Judgement – Welcome aboard and stay off the grass
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant Vincent Kramer & Commander Chelsea Dunham

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Title   Welcome aboard and stay off the grass
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant Vincent Kramer & Commander Chelsea Dunham
Posted   Wed Oct 20, 2010 @ 3:15am
Location   Main Security
Timeline   SD 35 - 10:00hrs
"Alexia, can you please contact Lieutenant Kramer and have him report to my office please?" Lieutenant Trellis stated as we passed by the front desk and towards an adjacent office.

"That's Lt. Commander Gabriel's office, Sir." Alexia protested gently, more of a pout than a challenge. "He should be here, we need him".

"I understand that Ms. Jackson," Trellis responded as he appeared from the room. "But the fact remains that while Commander Gabriel remains incarcerated he is unfit for duty and thus that responsibility falls upon my shoulders." He replied in an apparently annoyed tone.

"Now, if you would please carry out your duties, I would be much obliged." He stated tersely.

"Sir" Alexia lowered her eyes and look downcast. She was very worried about 'El Guappo' and more than that, she missed him grumbling around. Obediently she put out a call on her comm channel.

=^= This is Security to Lt. Vincent Kramer. Please report to Main Security on Deck 576 - to Lieutenant Trellis. =^= she sent out a message, adding in directions as the console in front of her made it clear that Lt Kramer was new to the Station and she remembered what that felt like when trying to find the myriad departments in over a thousand decks.

((Deck 55))

Walking along the corridor on Deck 55 outside the Medical Facility, Kramer heard his PADD chirp. He pulled it from his side pocket and read a message to report to security of all places. He wasn’t sure why that would be. With one convenient button he replied through the PADD and turned around and headed back to the turbolift. The PADD gave detailed instructions where to go on Deck 576. Once inside the turbolift he pressed another button which instructed the turbolift to take him to that location. This was great! He didn’t have to remember everything and didn’t have to repeat confusing instructions to the computer.

((Deck 576))

Kramer located the Main Security Office easy enough and walked in and stopped at the front desk. “Hello, Lt. Vincent Kramer. I am hear . . .” looking down at this PADD, “reporting to Lt. Trellis.”

Alexia looked up as he walked in. "Ah, that was quick!" she said as she stood up and held out her hand. "Alexia Jackson.... Ensign." she introduced herself. "I understand you're new to the station, Sir. Welcome aboard."

Extending his hand cordially and taking hers Kramer replied, “Thank you Ensign. Pleased to meet you.”

"Lieutenant Trellis is in Lt. Commander Gabriel's office, if you'd care to come this way?" she showed Kramer to the open door and knocked against the door-frame, taking only one step inside the wide entrance and gesturing for Kramer to go on in, past her.

"Lieutenant Trellis, this is Lieutenant Kramer, as you requested, Sir." she announced and then withdrew without waiting for acknowledgement.

“Lieutenant Vincent Kramer, reporting as requested,“ came Vincent’s tactful start. He really wanted to be more blunt and ask straight out, ‘Why had he been called into main security within hours of arriving on the station? Was this the usual practice?’ But, he thought better to hold his tongue and be polite.

Trellis grimaced slightly at Jackson's statement of it being "Gabriel's" office. The man was a menace and is being rightfully detained. He used his position of power to violate the law of the station with impunity. If it was up to him, he'd remain in that cell forever.

Trellis took a deep breath and rose from his chair and extended his hand to the officer before him. "Welcome to Deep Space Five, Mr. Kramer." he said cordially.

Taking his hand with a firm grip Kramer replied, “I’m very glad to be here, thank you.”

"I am Lieutenant Si'Lar Trellis. Chief of Station Security. Since you will be inheriting such an important position on this station I wanted to take an opportunity to meet you and extend a welcoming hand." He said warmly. "Please, take a seat." He directed as he sat back down.

Taking a seat, yet still sitting on the edge, uncertain of the situation, Kramer acknowledged. “Thank you Sir, but I don’t understand. Why was I called here before I have even reported for duty?”

"Recently I've began implementing a change to the security protocols throughout the station, beginning with Main Engineering." he said as he slid a padd over to the Engineer. "You can expect from me to implement a new round of security protocols on a weekly basis on various primary systems throughout Main Engineering." he added.

Picking up the padd Kramer spoke hesitantly, “I understand Sir, but shouldn’t this come through proper channels? I am to report to the XO tomorrow and then the Chief Engineer.“ Hesitating another moment and choosing his words carefully. "What are your intentions meeting me in advance?"

Trellis smiled as he leaned forward on the desk. "Well, as the new Chief of Security onboard this station I want to make myself known to the various members of the crew. You are new to the crew, yet you will have direct input on one of our most vital systems onboard. I think it is important that for all of us to know each other." Trellis said with a smile.

It was important for him to establish himself amongst the various officers onboard that there was a new person in charge of Security and that he planned on running a more efficient operation than Gabriel ever did.

Alexia heard what Lt Trellis had said about being the new Chief of Security, just before she had reached her own office and the door had slid closed behind her. She sat down heavily and sighed. She and Trellis hadn't started off well, she had liked Duquence and 'loved' Gabriel but she'd resented Trellis' attitude towards her hero.

She had to make a decision now about whether she could come to terms with Trellis being in charge in the hope that Gabriel would be exonerated and return, or if she applied to be moved on to another department. She thought about how nice Duquence had been to her and all the other officers too. She decided she should give Trellis a second chance at least until they knew more about what would happen to Gabriel.

Kramer felt like this was come kind of political move on the Lieutenants’ part. “Sir, I accept your concern, but I feel obligated to inform you that I will be informing the XO and my Chief about our conversation here today.”

Trellis nodded and stood. "If there is anything I can do for you, then by all means please do not hesitate to let me know." he stated as he extended his hand to the younger officer.

Kramer stood, but did not respond with his hand in return. Standing at attention, “If there is nothing else, Sir, I will continue with my day.”

Trellis was caught off guard slightly. "I..uh...no, Lieutenant, there is nothing else at the moment." He said as he furrowed his brow in response.

With so many uncertainties, Kramer simply stated, "Have a good day Sir." He turned and walked out of the office. When the doors closed behind him he hesitated and turned to young Ensign behind her desk. "Um . . Jackson? Right? Is this guy for real or am I reading too much into this?"

Alexia shrugged her shoulders and rolled her eyes. "It's not for me to say, Sir." She took the official 'proper' line. Personally, she didn't trust Trellis yet, however that was no reason to show disrespect in front of a stranger. Alexia knew better than that.

"Well, it was nice to meet you Jackon." Looking back at the door into the commander's office, what happened in there, he was not too sure about. With a smile and a nod to Jackson, Lt. Kramer left the Main Security office and headed back up to Main Medical for his initial check up.


A JP Between:

Si'Lar Trellis
Acting Chief of Security

Ensign Alexia Jackson
Security Administrator


Lt. Vincent Kramer
Asst. Chief of Engineering