Judgement – Nice lunch
by Ambassador Cala Lurn

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Title   Nice lunch
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Ambassador Cala Lurn
Posted   Sun Jun 12, 2011 @ 8:35pm
Location   Night shade
Timeline   SD 38 04:00hr

After her morning work, Cala decided it was time to go eat something of substance. She made her was down to the main area of DS5 were all the resturants and stores were located. She weaved in and out of the crowd looking at some resturant that caught her interest. Knowing the Box of Chocolates was out of order for the day, The Nightshade cought her eye. It was place she haden't seen before and there was no harm and trying out this new resturant.

So she walked in the resturant and it was empty. 'Perhaps it isn't open yet,' she thought to herself. She walked in a little bit more and in some strange reason she wasn't alone in the room. As she was looking around the room her eye cought a shadowy figure in the distance. She almost jumped out of her skin when she saw the figure.

"You scared me dear sir," she stated having on hand on her chest and trying to catch her breath.

"I didn't mean to startle you Cala," stated same deep husky voice from earlier this morning.

"Do you find it your personal thrill to stalk me," Cala asked Onyx who stood before her.

Onyx smiled and replied, "No. But are paths do seem to cross recently."

Cala smiled and nodded her head, "Do you own this place?"

Onyx placed a hand to the back of his head and lowered the arm on his shoulders and looked round the place before he answered, "This run down place." Then he sighs, "I guess." Then he looked at Cala with a soft smile.

Cala rolled her eyes and continued, "If you must. Right?"

Onyx chuckled a little and stated with sarcasum, "Yeah. Its such a chore." Then he lowered his head down and walked to Cala. When he reached her he took her hand and walked her to a table to sit down. He pulled out a seat for her to sit down on; once she sat down he pushed her in close to the table. "I was about to have lunch," he stated, "Care to joine me?"

"Apperently I have to choice," she stated with charm.

"O you have a choice," he replied smartly, "You don't have to eat. I could eat in front of you and let you go hungery."

Cala tipped her head and looked up at him like yeah right expression. He smiled to her before he left to go get the food. He came back with two plates. He sat one down in front of Cala and the other down were he was going to sit. Once he was done Onyx sat down next to Cala and stated, "How have things been? Its been a long time."

"To long," stated Cala looking over the food. She gave a weird look and looked up at Onyx and replied, "As well as to be expected. Is this what I think it is?"

"Yes," stated Onyx, "Apperently Aruian food is becoming a big hit. So I've decided to create a resturant here. I'm glade your prospering. Married?"

"No," stated Cala taking a bit of the food. Tasting the food she closed her eyes and made a moaning sound, "Its been a long time since I've eaten are food. I almost forgot how it tastes. O I haven't been married in quite some time."

"I'm glade you like it," Onyx stated, "Do have a lover? Childern?"

"No and I have one daughter on this station," replied Cala, "But I have many childern. You? Married? Lover? Children?"

Onyx sighed, "I have a daughter as well. Not married. No lover as well." Then took a bite of his food. Cala cocked her head slightly before she continued enjoying her food. After they were done eating and catching up on old times and new. Cala had noticed what time it was and stated, "Onyx it is time for me to get back to work. A lot to do in such a short time."

Onyx whipped his mouth clean stood up from his seat, "Shall I escort you to your office then?"

Cala raised her hand and replied, "No. No. I can walk there myself thank you."

"You were always stubborn weren't you," he stated as a joke.

Cala smiled at him and continued, "Would you aspect anything less of me." Then stood up from her seat. Onyx walked up to Cala and took her hand in his. The softly kissed the top part of her hand and stated, "I hope to see you again soon."

"Only if fate has it so," she complied kindly as she took her hand back. She bowed and then left the nightshade and headed back to office wondering what had become of her old friend over the years.


Posted by:

Ambassador Cala Lurn
Ships Envoy