Judgement – Lift Relations
by Commander Richard Dunham & Cardassian Glen Sulla Parek

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Title   Lift Relations
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Commander Richard Dunham & Cardassian Glen Sulla Parek
Posted   Mon Feb 07, 2011 @ 7:13pm
Location   Turbo Lift 14
Timeline   Backpost

Dunham waited patiently outside the door to the turbo lift. He was whistling to himself a little tune, and enjoying his own company. He smiled contently. Though the state of affairs on the station were low, Dunham's own little world was in a good state. No, a great state. Soon the ping of noise that comes from the turbo lift arriving chimed, and the doors opened. Rick stepped into the lift. However he was not alone, he standing next to a Cardassian. And it wasn't one he recognised. He smiled and nodded a greeting politely.

Standing in the turbolift, Parek was holding a PaDD with his accreditation from the Cardassian Government, and was psyching himself up for his first meeting with the Cardassian Ambassador to the station. As the lift slowed and the doors opened, allowing a human entry, Parek returned the nod with a slight smile.

"What ever it is....it can't be that bad." said Dunham with a friendly smile to the only slightly nervous looking Cardassian. "Deck Ten." He then said to the computer. The Turbo lift was then quickly on its way again with its two passengers.

'It's the first meeting with my superior,' replied Parek with a brief, nervous smile. Turning back to the turbolift doors, he watched the panel above them ticking away the floors. Briefly he wondered what was on Deck 10.

"Your superior, doesn't happen to be the Cardassian ambassador to Deep Space Five does he?" said Dunham with a sad smile on his face.

'The one and the same,' replied Parek with the same smile, 'I hear he's built himself quite a reputation on board the station during his stay.' Truth was, he had a reputation back home on Cardassia as well. Parek shook his head, 'I believe so long as I keep my head down, I should be out of harm's way, as you say.'

Dunham nodded in agreement to what the Cardassian was saying, he seemed a nice fellow. "He certainly is one of the old school, pre-war mentality, if you know what I mean." Dunham smiled a little uncertainly.

'The Vi'Kar Gul ...,' Parek paused. 'He is certainly unique,' he conceded diplomatically, 'but there are many on Cardassia who admire his ability to get things done.' He extended his hand, 'Glen Sulla Parek. The Ambassador's Aide. And you?'

Rick shook the hand with a smile. "Lieutenant Commander Richard Dunham, station's Wing Commander. So ambassador's aide eh? Good luck with that," said Rick with another smile and a bit of a chuckle. "You know you would probably get in trouble for talking with me, we don't get on, he had me thrown in jail once." Though Rick thought to himself that the ambassadors aid would probably get in trouble for speaking with any of the Starfleet personnel on the station. His boss did not make friends.

'He threw you in jail?' asked Parek inquisitively as he let go of the Wing Commander's hand. His heart sank as he began assembling more information about his superior. It seemed this would be a difficult assignment.

"Yeah..." said the pilot sadly. "I can understand why he did, it was just unnecessary" Rick had a sad smile on his face. "I blew up a Cardassian freighter, long story but basically it had bad guys on it on a collusion course with the station, nobody was hurt...but," Rick shrugged, "I get the feeling he was just using it as an excuse to get something else."

'Military men often have to make difficult decisions,' replied Parek, looking down at his feet for a moment. 'It is curious that no report of that incident was given to the Cardassian people at large - an indicator, perhaps, that ties are improving. Doubtless some would seek to drive a wedge between our two governments by using the incident for their own ends.'

Dunham chuckled to himself and grinned, he gave the cardassian a friendly slap on the back "Oh that's brilliant." Said Rick with another chuckle. "You will go far I'm sure sir. I don't know much about politics, but that to me was the perfect diplomatic answer." Rick then thrust his hands in his pocket and tilted back on forth on the balls of his feet as he waited for the lift to arrive at its destination. "Though on this station its hard to stay out of politics. I do make an effort to try though."

Parek inclined his head, 'I'm sure as a military man you're slightly uncomfortable with the double-handedness of political intrigue.' He shrugged, 'at least, that is the impression I receive upon meeting officers of Starfleet. We Cardassians however,' he jabbed a thumb at his chest and sighed, 'we know how to play the game from an early age. It is a brutal culture. Though few are as brutal as Getal,' it was a mild criticism of the Vi'Kar Gul, but for Parek, one that was unnerving to voice. It still did not bode well in Cardassian society for one to say such things. He paused. 'Please, do not repeat that last comment.'

"Of course not." said Rick with a nod of his head. "I wont breath a word." Dunham then had a thought, he had some adivse to give, "look if you want to get to know about your boss a bit more head down to the box of delights and have a chat with Yolanthe Ibalin, she owns and run the bar I've heard that your boss has been in there a few times. So maybe she will have an insight."

'I'll take that into consideration, Commander,' nodded Parek. Glancing at his PaDD once more he took a moment to familiarise himself with his route. It would not do to get lost on the way now. 'And yourself? What is the preferred ... ah, 'watering-hole' for the Starfleet officers aboard?'

Rick smiled at the old earth use of language.The Cardassian certainly knew his stuff. "I would say probably the Red Lion. Most of the fleeter types are in there over the course of the day, and it accommodates our bizarre shift patterns by being open twenty four hours a day, but it is also all sorts in there, though not a diverse as the Box of Delights, you should swing by sometime." he smiled again in a friendly manner.

Nodding Parek looked at the man again, 'I will endeavour to do so, sir.' He paused a moment, considering his next question, 'what is the relationship like between Starfleet and the Cardassian staff aboard this facility? Is it typical of what it has been this past decade?'

The lift stopped, arriving at its destination. The doors opened. Rick began to step out before answering. Then he stopped and turned. "You will have to check the computer database for that I am afraid. I can only speak on a personal, non-official capacity on that matter, and it is the opinion of this pilot that Relations with the Cardassian government and the Federation on Deep Space Five are worst than anywhere else in the quadrant. Have a nice day sir." Rick smiled as he departed the lift.

'Ah,' was all Parek managed to say as the doors closed. Crestfallen, he looked down at the floor for the remainder of his journey, acknowledging people only as they entered the lift. This could turn out to be a long assignment indeed.


Lieutenant Commander Richard Dunham
Deep Space Five

Glen Sulla Parek
Cardassian Ambassador's Aide
Deep Space Five