Judgement – Fall *In* ?
by Commander Chelsea Dunham & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Richard Dunham

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Title   Fall *In* ?
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Commander Chelsea Dunham & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Richard Dunham
Posted   Fri Mar 11, 2011 @ 8:58am
Location   CMO's Office - Sickbay DS5
Timeline   SD36 22:20 Directly after *Fallout*

OLD: Tasha's heart skipped a beat. She felt her face drain of colour. This was too much of a coincidence that a Civilian would have this information especially after the days events.
Her eyes softened as she looked at Min but her smile had all but gone. She took her hand in her own and then cupped it with both of her hands.
"Get some rest. You have been very brave." She praised, hoping that the words would help her to overcome any hurdles she would have to face in the next few days. "If you need a bed here, I will make sure the Doctor gives you the best in the med center." Her smile was tight, but earnest.

As she stepped backwards, she felt a huge sense of something. It was not relief, but an overwhelming fear that things were about to get worse before they got better.
She too a breath as she pulled down her tunic and half way across the room, she turned back to see Min watching her. She wanted to give a friendly wave, a reassuring way that everything was going to be okay, but she didn't know what was going to happen or when. She winked instead and pushed open the door to Chelsea's office.


As the door opened again and the Captain walked in, Chelsea stood up. "Ma'am" she acknowledged respectfully.

Tasha could not help but feel for Min and how she had freely volunteered her information which was refreshing for a civilian on this station. She looked more concerned for Dunham, but Chelseas greeting brought her mood up a little. In the room with just the three of them, Tasha didn't feel the need for rank.
She loosed a long sigh as she pulled out a chair and sat, feeling exhausted.
"Chelsea, Rick," She began and felt the pressures in her neck as she reached around and arced her head around. "I'm not sure about you, but a nice cup of tea would not go amiss right about now." She returned the smile as Chelsea darted to the replicator. "Strong, hot and sweet for me." She advised as she cupped her hands and lay them on the desk.
Rick was looking tired and if the truth were spoken, a little dishevelled. "Are you alright Rick?" Tasha asked with an obvious concern.

He scratched the stubble on his chin as he considered the answer. "I'm tired boss, tired and I'm desperate for that cup of tea" he smiled, the twinkle returning to his eye.

"I'm coming!" Chelsea muttered, balancing the teas so she could carry them all at once. It was precarious and doomed. She managed not to spill TOO much however and made it to the coffee table intact.

As Chelsea took care with the cups, Tasha leant fully on the table. "I'm with you on that." She seconded. "Look, I know it is not my place, but I must apologise for that. It was not fair and unjust. I don't blame you for not going along with the foolhardiness of a man in drink," She moved back to allow Chelsea to put the cups down. "Thanks." She said as she reached forward and cupped the container with both hands. "I would have done the same thing, probably." See admitted as she drew the cup close.
"Anyway, how are the plans for the wedding going?" She asked in reference to the wedding.

Rick looked at Chelsea, it was a good question and one he did not have an answer to. Not yet, things were going well, but anything was possible

Chelsea shrugged, with a little laugh. "Rick himself keeps saying it's *MY* day not *his* as if he doesn't really want to do it anyway. We may not get around to it for weeks!" she replied only *half* in jest.

He smiled and winked at her, glad to have the humour back in the room. If a look can carry a hundred words, then the look Rick gave Chelsea carried with it an entire essay on love, mutual respect, happiness, humour and contentment.

Tasha knew how harsh this day had been, she herself being up before o-six hundred, coupled with the stress of her own wedding and taking on the First Officers duties had obviously come to head.

She didn't know whether to shake or nod her head, so just calmly replied, "It will all work itself out. If you need more personal time, I can arrange it." Tasha offered and sipped at the tea and the miracle in a cup tasted extra ordinary.

Chelsea was exhausted. She'd been forced to re-do an autopsy first thing in an effort to head off a fight between Lance Murdoch and Si'Lar Trellis, she'd gone to the meeting about Wallace at noon, only to find they'd called it early and forgotten her.

Then her half-sister had arrived, inhabited by a Pah-wraith. Then her long-lost mother had turned up too but not in time to prevent Chelsea being taken prisoner and held hostage by the Wraith, necessitating the whole of Rick's family having to come to the rescue... which in itself was no way to meet the In-Laws, let alone to get yourself tied up, terrorised and frightened half to death!

Then she'd got a call to say some Intel lunatics had tried to arrest Rick in a bar.... which reminded her that she hadn't asked him yet about *that* little sneak out while she was *resting*... and now here she was, hugging a cup of tea, talking about weddings as if it had been an ordinary day.

Perhaps it *was* ordinary in the life of an Acting Executive Officer? Chelsea had barely been Second Officer for more than an hour or two before she'd had to step up another level and she was a bit shell-shocked if the truth was admitted. Like Tasha, she found the tea a welcome comfort though.

When Rick had arrived on the station it was not under the command of Captain Tahir, she had been away, so his relationship with the commanding officer was anew one, as he really had not known her that long at all, so Rick wasn't sure of the boundaries, even in private behind closed door scenarios like this one. Because at this point all he wanted to do was go and give his wife to be a big hug, because she looked as exhausted as he did. But he didn't know if he could do it around the Captain.

Tasha could see that Chelsea was thinking, whether it was about the wedding, Rick or the responsibility of XO, Tasha did not know.
What was clear, was that even though Rick had given a smile and a wink, he felt awkward, hesitant and the air was still tense and she did not know if that was of the events of minutes ago, or again, something else.

Tasha stood, as if to excuse herself, but she made sure she lifted the tea with her as she went.
"Well, the offer stands. Look, both of you," She spoke and glanced at each of them and tried to be as matronly as possible, "it has been one of the worse days we have had on a personal level. You two need to talk, but whenever you decide the wedding will be, I am more than happy to offer my services as Captain to conduct the union." She offered, "and after that, you must have at least four days, and that is AT LEAST four days, more if required to take some time to get to know each other as a married couple." She shrugged her shoulders. "I am not able to give much advice in that department, I wasn't married long enough, but I know that the period after the wedding is the most enjoyable." She smiled with a warmth. "Now, I'll leave you two alone. Goodnight Rick," She paused as she turned her attention to Doctor Adams, "Goodnight Chelsea." She said with a widening smile and began to leave the annex.

"Goodnight Captain Tahir." said Dunham appreciatively, he watched her leave under a different light. It has hard to picture ones commanding officer as human being. But the captain it seems was very human. Rick smiled.

"Thank you, we appreciate the offer and to be honest, we wouldn't have wanted anyone else to marry us. Goodnight Tasha" Chelsea replied in similar informal mode to that which her old friend had used. She stood up and hugged her CO, off-duty like this, it was not inappropriate to show her thanks this way.

Unlike Rick, Chelsea had a lot of history with Captain Tahir and although those days when Ryan had been CMO seemed so long in the past now, Tasha was a reminder of much water under the bridge for Chelsea. Old friends were always a comfort to have around at the momentous times and there was little more so than a wedding. Chelsea was honoured and glad that Tasha had offered rather than wait to be asked formally.

She smiled at Rick, feeling a little more reassured and slightly less nervous about the proceedings now.

Perhaps this was going to go okay after all.


CAG Squadron Leader
Lieutenant Commander Richard Dunham

Captain Tasha Tahir
CO - DS5


Cmdr Chelsea Adams
2CO & CMO - DS5