Interlude – Darson's Feelings ... and Isha's War - Part 2
by Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Colonel James Darson

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Title   Darson's Feelings ... and Isha's War - Part 2
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Colonel James Darson
Posted   Tue Aug 31, 2010 @ 10:38am
Location   Romulan Consulate, Ambassador's Office
Timeline   SD29 unspecified

For the first time Isha felt the prickle of discomfort, unlike T’Pal she did not think that Darson was for hire. The only way he was going to help her was if it suited him … or if there was something that she could do in return.


“I do have a reason,” she admitted, “but I am not sure where to begin.” Isha glanced down at her hands for a moment before continuing in a more conversational tone, “You know that all my life a certain type of person has seen me and thought, mistakenly that I will be easy to manipulate. With rare exceptions they have soon understood the error of their initial assumption. Even those who continue to try take a step back when I am forced to retaliate. This time, however I find myself caught in a private war and it is not one of my making. If I did anything wrong it was to follow my nature and strike back. I find that I no longer have a move to make that will prevent it from becoming a public conflict, one which is in grave danger of escalating and sucking in others who I do not wish to see hurt.”

Darson kept his gaze on Isha and said coolly, “Then you have made a grave mistake in violating the second rule of private warfare…don’t let things drag on, because eventually it will escalate. And when it does, you might find yourself forced into a corner where the only available option is to use an unconscionable amount of force.”

There was a tense moment of silence between the two of them.

Darson’s thoughts rushed around inside his armored head. He had a good idea of what this war was about now, at least more so than he had had a couple of days ago. He had gone back through all the records he had, all the incidents that had occurred in public areas and the diplomatic offices. But he had hit the real motherlode the minute that he had accessed Isha’s head of security’s terminal. In there he had found the records of her investigations into the break-ins at the embassy. He had followed it through to its logical conclusion, and now had a pretty good picture of what was going on.

Vikar Gul Therak Getal…Darson could not fault him for his actions at the risk of being hypocritical. He had done as bad things or worse back in the day…but Getal had been sloppy. He failed to exert his domination over Isha…or had underestimated her anyway. And after she started pushing back, he had just gotten angrier. As Isha had said earlier, it was a simple emotion…one that could cause any manner of lapses in judgement.

But he wouldn’t betray that he knew. Not yet. He had to know how committed Isha was to ending this little war…and if he was reading her correctly, she might even be ready, “Isha,” he said calmly, “If you’re going to war with somebody and there’s a risk of the populace getting hurt, I can’t sit idly by. So tell me. Tell me everything about this war…what’s happened, who’s involved…everything.”

He was judging her already, Isha thought, just like tr’Vainlli had done when she spoke with him. She continued to stare at Darson for a moment before she spoke. “It started with a game of kotra,” she said eventually. “Very shortly after I returned to deep space five Getal visited me in my embassy, now I think on it I believe he actually expected to find Rh’vaurek there. We had a perfectly amiable discussion structured through the game we played. Perhaps I failed to show enough enthusiasm about the plan he outlined, the Elements know the man has no patience! I had to think about it.” Isha paused and rolled her lower lip between her teeth as she stared at Darson again. Isha blinked slowly, she was getting deeper and deeper into a world that operated under different rules from the one she was used to.

Isha wondered if she took this step would she ever be able to get out of it.

“Before I continue, you need to understand a little more about my position,” Isha told him eventually.

“Your position?” He said in a curious tone, wondering if she was referring to her position diplomatically onboard the station, with regard to her place in the Romulan Chain of Command, or her personal relationships with some of the more unscrupulous people on board. He kept his eye on her as she walked, making sure she wasn’t going for something to throw at him.

Isha got to her feet as he spoke and walked to the other end of her office. When she returned she was carrying a flat black box and a padd. Isha sat once more and after smoothing her skirt she rested the box on her knees, the padd she laid beside her on the sofa. “As I am sure you are aware the Tal’Shiar has a very strong presence on this starbase, the fact alone that the Deputy Director of its Special Operations Division has taken up permanent residence should indicate the level and intensity of that presence. The last ambassador, Maec tr’Liun was a liability and chosen precisely because he was open to manipulation by the Tal’Shiar, he soon stopped representing the interests of the civilian government and ignoring Tal’Shiar activity.

Darson nodded, “I wouldn’t be doing my job properly if I wasn’t. And I just want to let you know that I am…less than enthused by it. But…so long as they stay quiet, I am technically not required to do anything about it. None the less I get your point. tr’liun…the man was before my time. Read the intelligence reports on him, but never met him in person. I can guess though what happened to him. Liabilities have a tendency to…go missing.”

“The Continuing Committee directly appointed me to replace him, I have a reputation for being incorruptible and in addition Rh’vaurek and I have a very long and varied history of interaction – I am in a quite unique position,” she added as she traced her fingertips over the leather bound box. “As much as he perceives at as his job to keep me in line, it is mine to curb Rh’vaurek’s activities where they deviate from official policy. I am here to counterbalance the influence the Tal’Shiar have here.”

Darson actually chuckled a little bit at that statement, “Really. You’re here to curb Rh’vaurek’s actions? Thank god for that I suppose. I don’t think he’s one much for toting the party line, so to speak. You say the Continuing Committee appointed you here directly? Unusual, from what I know of Romulan protocol. And weren’t you already on this station in some capacity…some journalist posting, or something like that?”

Isha’s cheeks dimpled very slightly as she repressed a smirk, “First we had to be sure that Liun was part of the problem. To ensure that, I needed a reason to be here, one that did not require me to bring a whole retinue. Its not the first time I have played that role, I first suggested the persona about a decade ago and within a day ever central database in the galaxy was inserted with a body of my 'work' as a journalist, instant history and credentials. It was quite something to know that that could be done. Anyway, it gave me leeway to see for myself what was going on without alerting the sitting ambassador. Rh’vaurek saw through me, but then he would, he knows me very well. He tried to warn me off several times, and perhaps,” Isha said wistfully, “I would be better off if I had listened to him … but leaving was never an option for me. So, he let me play the game, that’s how he views it, so do I, I suppose. Its just like the Senate but with fewer knives,” she observed with a slight chuckle in her throat. “And that is as far as I went, I stayed in the light where I understand the rules and Rh’vaurek made sure that nothing came out of the dark that I could not handle.”

Isha had not missed that Darson was sceptical of her claim about the Continuing Committee, indeed it was a claim that anyone could make, and possibly he had heard the unsubstantiated boast too many times before to believe it, but in Isha’s case …

Isha flipped open the box and held it out so that he could see what it contained. She did not know if Darson could read Rihannsu script so she told him what was written on the flat silvered disk, “It states that I am appointed by and answerable only to the Continuing Committee. It grants me rights of access to all sovereign territory, the right to demand assistance of Rihannsu citizens wherever they should be and it conveys on me the right to use whatever methods I deem necessary within or without the laws of the Stelam Shiar in order to perform my task. Oddly contradictory when you consider that the very fact of me telling you this counts as treason,” Isha allowed herself a sigh.

Darson leaned forward and caressed the box with a gloved hand, taking care to not directly touch the disk inside as if it carried a curse, “Amazing,” he said in a flat tone that carried with it some semblance of awe…or maybe just desire for the shiny thing in his view.

“I’ve heard rumors about something like this,” he said quietly, turning his gaze back to Isha, “But I’ve never seen one in person before. I think I have a little bit better of an understanding now about your ‘position’. Please go on.”


Colonel James Darson
Marine Commanding Officer
6th Combined Operations Group
Deep Space 5

Ambassador Isha e-Khellian i-Ramnau t'Illialhlae