Beg, Steal or Borrow – A New Home
by Ensign Elisha Royce

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Title   A New Home
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Ensign Elisha Royce
Posted   Wed Aug 05, 2009 @ 4:55pm
Location   Deck 25
Timeline   SD9 12.45
Elisha found his way to room 2515. Knowing that the ship's sensors detected his presence, he stood at the door and waited for it to auto open. A few seconds went by, more then the usual. Just as he began to head to the quarter master's office, the chimes went off.

The doors opened. As he walked in, he was pleased by the size of his room, which was at lest twice the size that of a star ship's. Though the furniture was common, with some of his flare and decor, this would be the ultimate pad within a few days when the rest of his things get here.

Realizing he was home, he rested his bags by the bed., which he was already thinking to separate from the rest of the room with a beaded partition. He opened up his large bag and began to place some of his personal affects on the night desk to his right. His daily face cream, three trophies, two gold medals, and a three section fold out picture frame. He looked at them with a smile, as they brought back memories of the good days with his family.

The left picture was of him and his father, a tall, brown skinned human male holding a younger Elisha around the neck as he held his first trophies for speed cycling. Elisha laughed when he remembered that his father was more excited them him, and that he thought he was going to brake his neck in that picture.

The middle photo was that of his whole family, out on the town, back home in New Miami, which consisted of him, at about sixteen in the middle of all of them, his father, Elvin and his mother, Diana, whom he had got his green eyes from. His older brother, John-Paul, who had just graduated from the academy and was in his star-fleet uniform, gold trimmed. His younger sister, Gwen, who could not have been no more then ten when they took the picture. And of course, the family border collie, Willy, who seemed to make his way into more then a few family pictures. He did not know who liked his picture taken more, him or the dog...Elisha laughed out loud.

The last picture was a shot of just his parents when they where young, way before he was born. His father, a young handsome mahogany colored man with a great smile in his Star-fleet red.
And his mother, a beautiful brunette with large bright green eyes, dressed in her gold. The close up shot revealed the beach in the background. They held each other close as they looked into the camera cheek to cheek. Their closeness was charming for all to see.

His thoughts drifted back into the present as he stud up from his bed. He had only a few hours before he had to report to the station's commanding officer and the department head. With in a half hour he was all squared away. He sat at the computer and began going over the station. Reading about details that only operations or engineering would be interested in.

After downloading some information onto his service PPAD, Elisha looked out the window and got a view. It was magnificent. The giant blue and green nebula cloud presently out side his window seemed as if it covered the whole galaxy. The great thing was that it would change as the station turned, and then would come back again. He liked this station already. But then again he thought to himself, ~with Klingons, Romulans and Cardassians all in one place, there was bound to be trouble a head. But who knows, made we can all get along, out in the middle of nowhere, deep in the vastness of space~.

Once gain he laughed at himself.

~”Oh Elisha, you are such a dreamer~”.