Incommunicado – Adjustment refined
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Rakka & Lieutenant Tom Rodriguez & Alderman Dorian Gabriel

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Title   Adjustment refined
Mission   Incommunicado
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Rakka & Lieutenant Tom Rodriguez & Alderman Dorian Gabriel
Posted   Mon Jul 09, 2012 @ 4:25pm
Location   COs Quarters / Chiefs Security Office
Timeline   SD58 07:00 (Before the Staff Meeting)
She shivered as she stepped out of the shower, a genuine gravity fed water shower that one of the few privileges of command and a left over from O'Dowd that Tasha allowed herself the indulgence of just once per week. The temperature had felt cooler than normal, but it was still the thirty four point five degrees it always was and so she put it down to ambient temperatures.

Wrapping the smaller towel around her head in a fashion she was accustomed to, she then encompassed herself in the second towel whilst preparing her uniform for the day and also sending messages for meeting to various department heads, First on her agenda however, were Trellis, Rodriguez and Rakka.

"Computer, signal all security staff to be present for a departmental meeting at 07:30 in the Chief Security officers office. Include Commander Rakka in the request." She ordered as she removed the towel from her head and rubbed vigorously at her dark hair, runing her fingers through it as she did so.

The computer acknowledged her command with a chirp. There then followed similar messages to Operations, Engineering, Flight, Intelligence and Medical as Tasha dressed and finished her uniform off with a larger than normal bright red hair band holding her still damp hair in place.and left her quarters.

Meanwhile, in Petro's quarters, Rakka was jolted awake from her nap when the invitation came her way. Quickly she smoothed her uniform and her wild mop of hair before dashing off to her first official meeting at DS5, wanting to be especially punctual to set a good impression.

{Security Holding Cells}

Trellis was rubbing the side of his temples, counter-spots-wise. He was trying to maintain his sense of patience and restraint. He wanted to just shoot the man and get it over with, but then he'd have EVEN more paperwork to deal with.

"I told you that a legal representative will be available to speak to you when they get to you. The lack of external communication has affected the ability to contact Federation Legal Aid." Trellis responded.

"I don't need a damn hack of a lawyer! I am a Federation citizen, I have rights!" Dorian responded from within his cell. "I exercise my rights and I'm put in jail because of those Romulan bastards!" He added angrily.

"You will sit in that cell unless and until you either plead to the charge of Inciting a Riot or your trial date is set." Trellis replied.

"Wait. . .why am I even having this discussion with you? You are 2nd fiddle to the new Department Chief." Dorian said, changing tactics. "Evidently you *FAILED* this job interview if Captain Tahir had to go OFF station to find your replacement." Dorian said with some form of pleasure. Word around the station was that a new person would replace the battered Assistant Chief, but that person hadn't taken office yet.

"I guess maybe I'll sit here and wait for the REAL boss to arrive." Dorian stated as he walked back to his bunk and sat down, staring intently towards the other man.

Anger simmered throughout Si'Lar Trellis. It took everything he had in him to not lower the field and step inside of the cell with the insolent bastard. He wasn't going to let the simpleton bait him. Instead, he merely turned and walked out of the cell towards his office. . .and the bottle in his office. . .

== 25 minutes later - Chief Security Officers Office ==

Tasha was surprised to find Rakka, Trellis and Rodriguez already waiting for her as she entered.

"Good morning." She said as she moved to Rodriguez' side.

"Captain," Rakka acknowledged.

"Glad you could make it." Tasha said to Nausicaan, unsure of how the position she was about to bestow Rakka into would go down with the Acting Chief and the new security officer.

Rakka nodded politely, and glanced around at the unfamiliar Security staff, silently evaluating them.

Trellis politely nodded to the other security officers. Although he was assigned to the Docking bays, he was familiar with Commander Rakka during her tenure as the Security Chief. Her returned to the station was not a very well-kept secret considering she was the only Nausicaan to don the Starfleet uniform.

~She's probably here to take back the job that had been offered to everybody else on this damn station~ Trellis thought to himself as he sat several chairs down from the gathered group.

That bottle he had left in his office would be perfect at this moment.

Tasha dragged across the nearest chair and placed it close to the main desk where Trellis sat and eased herself into the seat. She looked up at the tall Civilian Specialist, unsure if he was going to sit or remain standing. She took a breath and held it for a moment.

"Firstly, I'd like to introduce you to Lieutenant Tom Rodriguez, our new Civilian Order specialist." She said looking back up to Rodriguez before her eyes fell briefly onto Trellis. His eyes remained locked forward and she knew that he would still be feeling rather annoyed at being passed over.

