to the drop-off point. If the other parties involved in the matter saw anything that resembled a 'fleet or Federation vessel, then they would instantly think that Dante had betrayed them.

Either scenario ended with Dante unable to complete the transaction, and thus, the cause of the other parties losing their extensive investment in the mission. Dante was smart enough to recognize a death-sentence when he had been handed one.

"You are a bastard. You just couldn't leave well enough alone, could you?" Dante said as he turned to face the man one last time. "You have no idea what is going on. All you know is that you want somebody's head to serve on a platter to your precious shareholders so they can blame somebody for the drop in your company's stocks." He said firmly.

"You will regret this, Old Man. . .you can count on it." he said as he began turn. Before he did, he stopped and looked back at the older man.

"I want that bitch off of my ship, before I transport her into space." He said as he shoved his finger into the man's chest to emphasis his point. Dante turned and began to make his way towards the transporter room to be beamed back to his ship.

Wayne regretted what he had to do next but there was no real choice in the matter he would let Dante make his run unescorted at least by any visible ships however when the man returned he would be stripped of his command and banned from ever commanding a ship again at least within federation space. "Bridge inform our shadow the Tar'gon that she is to remain cloaked and follow the Hawks at long range sensors only until such time as the hawks makes her delivery i want to know who Dante is moonlighting this run for. Also when dante returns to any port I want orders sent out that he is to be stripped of his command regardless of where he stops. Also I want transporter locks activated on the members of the hawks crew that we know are loyal to the company I will not risk loseing good officers to a loose cannon." Said Wayne bluntly ~Well Dante I hope that this last run of yours is worth the cost to you. you could have been one of the best but you let your greed get the better of you.~ Thought Wayne as he headed for the bridge

On entering the bridge he walked to the center seat and sat down heavly "Helm take us home maxium warp." said Wayne as he once again looked at the little Soyzu class ship that had at one time held so much promise but now was basicly nothing to him "I hope your happy Dante"