Interlude – The Friends Of My Enemy
by Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Commander Richard Dunham

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Title   The Friends Of My Enemy
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Commander Richard Dunham
Posted   Tue Aug 31, 2010 @ 12:01pm
Location   Promenade
Timeline   SD 30, morning

He had to admit it: The voles were inspired. Not only had the Box of Delights suffered enormous damage to both property and reputation at their claws, but their subsequent escape onto the promenade had driven a neat wedge between its blasted owner and station command, security, and operations. The Yridian had been worth every slip of his not inconsiderable fee.

And now it was time to move matters a long. Enough of the small annoyances, time to get nasty, to start paving the way to her ruin. He turned to his terminal and composed a new message for the Yridian: Strip her of her friends and allies, leave her no-one to turn. Your methods are your own,.


The yridian leant back in his chair staring at the blank view screen on his desk table. He tapped the bottom of his pointed chin with the tip of one finger in thought. He had many options to consider. Behind him the Naussican sat on the edge of the bed sharpening a large knife. The Yridian breathed through his teeth, the effect of this was a hissing noise. He stopped as a thought came to him. “Computer list the station ship docking manifest.” The information scrolled up on the screen in front of him. “Hmmmmm” he smiled “I thought so.” He turned to his companion. “Let’s go we have a job to do. He got up and headed out of the door. The Nausicaan grunted as he got up and followed him out.

He wanted to start at the edge of her circle, and work closer, until it was time to strike the final blow. His options were limited, his information on the bokkai thin, but luck was on the weasel faced being's side. He'd spotted one of the few names in the short file of intelligence he'd gathered, just that morning, and the manifest confirmed it was the same.

Now he was waiting at the docking ring for a glimpse of their first target, the Caitian captain of a small freighter. First he'd observe, make sure the information was still good, and then do what needed to be done, or in this case, get his Nausicaan companion to do it.

A tall Caitian, bipedal, three meters in height, and featuring a a thick orange mane, long tail, and a large golden eye; the other covered with a large black leather eye patch disembarked from the air lock. His full set of fur was a reddish-tan, he carried himself with confidence, He wore no foot covering. But did wear partial parts of an old black Klingon warriors uniform, that were interwoven through a flight suite.

The Yridian checked his file, straightened his suit and keeping a discreet distance behind followed the Caitian down to the Promenade


The Caitian didn't know were he was going, but he sniffed in deeply the air around him. He smiled and began to walk, following the distinct sent of Yolanthe and Klia.

Following his nose the Caitian walked through the busy station. Deep space Five was hustle and bustle of activity. People went about their business like bee's around a hive. Arriving on the promenade the Caitian looked about himself cautiously and then continued to follow the scent he smelled. He smiled when he saw the sign for the box of delights. He headed in looking about him as he did for a familiar face.

Yolanthe looked up from the coffee machine when he entered, ready to tell the incomer that they were closed, but stopped. A broad grin broke out, and she changed to a deep royal blue. "Well, well. well. Of all the gin joints in all the world..."

"Hello trouble..." said the Caitain with the wink of his one good eye. His tail swished behind him to and fro. "it's good to see you again, where's your better and worst half?"

Klia appeared at the mezzanine balcony. "Schrödinger!!" Klia squealed, rushing down the stairs to throw herself into his arms, jumping on him into a huge hug, wrapping arms and legs round and squeezing hard. "What are you doing here?"

"Ah their she is" he said still smiling at Yolanth. He then put his tail around Klia's waist in a affectionate hug, as he couldn't reach around with his arms as she clung to his back after jumping on him. "I came to see how the new place is doing."

"We're having some ups and downs," Yolanthe admitted.

"yeah," Klia agreed. "Cardassian voles got into the bar. They're in the air ducts, the power conduits, they're in my holosuites. They should all be dead by now, but you wouldn't believe the mess they've made on the emitters and the omicron particle field generators. the energy matrix is shot to pieces."

"Not to mention the damage to the rest of the bar." Yolanthe added. "But I don't believe for a second you just came to see us. You're a pirate to the bone, you have an ulterior motive."

"What" said the Caitian in an over exaggerated tone of innocents. "Can't a guy just swing buy to see some old friends." After seeing the flat look of disbeliefe of his defence for Yolanthe. The caitain gave up and put his hands/paws up in surrender. "ok ok, I got some merchandise I thought you might find... interesting ."

Yolanthe gave him a sceptical look. "The last time you said that I nearly lost my job."

