Beg, Steal or Borrow – Accidents Happen
by Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman

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Title   Accidents Happen
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman
Posted   Wed Feb 11, 2009 @ 5:28pm
Location   Damaged Shuttle bay, Main Engineering
Timeline   SD7: 2300
Bruce having been working for a couple of days straight figured that it was time even for him to get some rest. 'Not good to be working on no sleep, worse still if that work is on a shuttle bay."

"Mr. Hiroshi I am putting you in charge of engineering for now, I need to go get some sleep wouldn't want to wire any thing wrong." Bruce yelled across the shuttle bay to his assistant.

"Alright chief. Please do I don't want to be stuck fixing this again." Hiroshi yelled back.

"Come on you know you like having to fix this. I will be back in a couple of hours. If you do need me I will sleep in Main Engineering closer than my quarters."

"I'll make sure to call in a couple of minutes." Hiroshi called back chuckling.

"You do and you will be demoted." Bruce yelled back just as he left the shuttle bay leaving his assistant a little paranoid.


After making his way to engineering he walked into his office and pulled back a tarp that hid a chair more comfortable than the others in the room and sat down. He had a little bit of trouble trying to sleep he looked around then noticed the different blinking lights on padds that had different work loads he still needed to get done. Noticing that he was trying to find an excuse to start working again he looked away. He then started to trace the lines around the consoles and following them to no where really and that had the effect he hoped and fell asleep.


Hearing a sound that shouldn't have been there Bruce immediately woke up and looked around to see what it was. He then realized that it was just his comm badge.

"Freeman here."

"Sir there was minor explosion down here we need you here ASAP."

"On my way."

Bruce picked up a tricorder and his tool belt and walked out of main engineering making his way down to the shuttle bay. It had been a slow tedious job of repairing and replacing anything that had gotten blast damage now there would be even more. He entered the bay and looked around and saw a person laying on the ground near a control panel. He had a few burns but he looked more shocked than anything.

"What happened here?" Bruce inquired to the person laying down.

"Sorry sir the wire had blast damage on it, I forgot to mark where it was supposed to go and crossed poles with another wire."

Seeing as he was new Bruce took the position to make it a lesson. "What did you learn?"

"Mark where things are supposed to go or look at a manual before I replace it."

"Alright good lets get you some help." Bruce put out his hand to help the man up.

"Hiroshi you will need to stay in charge a bit longer, by the time I get him up to sickbay it will be time for the department heads meeting, after that you can get some sleep yourself."

"Alright thanks Chief."

"Oh and you wouldn't have gotten demoted just a scolding, I am game to pranks like that." Bruce added leaving the assistant more relieved than what he had been previously.

Lt. Freeman CEO
Warrant Officer Hiroshi ACEO