Interlude – Handing over
by Seth Mahuri & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)

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Title   Handing over
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Seth Mahuri & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Sat Nov 06, 2010 @ 2:07pm
Location   Ops
Timeline   SD28 09.00

Seth woke earlier than he usually did. He was going to meet the Captain today for the second time, and as she put it last time, a more formal arrangement was necessary.
He washed, dressed and left Kila to sleep in the quarters as he darted out the apartment and into a lift. he flapped a small Padd between his fingers.

"Operations." He declared, trying to sound superior, as if it was his. The transit was sudden, and many starfleet were busying themselves with jobs around the entire room. Seth stood anxiously out of the lift and walked slowly to the center. He jumped out of his skin as someone called his name.

Tasha had been standing on the upper level, watching over her "Team" as they busied themselves with repair orders, transfers and the daily routine of what Tasha could only deem as normal station life, something which had been sadly lacking over he last few weeks and she felt contented as the small man appeared on Ops.

Ambassador Mahuri. What brings you back to Ops?" She called down from above him.

Seth startled, and almost dropped his Padd. "Captain." He exclaimed. "You arranged a quick meeting with me yesterday." He said.

She gave a single nod, forgetting that she had indeed asked him to come up to be allocated a space on the ambassadorial deck. "Please, come up." She offered, her hand pointing towards the staircase to the upper level and turned to her office, waiting at the door for Seth to join her.
As he appeared at the top of the top stair, she pushed open her door and entered, moving around the back of her desk."Please, do come in." She offered to the waiting ambassador at her door and circled the PADD on her desk around with her forefinger, tapping at it. "We have space on deck 59. It's not the largest, but I should think it would suit your needs." She stated, easing the PADD across the desk to Seth.

Seth withdrew the Padd from the captain and tapped the screen several times. He had accessed a technical layout of the area.
'Very few bays, small corridors, little or rather next to no ideal living locations internally.' His eyes did not hide the fact that he wasn't impressed. Nevertheless, he smiled at Tasha and browsed other options. He flicked through some other options and glanced at a larger more accommodating facility on the promenade. He slid the Padd on the table towards the captain.

She eyed him with the hint of a smile on her lips. She could see he was not overly overjoyed at the smaller embassy that had bee selected for him, but she would wait until he responded.

"How about here? It's closer to Alien Embassies, it's more accessible to the public and it is close to the fan-favourite Box of delights." He chuckled.

She glanced down at the PADD and her smile widened. "Ambassador, whilst that is a larger establishment, your race is still a smaller and as yet, non aligned. These are more than adequate, for the time being. When you have proven that a larger facility is in need, then we can arrange an upgrade. How many diplomats are in your part so far?" She enquired politely.

"Excluding myself, I have 4 other ready and able Ambassadors awaiting departure from S'Ratalia." He answered. Seth wished for the larger Embassy because of a small favour that was owed to him by an official diplomat from Tasha's organisation. "Prior to my coming here, I discussed with the Federation about a free-family policy, regarding my Ambassadors families accommodation within the Embassy as an insight into other races and cultures. I would prefer the larger facility, but if you believe that the smaller option is adequate enough for our business, then who am I to judge a Starfleet Captain on their own Starbase?" Seth asked, rhetorically of course, but he wanted Tasha to answer.

Her smile widened. He was forthright, if not a true diplomat.
"Very well ambassador, you can have the larger facility. I will get our Chief of the boat to make arrangements for you, but of course, the tenure can be as easily down graded if there is any," She paused, placing her fingers under her chin for effect, "problems." She finally added.

Seth gestured a Saoirs thank you to the Tasha. "I appreciate your decision, Captain. And may I extend my thanks to the rest of your crew. They have done nothing but provide excellent hospitality since our arrival, to which I hope to repay." He smiled to her and left the room. He almost tripped down the stairwell and into the turbo-lift, luckily with doors closing before he eventually did so. He recovered inside and quietly congratulated himself.


Captain Tasha Tahir


Ra Seth Mahuri
Saoirs Correspondent