"But it was interesting though...." he smiled, that charming cat like smile. The kind of smile that could brake hearts but had the underline menace of a predator. "Nothing illegal.....well not illegal in federation space."

"Hmm," She replied, not convinced. "Alright, what have you got. I should at least hear it before I shoot you down."

He reached his hand into a pouch and took out a small furry haired object, no bigger than the size of his hand. It vibrated in pleasure at being picked up, and made a soothing humming noise. Its fur was a brown colour flecked with white. It was a tribble.

“ooh, so cute!” Yolanthe gave it a tickle and it vibrated in a little purr.

But Klia blanched. “No! Absolutely not. Not after the voles. Schrödinger are you insane? They're listed as Bio Weapons in half the quadrant!”

"Oh don't be so mean to something so cute." He said the last bit to the tribble as if talking to a favourite pet, "Shhhh, don't worry she didn't mean it." he said reassuringly to the trembling tribble. "Anyway its been genetically modified, to reproduce only a limited litter. One offspring per tribble."

"And at two litters a day, thats still more tribble than anyone needs," Klia wagged a green finger at him. "I love you to bits Ding, but no. We're up to our necks in trouble as it is. This would just bury us."

"ah!" he raised one finger to highlight his point, "but that's were your wrong, they only produce offspring every six monthly cycle."

Yolanthe took it from schrodinger, "Its adorable," She stroked it and it started to coo. "can't we havr it spayed?"

"No!" Klia snatched it from her and thrust it back into the Caitian's hands. "A thousand times no. If you won't pay any attention to my advice on anything else, damn well listen to this. No good comes of tribbles. If the Klingons hear of this they'll burn the Box down around our ears." She turned to him, "So find someone stupider than us to take it off your hands."

He shrugged and sighed a little. "Ah well that's shame, so you wouldn't be interested in what we were smuggling in them either?" He said matter of factly

"And what is inside them?" Yolanthe wondered what could fit inside a tribble

He smiled again, his fangs pointing out from under the rim of his lips. "Cadrian diamonds. A hundred percent pure, and non-refined and un-cut. Each tribble has about 12grams of the stuff in um."

Both women whistled, and started to inspect the little creature, wondering exactly how Schrodinger had got the diamonds inside. "To be honest. I'm not that established yet," Yolanthe admitted. "I'm not sure where I could fence them. How much do you want for them?"

He stuck up three fingers. "I'll be honest with you their a little hot, so three bars, nothing more nothing less. Besides I think both of you would look extravagant with such beautiful merchandise." He smiled wryly again. "not that either of you would need such items to enhance such gorgeous looks."

"Smoothy." Yolanthe still turned a soft shade of blue at the over the top compliment. "Letys take a look then."

He extracted a sample and passed it to her. She held it up to the light. The colour was even and there were no obvious imperfections. Beyond that she hadn't the skill to judge, "Are they all this quality?"

"Of course!" he said with a chuckle, "Well most of them."

"Hmmm. I'll give you One bar, ten strips. You said yourself they're hot, and I've already got Security breathing down my neck."

Klia looked suprised at this, but Yolanthe gave her a sharp look - Don't ask.

"Yolanthe what you doing to me, how so the humans say, your busting my balls, the items are worth at least two and a half bars."

"Maybe, but if you had a buyer willing to pay that, you wouldn't be here. One bar Fifteen."

"Two Bars." He said firmly, but with a smile. "Go on, make me a happy cat." he winked. "You have before."

She threw a bar towel at him. "Before we were changing ports on a daily basis. You're asking to mess where I eat this time. I'm risking a lot more than loss of job and deportation from wherever."

"Ok, ok" He said taking the bar towel off his face. "Tell me Klia what do you think Yolanthe should pay for them?"

The Orion thought about it. "Depends who you pinched them from."

He shrugged and waved away the comment with a gesture of his pore. “Ah just some Cardassians, no biggy; we used to do it all the time back in the good old days. Remember old day’s ladies. They were great times huh; why not call it two huh, for old time’s sake?”

"Spoonies?" Klia grinned. "hell, I think she should take them for twice the asking price."

"Klia." Yolanthe flickered a shade of sand for a moment, then returned to violet. "I'm not happy with 'just some'. tell me who, and I'll consider the two."

"Why are you bothered?" Klia asked before Schrödinger could reply, her eyes narrowed in suspicion. "You said it was just a one night stand."

