Unity – Who am I dealing with?
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace

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Title   Who am I dealing with?
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace
Posted   Thu Feb 11, 2010 @ 4:36am
Location   Security Office
Timeline   SD 17 - 01:25 (shortly after his meeting wtih Kreallia)
Gabriel continued to observe the holographic presentation before him, but his mind was elsewhere. The Romulan was becoming more and more of a problem to him. Her recently developed need to intrude into his psyche was bad enough, but now that she had receive Command-level authorization to question him was becoming too much to bare.

Something had to be done about the Romulan problem.

=/= "Commander Gabriel to Wallace, report to my office immediately" == He said as he contacted the Intelligence Officer thru a particular channel. Having been the former head of that department, Gabriel was sure that Wallace had not changed all of the protocols as of yet.

Jarred heard the page, while helping Dorian wasn't exactly forbidden it wasn't being encouraged either, like the Chief engineer he too had a couple of site to site transporter programs in the computer, but his were a little more covert, he keyed in a couple of commands and the transport cycle commenced. As he re-materialized he saw Dorian sitting at his desk, he could tell he was fuming over something. "What can I do for you?"

Gabriel look over his shoulder and saw the re-materialization of the Intelligence Officer. ~ This is getting ridiculous ~ Gabriel thought.

"In the future you will not beam into my office, there is a doorway for a reason." He said in a chastising tone. "Now, I have work to do so I'll get to the point." He said curtly.

"What do you know about our new Romulan?" He asked.

"Not enough, I haven't had time to review the bio file yet, but then again there are people attempting to blow up the station one section at a time." Jarred said with some sarcasm

"She is beginning to over-step her boundaries as a psychiatrist. Her incessant interference in my duties is becoming a serious problem and I would like to know who I am dealing with?" He stated.

"How long would it take for you to uncover any relevant information on her?" He inquired.

"Assuming that the Romulan ambassador doesn't start meddling, or we don't have another bombing I could have a bio file in a day." Jarred knew that wasn't fast enough for Dorian but his staff was stretched pretty thin as it was. ~Tough shit if that isn't fast enough~

"Fine, I expect a preliminary report within 12 hours." He replied. "If anybody from the Romulan embassy so much as asks a question in regards to your investigation, I'll handle them myself." He added.

"That'll be all" he said in a short manner.

"Uh, yeah" Jarred shook his head and walked out.


Lieutenant Commander
Dorian Gabriel
Chief of Security

Lieutenant Jarred Wallace