"Hello everyone." Tom said as he took his seat waiting for the briefing to begin he was glad to be the new civilian order specialist he asked, "What is the mission Captain?" politely.

Tahir looked at him for a moment. "We'll get to that shortly." She advised now turning her attention to the security personnel.

It was bad enough when Giruana steeped in a few days previously, but already a new chief was being dispatched and pushed him further out of the circle and then there was Commander Rakka, who would make him feel less at ease. With that, her eye moved from Trellis to Rakka. "And we also welcome back Commander Rakka, whom I am sure most of you will remember. " Tasha didn't leave too a long a pause, wanting to assure the team that Rakka was not about to take over he show. "Commander Rakka will be working with security as a both a trainer and Consultant." She advised as she adjusted her headband as if to draw attention away from the Nausicaan momentarily.

"Perhaps she can start by training that Terran Baboon we have sitting in the brig," Trellis said with a slight slur in his voice while referring to Gabriel. Recognizing that his comment was not within the confines of his head, he quickly responded. "I-- uh. .I apologize Captain." He recovered.

Tahir gave a nod accepting his apology but was not entirely sure to whom he was referring to or why he had apolgised and proceeded.

Rakka hadn't shown any reaction to the Captain's announcement of her new position, but now she straightened, her chair shifting noisily, and she turned her body to face Trellis. Her keen predator's sense of smell hadn't missed the vague scent of some spirituous beverage in the room, and now she had a fair guess as to its origin. So this was what had become of her Security department since she had been away?!

"Lieutenant," the Nausicaan said evenly, fixing him with the deadly dark gaze of a shark smelling blood in the water, "are you under the influence of alcohol?"

Trellis' focus was not on the larger Nausicaan in the room when she turned to speak to him. It was only the final portion of her sentence that he picked up on.

"Hmm? Uhh what? Influence?" He tried to piece together. "I am perfectly fine, Commander. I-I- I am not under the influence of anything at the moment." Trellis replied.

Rakka bristled at his stammerings. "Do you mean to say," she snarled, "that you have not been drinking, despite the smell on you and your inability to get out a coherent sentence?"

"I'm sorry Commander, but I fail to appreciate the import of your concern." Trellis replied stiffly. "I am. . .am. . .perfectly capable of speaking coherently." He stated matter-of-factually. "Now, I believe the Captain was going to brief us." He said, attempting to shift the focus away from him.

Rakka, turned to Captain Tahir as she gestured to Trellis with an incredulous expression that seemed to say, 'Can you believe this?' "Captain, I must protest--this is intolerable!" she exclaimed.

Tasha found herself in turmoil. She was about to ask Trellis to retake the Chiefs role but if he had been drinking, that could influence her decision.

Her brow furrowed as she asked eased herself closer to Trellis firstly to smell for herself and to keep the question quiet so as not to have the other officers concerned for their 'Boss'. Her hands went firmly to the desk and her nose may not have been as sharp as Rakkas, but she could not smell alcohol on him, though there was an aroma of something she could not distinguish.

"Lieutenant, have you been drinking?" She asked.

Trellis was taken aback. "CapCaptain, I do not see the relevance in any of this! I am perfectly capable of handling my job responsibilities!" Trellis replied indignantly. "I performed an adequate job with this department thus far." he said defensively.

Tasha nodded in agreement, he had done a fine job and had been passed over and that was enough to set someone on edge, but she was not sure if he had indeed been drinking, but he was certainly not free from something.

"But you have not answered my question. Have you been drinking?" She asked again.

Frustratedly he replied, "If I did decide to have a drink, then I was fully within regulations, Captain." He said quickly. "Regulations prohibit an officer from becoming intoxicated while on duty." He cited. "I am not intoxicated, nor did I consumed alcohol *before* I came on duty." He stated defensively.

"Very well, Lieutenant, but as soon as we are done both here and in the next meeting, I would like you to see the doctor." She commanded as she eased herself slowly back to an upright position in the chair.

Trellis brow furrowed as he leaned back and observed the other participants in the meeting.

Rakka settled back in her chair, somewhat mollified by Tahir's response. She knew she hadn't made a friend of Trellis today, but she wasn't crazy about his attitude, and she was quite accustomed to being unpopular for her fiercely strict adherence to regulations. Being an upstanding officer was far more important to her than being liked.

Tasha stood and briefed the assembled security teams, before handing the floor back to Trellis and Rakka, looking at them both very carefully, before retaking her seat.
She was sure that the department would rise to the needs of the station, but even more so that there was now a stability back in it. She was not so sure how Dorian would feel about his old sparring partner returning once he knew Rakka was aboard, but then again, she had an inkling, he already knew.