Yolanthe huffed, realising she'd been cornered. "Fine, Two bars. But you get rid of the tribbles. I've had enough vermin infestations for one week."

The caitian smiled his smooth feline smile, and inclined his head in a gentle nod. He had many follow up questions but that would have to wait. He had stopped in mid incline of his head and sniffed deeply. He frowned and sniffed again, he smelt something familiar, something that had smelt at docking control then later on the way here. He had no phaser. But he had been able to smuggle a knife through customs. He pulled the Klingon D'k tahg blade from his belt and looked across the room. With cat like reflexes he through the knife to the balcony above and opposite them. It whistled through the air but his target, a Yridian was already on the run, and the knife hit the bulk head.

The Yridian frowned. He'd obviously managed to stand in a breeze from an air duct for the Caitian to have spotted him. Well, he could improvise. He started running, making sure the furry alien saw him jogging down the stairs towards the Bajoran Gardens, where his Nausicaan minion waited.

Caitain jumped into action. Literately jumping into action by quickly stepping up onto the table grabbing a bottle of the strongest drink he could find holding it in his tail for safe keeping then with his powerful legs, jumped from the table onto the balcony railings, he lifted himself up and over the railings landing on the girded metal floor of the balcony on all floors. He then pounced into a run after his prey. He had caught his sent now and although the he lossed the alien at one point he soon found the trail again, leading to a garden. He entered at full pelt, only to be barrel rolled by a huge mass.

Surprised and startled by their friend's sudden exit, they had rushed to follow, but quickly lost sight of him, leaving the two women standing on the promenade confused.

"What was that about?" Kia asked

"Your guess is as good as mine." her friend replied, frowning at the relatively empty promenade.

The Nausicaan landed on top of Schrödinger, grabbed him by the ears and slammed his skull down into the earth

Schrödinger winced as he felt his skull fracture. The Nausicaan yanked him up by his neck squeezing and chocking his wind pipe. The huge burly alien brought his fist back and punched the Caitian in his good eye; there was a distinct sound of crushing bone as his eye socket caved in. Another punch dislocated his jaw and then a huge back hand put the jaw back again.

But it was an opportunity. The cat like Alien brought his sharp fanged mouth down, on the Nausicaan's wrist. The huge alien screamed in pain and let go of the caitian the, cat struggled to his feet, spat out a blob of phlegm, flesh and cloth onto the floor. He then wiped blood from his mouth, he swayed side to side trying to put himself into a defensive martial arts position. It wouldn't work.

The Nausicaan screamed in rage and charged Schrödinger with a powerful series of flurried blows. Even with his skill in martial arts the cat took a massive beating. He felt hits to his chest, arms and hips, each blow cracking bones and breaking skin. The caitian was loosing and he knew it. He had one ace up his sleeve though, or in his tail.

He brought the bottle he was holding in his tail in a large arch and hit it on the Nausicaan's head. The alien screamed in blood and pain. But the cat was not done. He pulled a lighter from his pocket, sparked it up on his leg and throw the exposed flame at the Nausicaan who promptly whooshed alight in fire. It was not enough to kill him but it was enough for the Caitian to make his escape. He looked around a moment for the Yridian but he was long gone.

Schrödinger staggered back into the bar.

"Ding!" Yolanthe saw him at the half open doorway. She dropped the tray of drinks she had in her hand and rushed to his side. He collapsed in her arms, and she could feel blood soaking through his fur,and ribs poking through skin. He'd taken a beating you weren't supposed to come back from. "Stay with me. furball." His eyelids were fluttering, his eyes unfocussed. "Klia! Get a medic!"

"I feel terrible." said the cat like alien as he slipped between bouts of consciousness and unconsciousness. Blood coughed up from his mouth as he spoke. It had a slightly purple hue to it. "It was...*cough*..A.. *cough, cough*...Yridian and Nausica......"

"Ding! Wake up!" She snapped at him as his eyes rolled up and back into his skull, a rattling breath escaping from four different places besides his mouth. She dug deep green fingers down into his fur to find a pulse, but found nothing. A few meters away, teal-uniformed fleeters materialised, and rushed over. One peeled the felinoid from her arms, whilst the other called for emergency transport.

As they vanished in sparkling light, Yolanthe was left kneeling on the floor, covered in blood, and wondering what the hell was going on.


Schrödinger The Caitain
Scoundrel And Pirate


Yolanthe & Klia
Owners, The Box of Delights