Interlude – Fianchetto
by Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Cardassian Gilnn Denat Meran

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Title   Fianchetto
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Cardassian Gilnn Denat Meran
Posted   Sat Oct 09, 2010 @ 8:52pm
Location   Box of Delights
Timeline   SD31: Early Morning

Denat rose from his chamber early, A sudden flashback to his encounter with Isha prompted him to get the Kotra piece inside Tharek's special Kanar bottle. He changed quickly into his uniform and disclosed the delicate jewel from a compartment where it had been hiden from the station. Quickly, he drew his disruptor from his holster and placed the piece in the barrel, then returned it back to its position. He left his quarters in a mess, but reassured himself that he would tidy it later. "Promenade." Denat declared, unaware of how he got to the turbolift so quickly; and surprised when he saw the Promenade before his eyes.

The quiet early morning with few folk passing along the boulevards, with only the charming hum of dampeners and relays to sing into the ears of people, and on occasion, to be disturbed quietly by murmurs of some speaking to others in the distance.

Denat walked, or rather strolled along the empty street towards the watering hole, that many classed as the place to be: "The Box of Delights"

Denat stopped just in front of the building, watching Yolanthe struggle with a shutter on the front. He joined her and assisted her in opening the defiant shutter. "Need a hand?" Denat asked, not expecting an answer.

Yolanthe breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank you!" For a moment they heaved, and then the recalcitrant gate finally slammed upwards into its housing. "I think there must be vole droppings in the motor. Bloody things. When I find out who set them loose in here I'm going to serve her - or him - up as bar snacks."

She dusted her palms on the back of her trousers. "Raktajino before you endure another day keeping your boss secure?"

"Cor! That would be lovely Yolanthe!" Denat lit up, to conceal his motive. "Any thing new since the fight?" Denat moved behind the bar, and stood in Yolanthes favourite postion. "Mind if I pour?"

She sank down onto a stool in front of the bar. "Please." She'd hardly slept, worrying about Schrödinger, and was only in the bar so early for a distraction. "Rakt is in the pot in that cupboard." She pointed. "Milks are in that chiller to your left. Know how to work a barista?" She nodded at the large machine that steamed, percolated, boiled and infused many of the hot drinks on the menu.

"No." He chuckled. "I'll figure it, with your help."

She explained the workings and let him lose, hoping he wouldn't hurt himself doing so.

He worked the various nozzles and hitches that blew large steam and poured a raktijino through a small whole at the bottom of the barista. He pulled a small cup to his mouth and sipped a small amount. "Oooh, lovely." He grasped the cup with both hands and hugged it with a smile. "Like one?" He asked Yolanthe, noticing her fatigue."

"Normally I would say no, but.." She trailed off, looking at her hands. She was a pale grey. "There's jacarine peel in a box in the chiller under the kanar over there. two strips please."

Denat crouched below the counter and opened the chiller. A chilly mist escaped from it and suttle sounds of the pressure adjusting felt warm. He moved a few bottles of chilly liquid to sides to find the Jacarine. He felt a fmailiar bottle suddnely.

He looked at the design and recognized the familiar pattern of Tharek's Kanar bottle. He knew it was Tharek's because the swirl that ascends the throat was counter-clockwise, whereas all other Kanar bottles swirl the opposite direction. Quickly, he slid a small transport chip from his cuff and fastened it to the bottle. Luckily, the Jacerine peel was behind it and was easier to get to.

He brought it out from the chiller and rested it onto the counter, where Yolanthe had begun to play with some tassles of her hair. He lifted the lid on the cold box and found the Jacarine as Yolanthe informed. Two strips as ordered were put onto a plate and pushed toward Yolanthe.

"You angel." She took one of the strips and dipped it in her drink, sucking the raktajino off, and dropped the other in the cup. "I Know, disgusting, but it gives it a bit more bite." She put the strip of fruit skin in her saucer. "How are you doing? Settling In?"

"Yes, it's good, long hours, no pay for overtime, but it gives me a purpose." He smiled, trying to look like he did in fact enjoy the job.

She wasn't fooled, and gave his hand a squeeze. “You need a spell in one of my holosuites. I have Hoobitian baths, Antarian foot massage. I've even got a replica of a geothermal rock spa on Cardassia Prime. That should make you feel relaxed in no time.” She gave him a small smile. “And if that fails, I can drown you in kanar. Relaxation guaranteed, though I don't envy you the morning after.”

"oh really?" Denat became intrigued. Maybe a small dip in a pool of mud could relieve some tension, and yet, he could take Yolanthe's offer of drowning in Kanar. "Well. I look forward to some off-time." He said. " when is the next one free?" He asked.

She took a mouthful of raktajino and closed her eyes in bliss, her skin tinting to dark blue for a moment . "Well, since I'm not technically open you could jump in a suite right now, or if you don't have time before work, I can hold one for you tonight, or whenever you'd like." She dipped the fruit peel in her drink again. "Your wish is my command."

"Hold one for tonight." Denat asked. "I'll be here whenever I get off of my shift."

"No sooner said than done." She replied. "Don't worry about a thing. I always take good care of my customers."

"I know you do, Yolanthe." Denat replied with appreciation. But he could not help but think about the transceiver he had planted on the Kanar bottle. It remained a constant thought in his head, and serious problems if it were discovered. "See you soon then?" Denat felt he should make himself scarce. It would be easier for him if he were no where near the box if the transceiver was discovered.

"Looking forward to it." The tall woman put her cup down and walked him to the door. "Take care, Denat. See you soon."

"See you soon, love" Denat said, politely.


A joint post by:

Gilnn Denat Meran
Chief Cardassian Embassy Security Officer


Yolanthe Ibalin
Owner and Bartender, The Box of Delights