The Captain took a small breath.
"Officers, I give you your Chief of Security, Lieutenant Trellis." She said the words with clarity, keeping her voice level. ~ As long as the doctor passes him fit for duty ~ She thought as she had not missed out on his remark that he had not consumed alcohol BEFORE coming on duty, so in his own words he must have taken something whilst ON duty. She gave a knowing and grateful nod to Rakka whilst Trellis rose and she retook her seat.

Rakka blinked silently at Trellis for a few moments, and then gave as respectful a nod as she could muster. As much as she doubted this man's ability to handle the position, she was not in the habit of arguing with the chain of command.

"Thank you Captain." Trellis said, attempting to ignore the glares he was receiving from Rakka and the recent addition Rodrigeuz. "As of right now, the curfew on the promenade is still in effect. I anticipate that the area will return to normal now that both sides have had time to focus their energies elsewhere." He said as he pressed a button on the console before him bringing the larger screen to life.

"We currently have in custody a Romulan citizen as well as Federation citizen, Dorian Gabriel. I anticipate that the Romulan Ambassador will be in contact with you, Captain, or come here directly to petition the citizen's release." he informed the group.

Rakka glanced around the room. She cleared her throat. "What's the background on the Romulan?" she asked.

"From what I have gathered from her custodial interview, his name is J'Tar tr'Khellian." Trellis responded.

"Hrrrrm," Rakka mused. "A familiar name...."

"Yes, that is correct, he is related to both Commander Monteros as well as Romulan Ambassador Isha tr'Khellian." Trellis said recognizing the diplomatic implications of placing such a citizen under arrest. "He was placed under arrest for physically assaulting a Federation citizen during the near-riot that took place on the promenade." Trellis added "needless to say, Commander Monteros was not happy with the subsequent action taken by this department." The Lieutenant said.

"Well, the Romulan politics clearly haven't improved since I've been away," Rakka growled. "Personally I don't give a damn what Ms. Monteros or the great Isha tr'Khellian think--Romulans will never be above the law! But I suppose it's up to Captain Tahir to deal with the Ambassador..."

The Captain looked up at the direct mention of her name by Rakka and her eyes went skywards as she shook her head.
"Not at all. We have a diplomatic department to deal with the necessary." She said dismissively. "As long as the ambassadors kin is legally detained then any demand for his release will be dismissed, but then again, it has nothing to do with the Romulan Ambassador, nor Miss Monteros." Tasha explained as her hands folded and unfolded several times during her brief response.

Tasha was not sure if she could class Isha as a friend any longer, their relationship had gone from friendship, to acquaintances to Captain and Ambassador in just a few short months. As for Rianni, their friendship had simmered and cooled also.
"What of Mr Gabriel. What has he been incarcerated for?" Tasha questioned in a lower tone.

"Dorian Gabriel has been charged with inciting a riot and I intend on keeping him in confinement until a Federation Magistrate can arrive on the station to deal with him." Trellis said angrily. It was bad enough that the man tarnished the reputation of Starfleet by killing a Romulan, but now his anti-human rhetoric had put other lives in danger. In the Trill's mind, a simple court-martial was too good for him.

"So long as 'deal with' means, at minimum, 'remove from station', I think I will be satisfied," Rakka snarled. "Securing this place is hard enough without one who is supposedly our own creating extra chaos!"

With that, Trellis sat down and gave the floor back to Captain Tahir.

Tasha really didn't know how to respond. She heard that Trellis had a deep seated hatred of his Chief, but she never realised until now just how much. Rakka on the other hand, Tasha knew she hid no love for Gabriel but she still felt that his trial had been a farce and her handling of the matter had not helped in any way.
Never the less, she stood and nodded her gratitude to Trellis for his report and chose to ignore the first part of Rakkas' remark.

"Thank you Lieutenant Trellis and as Rakka stated, we must make our goal securing this station, even more so with what is currently blocking transmissions to and from this station. I want to thank you all for doing the best you can in the current situation. Panic will spark a riot in an instant, as it did yesterday. Just remember, people are on edge, unsure and frightened and your job is to insure their safety and that of the station." The captain said in closing and stepped back from the table turning to both to Trellis and Rakka.

"Lieutenant, can you dismiss the staff. We have another meeting to attend." She stated in a hushed voice as she made her way back to her chair and stood behind it, keen to be on time for the next meeting.

Trellis nodded as he stood from the table. "I will keep you informed on any updates." Trellis said.

Captain Tasha Tahir

Si'Lar Trellis
Acting Chief of Security

Commander Rakka
Security Consultant/Trainer