Judgement – Its Always the Quiet Ones
by Commander Isha t'Vaurek

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Title   Its Always the Quiet Ones
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Tue Nov 09, 2010 @ 7:11pm
Location   Romulan Embassy
Timeline   SD35/SD36. The wee hours.
I hope you've got a damned good reason for everything you're doing, Isha, else you'll be the one in t'Merek's place before you know it.

Deletham paused the recording there, Isha t'Khellian really had made an art form out of being an unreasonable, venomous harpy, he thought. This was just too beautiful for words.

The idea had occurred to him as soon as Deletham had discovered that Isha t'Khellian had left the embassy, rather than wait for it to be over. As her abscence stretched out he had gone to t'Merek because he wanted to see the extent of her wounds to assess if this plan was really going to be worth his effort. A few moments in the Arrain's company was long enough for him to conclude that it would be well worth it, it would be a masterpiece.

Always thorough, Deletham considered his action, and its result. He waited until the official, redacted report was issued and as he perused it, he found that it confirmed that he had been right.

It was unlikely that any of the three individuals to whom the uncensored report was directed would do more than glance at it, even if they did read it they would likely ignore the telling gulf between the official timestamps - a matter of staff discipline was hardly worth their - unless that was someone made it impossible for them to ignore.

Finally Deletham had to make certain that tr'Khellian could not find a way of evading his responsibilty. To that end, rather than raising the issue directly, Deletham sent his own report to straight to the Office of the Director of the Galae for urgent consideration.

The order to correct Isha t'Khellian for her lapse of duty would come to R'Vek tr'Khellian from above; he would not be permitted to ignore it.

All Deletham had to do was wait and watch.

Oh ... and to equip that room with a monitoring device.


An NPC brought to you by Louise, her slightly twisted mind, and the letters W,T and F.